Free Online Training: Exposed. How YOU Can Tap Into The $6.8 Billion Dollar Industry.

(Absolutely No Experience Needed!)


Discover how you can get started even if you are a complete newbie!

How to get started with affiliate marketing for begginners

Hey Awesome College Student and 

Future Online Entrepreneur!

I am Roopesh. I would like to share

something special with you.

Take a look at my very first commission,

that I made with Wealthy Affiliate.

It was back in August 2016.

Is wealthy affiliate a scam? Here is proof that it works

If I can earn passive income online, then I know you can too!

Are You Tired and Frustrated of Looking for a Way to Make Money online? There is Hope...

Dear Aspiring College Student

I hope that you are doing well? Hope that all your studies are going well?

Are you looking for a way to make some money over your summer vacation? Maybe you are looking at buying a new car, or if things are a bit more serious, you may want to find a way to pay off that dreaded ‘student loan.’

Let’s face it no-one likes a ‘debt-cloud’ hanging over their heads...Well whatever it is, you are looking to make money for yourself,,, right?

Today, I am going to help you. However, I am NOT going to show you a ‘list of top 10 online jobs,’ that you should sign up to. In fact, I am NOT even going to show you ANY online job!

Then what am I going to be talking about?….. I am going to show you a way to start your own online business.

You see whilst I got nothing against ‘JOBS’ whether it’s an online job, or a traditional physical job, the fact is, that it’s still a job…once you stop working, you stop earning..that means that if you are looking to pay off your loan, or buy your car, or have extra spending money to have a really great vacation, you are limited….in terms of how much you can make.

That is why I would like to show you a way on how you can start your own online business. A business that can earn you money whilst you are studying. A business with passive income potential..An affiliate marketing business...does that sound great?

Now I know that you may have some concerns. You thinking that ‘you don't have the time to do this, as you are bombarded by all the study...or you think, that you might not be ‘technically savvy’ to start...or that you might be scammed… or that it might get yourself into more debt…..

It’s normal to have these feelings...I had them too when I started out as a pharmacist, where I knew nothing at all about the internet.

On this page, you are going to see exactly how an affiliate marketing business can BENEFIT YOU.

I am going to introduce you to an awesome teaching platform that I joined, and helped me to become an online success…

And lastly, you are going to see REAL TESTIMONIALS, you will read about one of my friends, who dropped out of college and went on to earn a full-time income from this business….

Not to say that you should drop out….

Nope, but hey, if your business does well, then you have options…….allow me to introduce you to this business teaching platform.



Wealthy Affiliate is a fully-fledged teaching platform that helps you to get started with your very own online business. It's not just a website builder or a simple step-by-step course, it's much more. To help you build a solid foundation, they have top notch training, state of the art business tools, around the clock support and most importantly a one-of-a-kind  helpful community to ensure your success. The end result is having a rewarding passive income business that you can be proud of!

Free Starter Membership! Test Drive WA now !

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up

What is Affiliate Marketing

The course covers the complete 4 Step Process that you need to apply, in order to have a profitable affiliate marketing business.

  • Step One : You need help to find a niche or topic for your website. It can be a hobby or passion. The training and interactive community will help you to get started onto the right path.
  • Step Two : You need to build  a website. Don't stress, WA has a powerful website builder that will help you get a website framework in under 30 seconds!
  • Step Three : What is the point of having a good looking website if you have no idea on how to get people to visit it? WA teaches you how to implement both free and paid traffic methods. You will learn the fundamentals of  SEO, YouTube, Social Media, PPC. They will show you how to implement these ways, to building your brand and getting maximum exposure.
  • Step Four :  Of course, it all boils down to this point. The point where you earn your all important revenue for your well-deserved hard work.

What do you get after signing up? There are 5 LEVELS consisting of 10 lessons each. As a free member you get access to the complete first level. As a premium member, you get access to all 5 levels.

