Have you ever heard of Dean Graziosi? You might have seen one of his Facebook ads of him giving away his books for free? All you have to do to get the free book is to pay for the shipping and handling charges.
Is Dean Graziosi a scam or should you listen to what he has to say or buy whatever it is that he is selling? Today, I am going to share my opinion on whether Dean Graziosi is legitimate or not?
These days, with so many, make money opportunities, and online gurus, it becomes a challenging task to decide who you should spend your hard-earned money, time and energy on.
It is my hope that this article will help to put your mind at ease as far as Dean Graziosi is concerned.
Before we get into that, you may want to take a look at the best method that I am using for the past four and a half years to earning a passive income online.
Before we dive into the finer details of uncovering if there is a Dean Graziosi scam going on, let me start off by laying down some facts about him.

Dean has got a Facebook social media following of 1.6 million people. He has 1 million people followers on his Instagram account. As for his YouTube channel, Dean has got 64 thousand subscribers.
Dean has written multiple bestsellers.

For instance, his audiobook Millionaire Success Habits has got 915 reviews of which 82% of them are 5-star reviews.
I read his latest book, Underdog Advantage which was 70 reviews on Amazon, with 91% of them being 5-stars.
I wrote a review article of Dean Graziosi's Underdog Advantage, or if you like you can watch my video review of the book below.
He was featured on an episode of the Larry King show. In addition, Dean has received a positive testimonial from businessman and tycoon Richard Branson.
This is an interesting one.
Dean Graziosi does not hold any college degree to his name.
Most of these facts above reveal that people are gravitating to what he is selling or teaching, does this mean that Dean Graziosi is legit?
Let's dig a bit deeper, and see who Dean Graziosi really is ,and how he came into the spotlight.
As I mentioned in the last section Dean has not completed any formal education. So, how exactly did he come to achieve such success?
As I listened to one of Dean's podcast, he admitted that he does NOT know of a 'magical way to get rich fast'
During his time in the business, he has had the opportunity to meet top sportspeople of the world, world leaders, hundreds of millionaires and a handful of billionaires, and none of them fell into wealth or success.
Dean has generated hundreds of millions of dollars with his brands and his companies. But this is not who he was in his twenties.
And his story was very similar....

Back then he worked with his dad in a car collision shop. He went on to start his own shop when his dad left.
Every single day he worked on wrecked cars, painted cars, had dirt on his hands and used to come home with headaches. His shop did hot have the best ventilation system, and sometimes the paint-smell would be so strong that he would throw-up.
Even though he knew that his purpose was bigger, and he did not quite enjoy the work, he still worked at it. At one point, he was told by his guidance counselor, that because of his dyslexia he would not be fit for college.
Whatever the case was, he fought on....
The collision shop was his day-to-day job paying for the bills, whilst at night he was working on his 21 apartments. These were his 'no money down deals' that he hustled for.
At that point, none of his family members had money, he had dyslexia, he did not go to college, but he knew that he did not want to continue the legacy of having to work hard and not having anything to show for it.
At night, he would be the carpenter, or the plumber, or anything that he needed to do, to get his apartments done.
When he was done with his apartments, he started to buy property and subdivided them and started building houses.
Day-in day-out this was his routine, where he worked during the day at the shop and at night with the real estate. He used to make deals with his friends to come by and help him out at night.
Bottom Line : His day job was paying for his bills, whilst he was working on building his dream at night.
Once the real estate business started kicking off, he wanted to learn how to teach people to do the same thing.
That's when he started writing books and courses at night, or maybe even the early part of the morning. His ultimate goal was to teach people how to make money from his experience.
The next chapter saw him flying to Arizona where he lives present-day to shoot his first infomercial.
Basically, it all boils down to the fact that things were not handed to him, he worked hard and hustled to get want he wanted.
Towards the end of this particular podcast, he said "if there is a Smarter way to do this, I hope you find it...."
The rewards for his hard work started to show.
When he started making the money, he was able to travel the world, he treated his friends and family to go for vacations, he retired both of his parents, send them cheques every month and bought for them cars.
He got the benefit of the other side because he put the hustle in.
Now you know a bit more on who Dean Graziosi is.
This brings me to telling you how I ended up meeting him(not in person, yet!) and how he has impacted my life.
During the early part of 2019, I used to see lots of ads by Dean on popular social media platforms such as FaceBook, Instagram and YouTube. To be honest with you, I never really took much interest in any of them.
I love reading, and at that time, I decided to visit one of the books that had been sitting on my shelves for the past 14 years or even longer. It was called "Awaken the Giant Within" by Tony Robbins.

Tony Robbins is a very popular figure and has influenced millions of people's lives and when I started reading this book, it revealed some amazing gems that I was ready to absorb and work on. (I guess that there is a timing for everything!)
But this article is not about the book or Tony.
The point is, later in 2019, I saw some sponsored ads of Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi launching their first online course.
At that point, I knew that Dean was someone that I should be listening to after all. The fact is that if Tony Robbins delivered so much of value, and impacted my life with his book alone,then a course with him and Dean and Russell Brunson was something that I knew would be out of this world.
And so, it was the most expensive online course that I had ever bought, it was called the Knowledge Business Blueprint. It costs my wife and me, $1,997.
Most of the course modules and lessons were conducted by Dean Grazisoi. That's where I go to learn more about him, and what the ultimate goal behind the course was.
His mission : To change the global conversation, to change and disrupt the higher education system and teach people a new way to learn. A cool way to learn through self-education.To show that there is a better life, a better direction.
And I can testify that after having completed this course, it left me with a refreshed feeling of hope, excitement, and positivity.
Take a look at our Graduation certificate from having completed the KBB Course.

