Are You Ready to Start Affiliate Marketing?

Hi Folks

So, you are here because you want to start your own journey into Affiliate Marketing? That is some really awesome news.How to make money in your spare time

I remember when I first started, it was and still is an exciting way to earn money. The mere fact that you are able to earn a passive income daily via Affiliate marketing, makes it a choice thousands of people have chosen.

⇒Start your Awesome Affiliate Marketing Journey Here, FREE SIGN UP⇐

Getting you all Started Up

Today I am going to show you an opportunity whereby you can sign up with an online company that has been in the game for 12 Years to Date!

It’s where I learned everything(from knowing nothing at all!) and it’s the home of 800 000 other active members.
  If you want to know more, then click on the link below to read my detailed review of the Nr1 Ranked Affiliate Training Program.I am going to highlight for you the most important aspects as to why Wealthy Affiliate would be your choice, to start up a successful Affiliate Marketing business, so stick with me.

If you want to know more, then click on the link below to read my detailed review of the Nr1 Ranked Affiliate Training Program.

I am going to highlight for you the most important aspects as to why Wealthy Affiliate would be your choice, to start up a successful Affiliate Marketing business, so stick with me.

If you eager to start right away, then Wealthy Affiliate offers a FREE STARTER membership for 7 DAYS, that you can test out without any obligation whatsoever!

⇒Go Ahead , ACTIVATE your Starter Membership HERE ⇐

3 Essential Ingredients for a SOLID, SUSTAINABLE Affiliate Marketing Business

(1) Website

(2) Education & Training

(3) Support & Back-Up

All three of themcome standard with your FREE or PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP at WA.

Website- Your Starting Point

Forget affiliate marketing for a second. Think of anyone who has made an enormous success on the internet. I will give you some time…….

Did you manage to think it over? I bet that whoever you thought of, could not have reached that magnitude of success without a WEBSITE, am I right?siterubix-logo

With WA, as a FREE STARTER member, you get NOT one but TWO FREE Websites! Using the SiteRubix Platform, you can have your website framework in less than 30seconds!

A Simple 4 step process and you have a Website of your own Up and Running.

Your main job is to simply decide what the website is going to be all about.

Your niche(or website subject matter), can be about anything that you want it to be(well almost anything). From android phone charges to heated gloves, to spoon collecting, baseball cards, football snack helmets, the list is literally endless.

Take it from me, if you build a site around your passion or something that interests you, affiliate marketing will be more FUN! and not feel like a burden or something that is HARD.

Is it a PROBLEM if I can’t find a suitable NICHE?

Not at all. One of the amazing benefits of being a Wealthy Affiliate Member, is that you are granted access to the Bootcamp Course.wa-affiliate-bootcamp

This course consists of 7 Levels which takes you through on how to build a fully fledged business using a pre-chosen topic!

The best part is, that this topic is perfectly placed within the money-making industry.

⇒Claim your TWO FREE websites NOW! Start Building your Business Today!⇐

 Education and Training- Knowledge will Set You FREE

The core of WA, is its top notch education and lessons which helps you build a solid online business foundation.

The steps to building your affiliate marketing business are as easy as ABC.

These courses are broken down into easy step-by-step tutorials. Kyle, one of the co-founders, takes you through the lessons via short videos followed by tasks, to make sure, everything is ‘checked’ before proceeding to the next level.wa-lessons

These lessons are created in ‘bite-sized’ chunks to allow one to monitor their progress and take breaks, as well as reward themselves as the journey moves forward.

A checklist. Each task is 'checked' before going forward.
A checklist. Each task is ‘checked’ before going forward.

Here are some topics covered within the First 7 Lessons of

The Online Entrepreneurship Course

  • Getting Rolling
  • Understanding How to Money Online
  • Choose a Niche
  • Building Your Own Website
  • Setting Up Your Website
  • Getting Your Site Ready for SEO
  • Finding Content Ideas from Keywords
  • Understand Website Pages
  • Creating Quality Website Content
  • Congratulations and Your Next Steps

The Bootcamp Course

  • Getting Rolling
  • Get Your Domain, Get Your Website
  • Getting Your Website Organized
  • Creating a Scalable, Idea Friendly Website
  • A Break, Catch Up and Learn More
  • Writing out Themed Content
  • Getting Your Comment Engine Ready
  • Adding Reviews to Your Site
  • Leveraging Content From WA on your Site
  • Putting the Idea Engines to Work

⇒Sign Up for Your First FREE Lesson Here⇐ 

 Support and Back-Up – You Are Not Alone

Your sites are protected and backed-up on a daily basis, as they are being hosted on a state of the art hosting platform at Wealthy Affiliate. This ensures complete protection from Malware, Spam and other horrendous things that you can think of that would make a site vulnerable.How to make money in your spare time

Apart from the 24/7, 365 ‘Site Support’ team, you also get access to the active community of over 800 000 members.

The various communication channels you can use are as follows:

  • Live Chat
  • Blog Forums
  • Classroom Discussions
  • PM(Private Messaging)

The community is one of its kind with members from 195 countries and is home to both beginners as well as Top Experts within the field. wa-community

⇒Become a member of the most Educational, Interactive and Fun Community NOW! ⇐


In addition to the above, there are live training, an archive of over 300 webinars, member training and tutorials and tons of classrooms to learn more than just affiliate marketing.

You can learn about e-mail marketing, local marketing, and PPC, just to name a few.

The point is, that if you are serious about wanting to build an online affiliate marketing business, then this is the place to be.

What is Your idea of Success?

Is it $10/Day?$100/Day?$1,000/Day?

Whatever your goal is, it is all achievable with the websites, education, and community available at Wealthy Affiliate.
2-8-billion-buyers-online There is a huge market of over 2 billion people searching the internet everyday! All that left, is for You to give it a try. You may be pleasantly surprised.

As I said before, its FREE to sign up. You don’t need

You don’t need

  • any Credit Card information, or
  • PayPal.

Its a no obligation agreement. If you don’t like it, just walk away. As easy as that!

Start your way to building a successful business by signing up directly at

If there is anything on your mind, or you would like to ask something, please put your questions in the comments section and I will get back to you.

Looking forward to working with you.

To Your Success.roopeshgovind1



FREE 4-Day JumpStart videos . To Build A Massively Successful Online Business PLUS A Free Guide  (No Credit Card Needed)