How long will it take you to complete the WA Course? There is no time limit. It really depends all on you. If you have other commitments like you need to focus on your studies, then you can always come back when you are free. The important thing to remember, is that you are working towards building yourself an online legacy. 

You know what they say, "Rome was not built in a day..." Don't Rush Great Things.

BENEFIT ONE: You Do Not Need Any Experience to Get Started!

I was a complete newbie to this internet business. I am a pharmacist by profession, so everything was foreign and a bit intimidating at first . All I knew is that I wanted to have a better life and that I had to try something different. With Wealthy Affiliate, the lessons were easy to follow.

So do not worry if you're NOT technically can still do this.

BENEFIT TWO: You Will Have All the Tools Under One Roof!

Do you have to buy extra software, learning material or subscribe for extra courses? As a Wealthy Affiliate Member, all the tools like the flagship educational modules, website builders, hosting, daily-back ups, site protection, etc, are included in the price.

How to get started with affiliate marketing business goals

Your only additional expense, initially, when you join, will be your domain name...that is around 13 bucks! 

BENEFIT THREE: No need to Recruit or do any Door-to-Door selling!

You do not need to enroll a single person to make money with affiliate marketing. You do not even have to speak to anyone.Cool right?

Remember, your job as an affiliate marketer, is to promote other people's products or services. So, you're bringing these two parties together!

No recruiting when you are doing an online business

This is not like an MLM or multi-level marketing business model, where your commissions are dependent on growing your Team. You literally earn from home, or from the comfort of your campus room

BENEFIT FIVE: You Are Not Alone

Would you prefer to learn in an environment where it's just you alone, or where there are others who are learning and sharing info and helping one another?

My thoughts exactly!

How to become a success with Wealthy Affiliate work together

It sucks to have no-one to reach out to, especially when you're frustrated at a part in your business, and need help. The added benefit of being a WA member, is that there is an interactive online community who share their successes, trials, tribulations and inspire you..... on your journey to becoming an amazing online success.

"You are Not Alone".....Michael Jackson

BENEFIT FOUR : Work from Anywhere in The World!

This may sound cliched, but it is the truth.... just like the previous benefit of working from home.....everything here happens online.

It is a given that your business is open 24 hours, 365 days, and is accessed by the entire least wherever there is an internet connection.

Online Business

So, if you are thinking of relocating, your business does not have to take a knock. You do not have to worry about building new clients. Your income from your online business is not going to get affected..

BENEFIT SIX : WA Gets You Into The Ónline Real Estate World...

This is a benefit that is often overlooked unfortunately.

I have seen some WA folks leave so early. It's a pity. The truth is, building a successful business takes time.

With Wealthy Affiliate you are building an online asset

You are not just building a business. You are building an ASSET. It will hold great value one day. Think of what the value of Amazon is today.

Just give it time, and put some effort. One day you will have the luxury of saying that you have built an ASSET  that puts money into your pocket, without having to work hard anymore.

So, you can be the next Jeff Bezos or Pat Flynn. It's all up to you!

Affiliate marketing has made businesses millions and ordinary people millionaires- Bo Benet

Here’s what people are saying about the course

Does Wealthy Affiliate Really Work? Take a look at how the Wealthy Affiliate training has impacted these people's lives. 


Member Since January 2016 

Your choices are limitless here and everything is included in the membership. From keyword lists and tools, endless training, platforms to get comments or help you write content, and those to engage with the community, you have endless resources all available 24/7. I have met people around the world. I love WA and believe it is the best resource available for learning to build a website and a business!

Eddy Salomon

Member Since June 2007

It's been over a decade since joining WA and it has helped me achieve financial and personal freedom that a job could never provide me. At one point my wife and I were able to quit our jobs, buy our dream home and travel the world with our daughter as a result of the business WA helped me build. Here's to another decade of success for all of us!

Leo Emery

Member Since June2012

I've been making a full time income online since 2005 and I've been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2012. And because of the training, tools, resources and access to hundreds of the most successful affiliate marketers online I've increased my overall monthly income by $7900.

