Dropshipping Titans Review : Is It A Legit Course For You?

Welcome to this Dropshipping Titans review. Are you looking to escape from your boring 9-5? Apparently, the owner of this particular dropshipping course has managed to build a full-time business during the lunchtimes of doing his day job.

With the internet, there are so many make-online-business opportunities. And let's face it the way they market it, you would probably want to sign up with everything, it's very tempting. It becomes a challenge to choose which is the best business model for you. 

So, is Dropshipping Titans the best dropshipping business course for you?

Congratulations on taking the time to do your research before you go all in with this particular opportunity. 

There are tons of scams online. But on the other side of the coin, there is a legit way to making money online. 

I am here to help you make an informed decision on whether or not it's the right business fit for you. So, let's get started and see what Dropshipping Titans is all about.



Creator : Paul J Lipsky

Price to join : $297

Do I recommend it? Yes, if you are keen to learn about dropshipping.

Dropshipping Titans picture

Dropshipping The main advantage of having a dropshipping business, is that you do not need to keep inventory on hand. The drop ship supplier fulfills the order and ships it to the customer. You have to follow up on stock queries and after-sales support. Does Dropshipping sound exciting to you? Read more about Dropshipping Titans course.

Better Opportunity : If you are interested in building a business with real income potential, that is affordable to start, that does not require stock purchases or dealing with customers, click below :


What is Dropshipping Titans all About?

It's a course that teaches you how to do dropshipping using the eBay marketplace.

What is dropshipping?

One of the main advantages of having a dropshipping business is that it eliminates the step of having to keep inventory on hand.

What is dropshipping all about

As a seller, you can source products at wholesale prices from various suppliers. 

Once a purchase is made, the dropship supplier would fulfill the order and supply and ship it to the customer.

What is eBay dropshipping?

eBay is a multicommerce corporation. Many sellers on eBay never actually keep the physical stock that they are selling online. 

They are using dropship suppliers. And as a drop shipper, you act as the middle man between the supplier and the purchaser. You essentially buying the product in bulk and selling it for a profit on ebay. 

After having found a reliable supplier, then you create a listing on ebay. You will have to decide when to market the item, how to post the listing as well as what the price entry point will be in order to get the highest volume sales.

That is what the ultimate aim of the Dropshipping Titans course is. To help you become an eBay drop shipper!

Let's take a look at who is behind the Dropshipping Titans.


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Who is Paul Lipsky?

Paul is the owner of Dropshipping Titans. According to his YouTube channel, Paul struggled for four years before finally learning the "secrets to eBay dropshipping."

Who is the owner of dropshipping titans

Until 2018, Paul was practicing as a lawyer. From his LinkedIn profile, he has worked for a number of firms over the years. 

According to Paul, he managed to scale a dropshipping business whilst still doing his traditional 9-5.

Dropshipping titans review how paul made millions with his ebay store during his lunch breaks

And he has developed this course to teach others how to become successful with dropshipping.

Here is one of his videos talking about various software that one can use for their dropshipping business.

 Dropshipping Titans Course Breakdown

The course consists of over 75 on-demand training videos. It has 10 modules that takes one through the step-by-step process of setting up, operating, and scaling one's eBay dropshipping store.

Here is a more detailed breakdown of the course.

  • MODULE ONE : Your Life is About to Change !
Dropshipping Titans review module one

This module introduces one to the owner and talks about the dropshipping model using eBay.

  • MODULE TWO: Get Your Store up and Running Fast!
Dropshipping titans course breakdown module2

You learn how to go about setting up your eBay store and get acquainted with their business terms and conditions.

  • MODULE THREE: My Titan's Product Research Formula!
Dropshipping titans review module three course breakdown

Paul takes you through the process of selecting the right product to launch your business. You also get his inside scoop on the best suppliers to do business with.

  • MODULE FOUR: The Perfect eBay Listing
Dropshipping Titans review module 4

This is where you get your hands dirty and list your product on eBay. Paul talks about using various automated software to make sure you do not lose money on any sale.

  • MODULE FIVE: What You Need to Know Before Listing More Items!
Dropshipping Titans review module five course breakdown

When you make your first sale on eBay, you do not get paid immediately. eBay holds the payment. How do you manage your payments to fulfill future orders? Paul addresses these concerns in this module.

