Hi there and welcome to my Cash For Patriots program review. Would you like to collect checks of up to $7,980?
According to the Cash For Patriots program, you stand to receive a share of $2.6 Trillion in unclaimed funds. You have to act fast though.
Is Cash For Patriots a scam, or should you buy into this product?
I would not blame you if you are uncertain on what to do.I am happy though that you are doing your due diligence before signing up for this offer.
It is my hope that this review will help to give you all the information that you need to make an informed decision on what to do.
Before we get started, I would like you to know that there are legit ways to making money online. I would be happy to show you the proven method that I use. Simply click on the link that follows to learn more.
NAME OF PROGRAM: Cash For Profits
FOUNDER : Zachary Scheidt (and Agora Financial)
PRICE : From $49
WHAT IS ABOUT : Subscription service to financial newsletters.
The sales page talks about a "plan that could distribute as much as $2.6 trillion dollars to American citizens."
This plan is coined as the Cash For Patriots program.
The sales video starts off by mentioning folks who have already started gaining money from this program. There is a particular Mr.Bob who has pocketed $6,010 and is yet to receive another $1.032.
Then there is a Mr. James W who has collected $35,000 in 2017, and Suzanne V, who has been given $20, 758 and her payouts have been increasing.
Interestingly enough the criteria to qualify for these so-called payouts are not difficult to meet. You only have to be an American citizen.You do not have to:
- be within a certain age group ( between 27 and 77 years),
- be within a certain income bracket ( unemployed or multi-millionaire),and
- you do not have to be a Trump supporter.
One of their reasons as to why the qualification criteria is so relaxed, is because these funds comes from within a private sector. That this private sector payouts have increased over the years.
Apparently back in 2015, they paid out $24.6 billion, in 2016 it was $52.80 billion and $53.80 billion in the first and second half of the year respectively.Now you stand in line to earn a share from a $2.6 trillion pool.

There is one requirement, and that is that you have to act quick. You have up until August the 10th 2019, after which the offering will close.
Is it really as simple as it sounds? Are people getting such lovely payouts?
As you watch further into the sales video, you will come across a name,Zachary Scheidt.
Is this an alias? Surprisingly not. There actually is someone who exists with this name. Its a relief to see that there is a real person behind this program unlike other programs like this one that used a fake credentials.
However, I was quite intrigued when Zachary mentioned in the video that he would reveal "all the details," and that its "shockingly easy to do."

Unfortunately one does not get to find out which specific 'patriots' list to place their names on in order to qualify for these payouts.You will also not learn as to when you will expect to receive one of these checks, or how much you stand to collect.
The sales video leads one on by talking about more folks who have received these cashouts.They even censored some of the bank accounts that are apparently stashed with the cash, but ultimately you do not get to hear the 'meat of the story.'

The reason as why you will not get to hear of any of this important information is because you have to subscribe to a newsletter service.
Zachary is an analyst of a newsletter publication service called Agora financial.
He has written various publications that apparently share so-called insider secrets and financial loopholes. These are some of the projects that he has been involved with that fall under the Agora Financial umbrella :
- Buyout Millionaires Club
- Contract Income Alert
- Dollar Trade Club
- Family Wealth Circle
- Income on Demand
- Lifetime Income Report
The sales video is simply an advertisement to lead you to take out a trial subscription to his flagship monthly service called the Lifetime Income report.
By signing up for the service, you get a " free copy of The Cash for Patriots Program: How to Collect up to $6,567 Every Month."
As the sales video progresses, you get to hear about the other dossiers, reports and books that will be included in the final package.
In the next section I will show what they are selling you and how much the package costs?
As I had mentioned earlier on, to get a hold of 'The Cash For Patriots' guide you are going to have to submit to taking out a subscription to their Lifetime Income Report newsletter.
This is what is included within the package
- The Cash for Patriots Program: How to Collect up to $7,980 Every Month.
- The 2018 Patriot Check Calendar
- The Secret Transaction That Could Generate HUNDREDS (or More) in INSTANT INCOME Month After Month.
- FREE copy of The Big Book of Income.
- The Government Loophole That ELIMINATES Mortgage Payments… Saving You $100s Every Month.
- 12 Full Issues of My Popular Monthly Advisory.
- Special Members-Only Email Updates.
- Total Access to the Lifetime Income Report Support Team.
- Dozens of Simple Financial Strategies and Loopholes That Can Lower Your Taxes and Pad Your Retirement Accounts.
- FREE Subscription to the Special Executive Series Newsletters The 5 Min. Forecast & America Uncensored.
- The Daily Edge - every day the market is open, Zach and his team of expert contributors help you cut through the headlines with critical information on current events, politics, market insight and how to plan, and protect your retirement. In these uncertain times, everyone can use an edge!
- FREE Unadvertised Bonus: Income Underground Newsletter. A controversial channel of communication... revealing the most coveted income secrets in America
They estimate that the value of this package is a whopping $695.
You can get the online version (Silver Membership) for $49 for one year. The Gold Membership is $89 and their Platinum Membership is $79.