No matter if you're a seasoned marketer or you're just starting online, hands down there is no better community then Wealthy Affiliate that can teach how to build a full time income from your hobby or passion. 

I can honestly say if you’re desire is to become the master of your financial future then you would be doing yourself a disservice if you didn’t see what Wealthy Affiliate can do for you.

Take a Look At What You Are Getting In These Courses!

Here is a breakdown of the 5 exciting modules of the OEC(Online Entrepreneurship Course)


Module 1: Getting Started - (Starter and Premium)

It will walk you through the steps of creating a successful online business that generates revenue. This getting started course (level 1) is your first step to realizing your potential as an online business owner.

  • LESSON ONE: Getting Rolling
  • LESSON TWO : Understanding How To Make Money Online
  • LESSON THREE : Choose a Niche
  • LESSON FOUR : Building Your Own Niche Website
  • LESSON FIVE : Setting Up Your Website
  • LESSON SIX : Getting Your Site Ready for Search Engines
  • LESSON SEVEN : Creating Your Initial Website Content
  • LESSON EIGHT : Creating Custom Menus On Your Website
  • LESSON NINE : Understanding Keywords- The Start Of Your Content
  • LESSON TEN : Congratulations and Your Next Step


Module 2: Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website


Which ever kind of online business you decide to build, you're going need to get traffic. Learning how to get traffic to your business can lead you onto the path of amazing success. 

That is what this course is all about. To teach you how to use no cost traffic methods to capture relevant traffic no matter what niche your business is all about.

  • LESSON ONE : Your own domain, Your Brand
  • LESSON TWO : Move on Over, My Brand Has Arrived
  • LESSON THREE : Creating KeyWord Rich Content
  • LESSON FOUR : Setting Up a Domain Specific E-mail Account
  • LESSON FIVE : The Traffic Breakdown
  • LESSON SIX : Making Use of Visuals
  • LESSON SEVEN : Understanding The Low Hanging Fruit
  • LESSON EIGHT : Making face as a real person
  • LESSON NINE : Amplifying Your Productivity
  • LESSON TEN :  Boosting Your WA Ranks


Module 3: Making Money! (PREMIUM ONLY)

Once you know the process of writing content for your site and understand how to get traffic, the next step is to monetize your site. In other words learn ways on how to earn money from your site.

  • LESSON ONE : Understanding Money in Online Business
  • LESSON TWO : Understanding Affiliate Programs and Networks
  • LESSON THREE : Relevant Affiliate Programs Are Everywhere
  • LESSON FOUR : Adding Affiliate Links To Your Pages
  • LESSON FIVE : Instant Access to a MILLION Products
  • LESSON SIX :  Leveraging Product Reviews
  • LESSON SEVEN : Getting Paid For Ads On Your Site
  • LESSON EIGHT : Earning Pennies Or Dollars?
  • LESSON NINE : A Brilliant Way To Track and Understand Your Traffic
  • LESSON TEN : With Help Comes Financial Success


Module 4: Mastering Social Engagement


Take your business into the world of social engagement. You will learn about social media, social marketing and social networks.

  • LESSON ONE : What Does Social Engagement Mean To Your Business
  • LESSON TWO : Making Your Website A Place To Engage
  • LESSON THREE : Using Facebook the Right Way
  • LESSON FOUR : Pinterest And The Visual Hemisphere
  • LESSON FIVE : Incorporate a Sound Tweeting Campaign
  • LESSON SIX : The Story On Google
  • LESSON SEVEN : The Benefit of Being Social At WA
  • LESSON EIGHT :  Make Your Campaigns Social Branding Animals
  • LESSON NINE : Using The Wealthy Affiliate Social Community
  • LESSON TEN : You Cannot Be The Master Of Everything


Module 5 : Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation


Content Is King. The final module is all about taking your content creation skills to higher levels.