  • MODULE SIX: Getting Your Customers Their Orders Fast!
Dropshipping titans review module 6 course breakdown

Here you learn how to fulfill orders at Home Depot and Walmart. Paul talks about how to address out-of-stock items.

  • MODULE SEVEN: Top Customer Service Hacks
Dropshipping Titans review module 7 breakdown

It's all about customer service. It's about building a good seller reputation. Paul shares his customer service hacks to becoming a reliable seller.

  • MODULE EIGHT: Titan Hacks to Double Your Profit on Every Sale!
Dropshipping Titans review module 8 course breakdown

Learn how to get tax exemption from your suppliers so that you can put money in your pocket. 

  • MODULE NINE: Keeping Things Organized
Dropshipping Titans review module 9

Making sure that everything is running smoothly.

  • MODULE TEN: Advanced Tips
Dropshipping Titans module 10 course breakdown

How Much is The Dropshipping Titans Course?

The course costs $297. Paul does offer a 3-month payment plan of $127.

What I Like About Dropshipping Titans

1. The owner/founder, Paul is hands-on and takes the time to answer to comments, questions, or queries. 

2. There is a   30-day money back guarantee.

3. The modules have action steps and quizzes.

What I Do Not Like About Dropshipping Titans

1. The  course is expensive

2. There are  additional expenses you need to make provision for

3. Your business is dependent on  one platform, eBay

Dropshipping Titans Might Not Be for EveryBody....

And this is with respect to eBay dropshipping in particular. Even Ryan states it in his FAQ(frequently asked questions).

Dropshipping Titans review why is it harder for people outside of the US

It's more challenging because you need a USA business. In some cases, eBay might require a tax ID for seller accounts. And you may need to apply for a tax form from your state.

Is Dropshipping Titans a Scam? My Personal Opinion

Dropshipping Titans is a legit course. The one thing that stands out from this course is that the owner, Paul Lipsky is hands-on. He put himself out there and offer great value in terms of free training. 

Others courses that I have reviewed like WriteAppReviews and BulletProof Profits have no owner, and promise quick profits or overnight fortunes. None of which is prevalent here. Definitely a thumbs up to Paul. 

But the big question is, is Dropshipping Titans for you?

Do you see yourself doing dropshipping in the future, is it a business model for you?

Let me quickly recap some of the main pros and cons of dropshipping.

Pros of Doing Dropshipping

  • It's easy to open an ebay Account
  • Less need for marketing, SEO, and paid advertising- your listings are already in front of millions of buyers

Cons of Doing Dropshipping

  • Restricted Customization - You are limited when it comes to customizing your storefront. It can make hard to stand out from the crowd.
  • You have to Constantly Watch Your Listings - You have to keep a check on what items are 'out-of-stock' lines so that you make the necessary changes to your storefront and prevent having unhappy customers.
  • eBay Charges - Your first 50 listings are free. Thereafter you are charged a listing fee as well as up to 10% of your total sale price
  • Focus on volume - because eBay charges can eat into your profits. 
  • Deal with after-sales customer service

What do you think? Is Dropshipping for you? Let me know in the comments section what you decide.

If on the other hand, you would like to learn how to earn commissions:-

  • without outlaying stock capital,
  • without writing e-books,
  • without using drop-shipping,
  • without relying on only eBay,

then check out my NR.1 Recommended business teaching platform here.

How I EARN A Passive Income Online

I transitioned from the health field to the online world. As a pharmacist, I enjoyed my profession but my own personal health challenges forced me to look for an alternate source of income. Check out my story here.

I earn a passive income online thanks to my affiliate marketing business.

The good news is that with affiliate marketing, you can build a business without having to recruit a single person. You don't have to go out there and cold-call people.

You can start as a complete newbie. You do not even need any sales experience

You can build a business based on your own passion, hobby, or interest. You can work in your own time. It also offers you the awesome benefit of earning a passive income online

It would be my pleasure to introduce you to this business model. I've been using it for five years. Let me help you to get started. Simply click on the link below to learn more

Thanks so much for joining me on Dropshipping Titans review.

I hope that it has helped you out.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Wish you everything of the best in your online success,

Kind Regards and Take Care


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