Is it worth it to take out these subscriptions?
Do they provide value? This I will address in a moments time, but lets take a look at the price and feedback received from previous members.
Firstly, the price of their newsletters are not cheap.
For instance, the Lifetime Income Report is around $149. Then if one were to purchase the Income On Demand. This has to do about earning income from stocks, it would costs you $2,000 per year!
Then they have another one called Family Wealth Circle. This one apparently helps one to properly manage family's investments. The membership fee is $7.500.
It's plain to see that the prices for these products are not exactly cheap. Should you decide to go ahead and sign up they do have a 60-day money back guarantee in place.
Are people happy with Agora Financial?
If one were to visit the BetterBusinessBureau site, one would see that there are around 344 complaints lodged against the company.
Whilst there were positive remarks, I noticed that majority of them were in the negative.
Folks were complaining about continuously receiving unsolicited emails, not having refunds honored, having automatic renewals(against their accounts), and poor customer service.

In all fairness, I must also report that Agora Financial did take the time to respond to these complaints and offered reasonable resolutions.
Is Cash for Patriots a scam? Let's quickly summarize the positive and negatives of this program first.
I like the fact that they have a money back guarantee.
I find the sales pitch misleading.They make it sound that its as easy as putting your name on a 'special' list in order to receive one of these checks. This is far from the truth.
There are a number of complaints against the publication company.
The products are not cheap.
There are no real testimonials.
I already mentioned that their sales tactics are misleading, but are their financial information sound and correct?
They repeatedly stressed that you have to get in before August the 10th. That is the cut off date to receive one of these 'stash checks.' However, their frequently asked question sections states another date, which is July the 5th.