You are going to be learning about how to create high engagement through your content, effective techniques for boosting conversions, and scaling your content through proper goal setting and outsourcing.

  • LESSON ONE : Content Is Your Business
  • LESSON TWO : Setting Up Google Webmaster Tools
  • LESSON THREE : Improving Indexing Times And Speed
  • LESSON FOUR : People Need To Read Your Content
  • LESSON FIVE : A Year Is A Short Period Of Time , Yet BIG For Business
  • LESSON SIX : Writing Within A Devised Plan Architecture 
  • LESSON SEVEN : Writing Your Content With Conversion Intent
  • LESSON EIGHT : Injecting Comments With Intent
  • LESSON NINE : Bing And Yahoo, They Are Still The 33%
  • LESSON TEN : Articulating a PLAN for the Months and Year Ahead


That's Not All, You Get Some Cool BONUSES Too!

Whilst the flagship course is the OEC, there is another comprehensive course that WA offers- The Affiliate Bootcamp. This course features 7 modules and 70 lessons. It helps you to build a business based on a pre-chosen topic. As a starter member, you get access to the first level and premium members get the full course.

Bonus 1

With the Starter Membership(no credit card required), you get 1 free website for life!

Whether you go premium or not, they are yours to keep.

With the premium membership, you get 25 websites. 


All sites come with daily back-ups, top notch hosting, SSL Security and 24/7/365 Tech Support.

Bonus 2
4 SPECIAL VIDEOS (by Kyle one of WA's co-founders)

I always look forward to the live webinars. It's helpful, it's interactive and it's fun.

It's usually done by a really charming guy by the name of Jay Neil.

However webinars are made extra special when you get to hear stories, strategies and helpful business tips from Kyle himself, WA's co-founder.

He made 4 really brilliant videos for those who took up his Black Friday special. You get these for free when you go premium.

Trust me when I say that when you hear from the one who created this empire, it will fire you up to take your business to the next level!

Bonus 3

Just when you thought that we cannot get any more personal(business speaking, of course!), WA has got a fantastic private messaging system for all premium members.

You can send or receive messages to and from any of the thousands of other premium members.

This also gives you a direct line to Kyle and Carson, the owners of WA. Cool Right?

It's also the channel that I use to help anyone who joins, every step of the way in the building of their business.

You will not be alone!

About The WA

(Kyle Loudoun and Carson Lim)

These Canadian gentlemen started Wealthy Affiliate 14 Years ago! Back then it was simply a service selling 'keywords' to help website owners get their content ranked on Google and other search engines.

Today, Wealthy Affiliate is a fully fledged online business teaching platform that boasts some awesome statistics. It's all thanks to these awesome guys.

Is Wealthy Affiliate a scam
Is Wealthy Affiliate a scam

Here’s what people are saying about the course instructor

​Are the Founders of Wealthy Affiliate great teachers? Can you trust them? Hear what some members have to say.

Ariel Baradarian

Member Since June 2015

Kyle's training is clear, easy, smooth and he guides you all the way

​You simply cannot let go of this opportunity. You will accomplish soon much just in this first set of training, let alone the other 5 training sets. And the best part is you earn as you learn.

Kyle's training is clear, easy smooth, and he guides you all the way through. There is simply nothing else like this ANYWHERE

I HIGHLY recommend this to anyone seriously interested in making some $$$.

A month into training, I already started making a bit of money. My regret is that I never started this earlier

Please consider!


Member Since August 2013

Kyle is a clear methodical teacher

Wow, easy step by step instructions on how to get started and within a couple of days I have a website published online. I feel like raving which may turn some people off (too good to be true sort of stuff) but this course was easy. Kyle is a clear methodical teacher and I really enjoyed doing it .... even at age 50 :)

Armah Elibe

Member Since November 2013

Things were easy and facilitated by style of the lessons.