Though I hold a pharmacy degree, the course showed me an awesome way on how to impact people's lives and make money at the same time.
And that way is to conduct my own virtual mastermind.
I am excited to announce that within the next month, I will be opening my first mastermind workshop.It is especially aimed at helping Tinnitus sufferers to learn a better way to make money(via the online world), then having the stresses associated with doing a regular day-job.
Another way that the course and Dean impacted me, was by showing me real ways to market without having to feel like you are selling. This for me is a game-changer. Dean shared with me through the course the marketing secrets that he has used for the past 30 years.
It's gold and I am already seeing amazing results with my online business.
So, is Dean Graziosi a scam?
It's time for the verdict.
I do not think that Dean Graziosi is a scam artist.
For one, he offers transparency into both his personal as well as his business life. You will learn that one of his most challenging times was having to go through a divorce. You will also hear the name of the baby that they selected through his new marriage.
He shows you that his family is important to him, but so is his mission to impact people's lives.
As far as the business side of things are concerned, unlike most course owners, he makes a point of being there all the time.
He is in the Private KBB Facebook group every single Mondays. Whether it's to do shout-outs, or offer weekly inspiration or even training, he is there to help you get started.
I can feel that everytime that he talks to you, that he cares and he wants you to progress in life.
Another cool thing that I learned, is that Dean and Tony together have a $250 000 Real Estate Mastermind. They meet up with the members of the group only 6 times a year to offer training, and mentorship to help them take their businesses to the next level.
The last reason, as to why I think that Dean is not a scam, is because whatever he teaches is not hearsay, or made up stuff. He uses the tactics or strategies himself, and it works. I personally have seen how his training has helped me.
So, if you come across Dean Graziosi again, then know that he is out for one mission. And that mission is to make Self-Education the new norm.
If you are reading this before the 19th Feb, then you probably may need to register for the BIG and EXCITING NEWS that is about to happen.
I cannot say much except that Dean and Tony will be involved, and they only go LIVE once a year. So register your e-mail address below, so that you will be the first one to know what exactly is going down.
You really do not want to miss,Register below!
Thanks so much for joining me on this Dean Graziosio review.
I hope that it has helped you out.
Let me know if you have any questions or comments.
I heard about Dean Graziosi and I have a lot of friends who have learned a lot from him. I’m glad that I discovered your article and thank you for giving me this honest review. In my opinion Dean is not scam and I really like how his actions impact the lives of the people around.
Thanks so much for this post and I can’t wait to sign up for the big and exciting news that is about to happen. There are only 9 days and therefore I recommend everyone to hurry and do this until February 19.
You are most welcome. I agree with your friends, one can certainly learn a lot from Dean.
It’s going to be really awesome to see what is happening on Feb 19th. You do not want to miss it.
I have heard about Dean Graziosi and know that he claims to have made millions with various business. You have verified that he is for real. I am still not sure about how to get involved or what I am getting involved with if I follow Dean. I have been an affiliate marketer for a while with nominal success. If I could add to my portfolio I would. I am going to do some further check. Thank you for this initial assessment of Dean Graziosi.
That is an excellent question, how do you get involved as an affiliate marketer?
I first started with Wealthy Affiliate, and they are still awesome till today.
When I joined Dean Graziosi’s and Tony Robbins’ course, it took my affiliate marketing career to a whole new level.
Not only was I able to start my own Mastermind and leverage the training that I got from WA, but I was able to scale my marketing to amazing levels with the training I got from Dean.
Let me know if you are interested, I can help you show the right direction.
Happy to learn of another new and legit course that is able to Help me Build A Passive Income Online Without Knowing Nothing At All. Able to Help Me Realize The “Dream” of Working From Home, Show Me that legit online businesses do exist, and allow me to Make Friends All Over the World. Thanks for the information review via your website . Good work!
I have seen alot of Dean Graziosi add on Facebook in the past few months and I must tell you I almost bought this book, I stopped because,I lost my hard earned money months ago after using my credit card to buy something online and after that transaction i lost all my money later that week to internet thieves using my card to purchase stuffs online….for me I don’t think someone’s with so much recognition should be written of like that…..I think we should try this book out.
Hey there
So sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with that online transaction. These days you have to be very vigilant. As for buying Dean’s book, you should definitely give it a go.
Since I do not stay in the United States, I had to wait for the hard copy to arrive. However, I still managed to read the PDF version twice. And you get some cool bonuses too,
You read more and purchase the book safely through this link,click here
Regards and Take Care
Thank you for this honest and very thorough review. It’s good to see that in between all the scams in the online world today there are still a few legit ones. Success never came to anyone over-night. Reading his history really makes you understand how hard you have to work to succeed. If only more people could realize that instead of expecting to get rich in a single day.
You are most welcome. That is true indeed, there are definitely legit ways to making money online. And you are 100 percent right about success. It only comes with doing hard work and exercise.