Which date is it? Your guess is as good as mine.
Will these publications provide value to you? I signed up to one of these publications some years back and I would like to share my experience with you.
It was with a different company, and it was all about receiving information on 'red hot penny shares.' Though I did get the newsletter as promised I also got tons of other promotional offers. Mind you it was tempting to sign up to them as well, and sometimes I did give in.
To top it, they would even send me email after email. At the end of the day it was overwhelming, and it made it hard to decide what to really focus on.
Is this what your experience will be like should you sign up to Cash for Patriots? Is Cash for Patriots a scam?
I do not think that Cash For Patriots is a scam. However in my opinion, you are getting information from analysts. If you are new to these investment strategies, then it would be wise to seek additional legal financial advice.That will cost you money.
In addition to purchasing the actual stocks or whatever they recommend you will still have to pay the ongoing subscription fees.
Bottom Line: Its can turn out to be quite a costly affair.
Let's not forget that this kind of investing is a waiting game.I do not think that you will get checks overnight!
That is my opinion.
I ended up cancelling my subscription service. I realized that they did not offer me a focused plan or a step by step way to building an income stream.
Today as a result of an awesome online teaching platform that I joined, I have built a passive income stream that I am proud of.
If you brand new to the internet world and are looking to making good money online, and are willing to give it time and some effort, then I would be thrilled to help you to get started. Just click on the link that follows.
Thanks so much for joining me on this Cash For Patriots review.
I hope that it has helped you out.
If you have any questions or comments, just leave them below and I promise to get back to you as soon as possible.
Wish you everything of the best.
Kind Regards and Take Care
Roopesh I enjoyed your article “Cash for Patriots.” I like how you provided so much information so that someone looking into this program can make an educated decision. Sadly, there are so many scams out there and people are easily persuaded to try the programs without doing their due diligence. This article offered a lot of thought-provoking information. My thought toward the end was something that my dad taught me when I was young and that is “If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.” That saying has helped me my entire life to stop and think about what I’m thinking about getting into before I leap into it. Thanks for your research and sharing this article. I hope it will help a lot of people make the right choice.
I like that line that your dad has taught you. It definitely rings true in today’s time.
Is it my hope too that this article will help as many people as it possibly can.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Regards and Take Care
Roopesh I enjoyed your article “Cash for Patriots.” I like how you provided so much information so that someone looking into this program can make an educated decision. Sadly, there are so many scams out there and people are easily persuaded to try the programs without doing their due diligence. This article offered a lot of thought-provoking information. My thought toward the end was something that my dad taught me when I was young and that is “If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.” That saying has helped me my entire life to stop and think about what I’m thinking about getting into before I leap into it. Thanks for your research and sharing this article. I hope it will help a lot of people make the right choice.
Hi Roopesh, I think you’ve done a good job covering all the bases for “Cash For Patriots”. I hadn’t heard of this before I read your post and I’m glad I had a chance to learn about it. To me, any program that gives a cut off date to sign up for something is a scam.
This one has had a ton of complaints and it appears that you have to sign up for a subscription and then pay for newsletters. I see red flags going off all over the place on this one.
You tied Wealthy Affiliate in nicely as well.
Very informative post!
Hi Cal
Thanks so much for your comment. Really appreciate it.
All the best and do take care.
This is a really honest review. Thanks for looking into the better business bureau info for us! I know it’s so tempting for people to try something like cash for patriots, but I think you’re right. It’s better to make passive income online in a less risky way! I’m glad you can show people how to do this. Everyone needs a good passive income stream!
I agree with you totally. Having a good passive income stream can certainly make a world of difference. It can offer one some amazing benefits for years to come.
Thanks for stopping by.
Good to see another good review on the cash for patriots programme. Don’t really know much about this platform and you have enlightened me about it enough to know that it is not something I can put my money into. The price is not even affordable for me so it’s a no-no. I’d check out your recommendation to see of that works for me. Thank you got this informative post
Thank you Roopesh. I had heard about Cash for Patriots a couple of months ago but never bothered to look into it because I had heard that President Trump was partially responsible for making it available. Then the other day someone asked me if I had heard about it and I started researching it and that is how I came across your review.
I will admit right now that I am not a fan of Donald Trump and I haven’t been for far longer than he has been president. I live in the New York City area so I have had plenty of opportunities to run across news and even enter many establishments owned by Trump. He has scammed many people I personally know around here out of money.
He even had to settle court cases from people he scammed through a couple of different scams like a Health MLM and Trump University. So now that I have read your Cash for Patriots Program Review I am confident that this is a very misleading program with dates that keep changing for people to be rushed into joining by. Sounds too shady to me.
The testimonials sound too fake for me. Does this Cash for Patriots Program ever reveal a printed income disclosure? I seriously cannot get behind this opportunity because there are too many red flags waving in my head and I will make sure to send this review to my friend who asked me to check this out. Thank you for sharing this information. – Robert
Hey Robert
Hope that you are doing well?
Thanks for sharing that story about Trump. I had no idea that he scammed folks through the Trump University.I am going to do more reading up on this, thanks.
As far as I know, there is no income disclosure on the Cash For Patriots program.
Thanks so much for helping me spread the word on this program.
Much appreciated.
Regards and Take Care