This course package is awesome, thanks to Kyle and Carson, it melted away all my doubts and difficulties about being part of the big online group that enjoys the mighty pie of online business. All things were easy and facilitated by the style of the lessons delivery, I am exited and anxiously looking forward to being one of the greatest online entrepreneurs.

How Much Does Wealthy Affiliate Cost?

You know about the FREE Starter membership. You do not need any credit card information and can test drive Wealthy Affiliate to see if you like it or not.

What about the premium membership? Is the price really worth it?

I hold a graduate degree and I can tell you that the cost to join the 'Wealthy Affiliate University' for a single calendar year is less than half of my first years fee for my B.Pharm studies.

In fact the Wealthy Affiliate fee works out to less than a cup of coffee a day!

Sounds hard to believe, doesn't it? Well, take a look below and see for yourself.

Note: should you go premium, you get a discount on your first months fee.


For Newbies to Get Started Fast!



  • Live Help -First 7 Days 
  • Website Back-Up
  • Personal Affiliate Blog
  • Beginner Training Course (1st Level
  • Affiliate Bootcamp Course (1st Level
  • Earn while You Learn 
  • Training Classrooms - 2 
  • Keyword Research Tool - 30 Searches
  • 1 on 1 Coaching - First 7 Days
  • Website Security Package 
  • Live Video Classes 
  • Private Access To Owners 
  • 24/7/365 Website Support 
  • Website Feedback Platform 
  • Website Comment Platform 
  • Website Analysis 

For Those Who are READY for Success!


49/Month- $19 For the first month

  • Live Help Unlimited
  • Website Back-Up
  • Personal Affiliate Blog
  • 25 Websites
  • Beginner Training Course (All Levels)
  • Affiliate Bootcamp Course (All Levels)
  • Earn While You Learn
  • Training Classrooms -12
  • Keyword Research Tool - Unlimited Searches
  •  1 on 1 Coaching - Unlimited
  • Website Security Package
  • Live Video Classes
  • Private Access To Owners
  • 24/7/365 Website Support
  • Website Feedback Platform
  • Website Comment Platform
  • Website Analysis
regular course

One sentence summary of what they get




  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
Advanced course

One sentence summary of what they get




  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
  • X number of bonuses
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • 30 minute private coaching call

Is The Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership Really Worth it?

I will say, hell YES! And you will smile and say to yourself,"off course he will say yes, he is promoting it! Right?"

True indeed, but I will not promote anything, that I did not buy myself, and test out completely, before putting my 'famous' stamp of approval...

All things aside, the premium unlocks some awesome features as you can see from above. 

Here is the Really cool part, you can test the 'waters' out at WA. Take the FREE Trial.

***Start with the 10 FREE LESSONS, **Enjoy the 7-DAY-ONE-ON-ONE COACHING, Have Fun with Your **1 FREE WEBSITE(show it off to your family and friends), **Make NEW BUDDIES (from all over the world), and then decide.

Take Your time and decide. 

>>>>Now would be a good time as any, to check out some more genuine, unedited and verified proof from Wealthy Affiliate members, take a look below<<<<

The Wealthy Affiliate Results Speaks for Itself!

Why is wealthy affiliate a scam
Does Wealthy Affiliate work
Wealthy Affiliate Review

100% No Risk. No Obligation -What have you got to lose?

There is only one way to find out why Wealthy Affiliate is the most trusted and respected affiliate marketing teaching platform. That is to sign up for the starter membership.

I too was skeptical at first. For me, within the 4th day of doing the trial membership, I knew that this is what I was looking for. Nothing can beat that feeling of having earned your first passive income commission. From there onward the sky is your limit.


Yes, I am a WA Member. Yes, I love the whole teaching platform, benefits, features and all...but they still have some flaws.

I do believe that every product, service, or offer has some 'unattractive points'....WA Has 2 OF THEM.

FLAW NR.1 : It Can Be Overwhelming

When you sign-up, you will receive a warm welcome from a number of WA members. You will find so much going on within the community. There is the Live Chat, The Many Blog Posts shared by the members, The Cool Classrooms, and so on. 

Basically, it can be distracting and sometimes you can lose focus on your business.

SOLUTION : Maintain a balance.

FLAW NR.2 : It's Not A Done-For-You , Automated System

You will not be able to make some 'easy bucks' here. In fact, I do NOT know of any online place where you can. That is the 'brainwash work' of scammers. They will have you believe that you can make overnight fortunes.

It's a Lie.

The Secret to success at WA is to take MASSIVE ACTION. WA  gives you all the tools and training that you need. You have to supply the drive, perseverance and determination to go on.

Now whilst we are on the subject, of 'not giving up,' I am going to let you in on ANOTHER SECRET.

Whilst having goals are important to show you which direction you are headed in, there is something that I believe is much more important, that you need, in order to be a success. 

Whether you sign up to Wealthy Affiliate or not, I want you to remember this very crucial thing--the SECRET to becoming a success in any business, is to have a strong "WHY".

A "WHY" is your purpose, it's your vision. "WHY"ARE YOU DOING THIS?

Is it because you want to have a better life for yourself and your family?? Is it because you are tired of struggling and hate to worry about that dreaded 'debt pile' looming over your head, or is it because you want to uplift other people's lives or even save the animals? 

Whatever it is, you need to decide what your "WHY" IS.

Having a strong "WHY" is emotionally driven and it comes from within. It is what will keep you on the path when times get tough. It is what will allow you to face the 'storms' and eventually become the ultimate Victor!

Have a strong "WHY" and you will be that unstoppable force and won't let anything come between you and your dreams.

Don’t wait! Look at what students have had to say about this course.

Jerry Huang

Member Since May 2016

Created a passive income stream at age 20

Joining Wealthy Affiliate since 18 years old has been nothing but an amazing journey. It has allowed me to create a 4-Figure monthly passive income stream at the age of 20. So, I can confidently say that I don't need a College degree because I'm not going to be employed for the rest of my life.

Wealthy Affiliate is Free to get started. So there's really nothing to lose!"

These 3 testimonials should focus on why past customers found that your course was absolutely the right decision. Remember, your visitors are looking for reasons not to buy after they see the price, so include some testimonials here that alleviate that anxiety.


Member Since Nov 2014

You can and will earn a great passive income

Make one decision today and become a Premium Member. You have the most amazing training at your finger tips. I have learnt so much since I became a premium member. 

You will never believe the confidence and competence you develop and you make progresss with your website daily basis.

The Founders are hands on guys and it goes without saying, You are never going to find such a strong supportive community online.

If you are willing to put in the hard work, do the training.have faith in your ability, have patience . You can and will earn a great passive income

Louisa Barzey

Member Since June 2016

Wealthy Affiliate is the Place f​or all people to learn and grow at indefinitely

If you're looking for a great place to learn, earn and grow at then , you're asking the right person. Two years ago to be exact, I stumbled across Wealthy Affiliate University. This is when a new chapter was written.

I must say without reservation, the past two years has been extremely exhilarating. As a newbie to everything about the worldwide web, I knew nothing. I had know clue about the program. Actually, I barely knew the basic about the internet. Building a website was news to me. Finding a niche was a song to my ears. Reluctantly, after joining WA my life changed for the better. I found a great crowd, a huge community, and two compassionate Co-Owners, Kyle and Carson. They are the two brilliant entrepreneurs who pave the way for millions of folks like myself to join as a member and make possibilities happen.

Since that day, I have gained new insight. About the magnificent program, lessons training and courses, that was blue printed for our purpose to follow. Through this all, which I have became an awesome successful entrepreneur.

I have said without hesitation, Wealthy Affiliate is the Place for all people to learn and grow at indefinitely​

What's In It for You?

 At the end of the day it is all about YOU. So, how do you benefit as a Wealthy Affiliate Member?

Let us summarize the benefits that we chatted about earlier on. Here they are:

  • Benefit One : You will be able to tap into a billion dollar industry
  • Benefit Two : Allows you to build a business without any previous experience
  • Benefit Three : You got all the tools under one roof
  • Benefit Four : Your business is backed-up and protected daily
  • Benefit Five : You can access your business from Anywhere in the World
  • Benefit Six : You are building a business with Passive Income Potential
  • Benefit Seven : You are building an ASSET, which you can sell for at a Profit at a later stage

I think that you will agree with me when I say that these are really fantastic benefits. However, there is one benefit above all of these that I think you cannot deny is most important.

Guess what that is?

The Most Awesome Benefit : It Gives You Time And Financial Freedom. To Live Your Life The Way You Want, Without Any Restrictions.

Surely, this benefit will not happen overnight. It will come when you put in some effort and hard work. I know that you've got this.

How do I know this?... (This article is equipped with special technology that is very expensive. It can read your thoughts....just kidding.)


The REAL reason why I know that you can do this, is because, if you were not serious, you would have left this page a long time ago. 

Do you know what an awesome feeling it is to hear that someone whom you've helped has made their first sale, or published their first article, or even took their first step to buy a domain name? I cannot wait to hear your 'wins'- no matter how small or big they are, they are victories in my book and it's a sign, a sign of something bigger that is coming your way....

Frequently Asked Questions







Take any hundred people at the start of their working careers and follow them for 40 years until they reach retirement age, and here’s what you’ll find. According to the Social Security Administration: Only 1 will be wealthy; 4 will be financially secure; 5 will continue working, not because they want to but because they have to; 36 will be dead; and 54 will be dead broke—dependent on their meager Social Security checks, relatives, friends, even charity for a minimum standard of living.

That’s 5% successful, 95% unsuccessful.

Which one would you like to be in, the 5% group or the 95% group?


For Newbies to Get Started Fast!


  • Live Help -First 7 Days 
  • Website Back-Up
  • Personal Affiliate Blog
  • Beginner Training Course (1st Level
  • Affiliate Bootcamp Course (1st Level
  • Earn while You Learn  
  • Training Classrooms - 2  
  • Keyword Research Tool - 30 Searches
  • 1 on 1 Coaching - First 7 Days
  • Website Security Package 
  • Live Video Classes 
  • Private Access To Owners 
  • 24/7/365 Website Support 
  • Website Feedback Platform 
  • Website Comment Platform 
  • Website Analysis 

For Those Who are READY for Success!


49/Month-$19 For 1st Month

  • Live Help Unlimited
  • Website Back-Up
  • Personal Affiliate Blog
  • 25 Websites
  • Beginner Training Course (All Levels)
  • Affiliate Bootcamp Course (All Levels)
  • Earn While You Learn
  • Training Classrooms -12
  • Keyword Research Tool - Unlimited Searches
  •  1 on 1 Coaching - Unlimited
  • Website Security Package
  • Live Video Classes
  • Private Access To Owners
  • 24/7/365 Website Support
  • Website Feedback Platform
  • Website Comment Platform
  • Website Analysis
regular course

One sentence summary of what they get




  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
Advanced course

One sentence summary of what they get




  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
  • X number of bonuses
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • 30 minute private coaching call

My Pledge To You

The secret to online success or in any field for that matter, is to find people who already have the results that you want to attain, or achieved the success that you are aiming for, and follow them. WA is not short of positive role models.

I made some awesome friends within WA. Many of them inspire me, motivate me and most importantly, they are there to help me when I need it.

I promise to be there to help you as you carve out your way to online success. The only thing that is left to do, is for you to come on board.......Your Friend , Roopesh.

What Is Your Next Move?

Should you join Wealthy Affiliate

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If You Do Not Like the Experience, You've Still Gained a 10-Lesson Valuable Experience and 1 FULLY FUNCTIONAL-FREE Website  that costed you ZERO DOLLARS!

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If only. Those must be the two saddest words in the world.- Mercedes Lackey
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