Engagermate Review Is Engagermate A Scam? Does It Work?

Hi there and welcome to my Engagermate Review. Engagermate is the latest product from Australian Entrepreneur Luke Maguire. Is this a gamechanger for your Instagram business or is Engagermate a scam?

I must be honest with you that I am not very much a fan of automation tools. Especially when it comes to the ones that deal with having to use social media platforms. I believe that it's all about connecting with people and not to be robotic and simply shove your business proposals into people's faces.It's about helping rather than simply to make a quick dollar here and there.

I was surprised to learn that this tool may not be a bad thing after all.....


My comprehensive review of Engagermate is going to give you a complete rundown of the good stuff and the not so good stuff. It is my hope that by the end of this post, you will know exactly whether or not this product is for you.

Before we get started, I want to quickly let you know that if you are looking for a legit way to making money online then check out the link that follows.

NAME OF PRODUCT: Engagermate

OWNER: Luke Maguire

WHAT IS ABOUT: An app that helps you to build an Instagram business.

PRICE: $1 trial, thereafter $49



Luke Maguire is the creator of Engagermate. It was around three years ago that he released a Facebook automation tool called Octosuite.

Engagermate review who is luke maguire

I bought Octosuite back then as I felt that my online business could do with the extra FaceBook engagement. The software worked really well, but then Facebook decided to update their algorithms and things took a little stumble. Nevertheless, it was still a fairly decent product and his support team was fantastic.You can check out my Octosuite review here.

Fast forward to today, we are in the first week launch of Engagermate. Basically Engagermate is an app that you can download either for Android or Apple.

The main point of this app is to help boost your Instagram presence and improve it's engagement. In other words, to help to get more followers, likes, and visits to your website or offers and ultimately to get more people to buy from you.

So why Instagram?

Well, here are some figures to show you that Instagram is worth getting involved with.

There are,

  • +1 Billion Active Users (52 times greater than FaceBook and 127 times greater than Twitter)
  • 90% of the world's brands are on Instagram
  • 85% of the world's top companies are on Instagram
  • 500 000 users are on Instagram daily

Luke mentions in his sales video that with the Engagermate tool, you will be able to follow and like people with a 'specific hashtag' with a simple click of button. The tool will also help you to discover your competitors followers, and incorporate them into your campaigns.

Most importantly, he claims that with Engagement you will be able to increase the number of your follows within record time. My guard went up when I heard this part. 

Is this for real, can it possible? I decided to buy the product for myself to see if it is really possible. 

Let me show you how Engagermate works!


Upon purchasing the product you will receive a welcome e-mail from the Engagermate team. This welcome e-mail contains an introductory video by Luke.

Engagermate Review

He walks you through the process of downloading the application onto your cellphone, and showing you how to go about linking the app to your Instagram account. You can have more than one Instagram account linked, but I will tell you more about that later on.

The linking is a once-off process. After the successful link up, you are ready to start working with the app. The dashboard interface looks different on a PC compared to a mobile device.

This is the what the PC version looks like.

Engagermate review what the membersr area looks like

The first place that you would want to check out, is the 'Tutorials' section.

Engagermate Review do they offer you tutorials

There are four training videos that gives you an adquate idea of how the tool functions as a whole.

The first part of the training, the 'Direct Message training' helps you to set up your welcome messages when you get followers. Luke recommends that you set up at least four or more different messages so that Instagram will not see you as merely spamming folks.

The second part, the 'Settings Tab,' is the training that shows you the 'nuts and bolts,' of Engagermate.

Enagagermate review the settings area

Its here where you learn how to follow and like people based on a 'specific hashtag.' You can set up the tool to,

  •  follow recent followers of your competitors,
  • follow people who have been to a specific place(like a meeting, or seminar, etc)
  • follow private users, etc

The third section of the training talks about using the 'Optimize Feature,' This one is a neat feature. The system gives you a snapshot of all of your original hashtags. You can see which ones performed well. 

How does the engagermate optimize feature work

The Results of one of my 'hashtags'

You gain a birds eye view of the number 'likes, follows and range,' of each hashtag. In this way, you will know which are the winning ones and have an idea on how to grow your account based on these results.

The final section is the 'reports and statistics,' which is self explanatory.

Now for the million dollar question. Does Engagermate really work?

Let me show you my results.


This is my results for day one. It took me less an hour to set up.

engagermate review does engagermate work

The above is what I had prior to using Engagermate. 

LIKES: 201



Engagermate Review is Engagermate a scam

After using the tool, got these results,



Note: I only experimented with six hashtags. In addition I did not use the feature to follow any of the competitor's followers.

Bottom Line : With just these few inputs, the tool gave me followers in a much more quicker period of time and with minimal effort. I found more engagement and activity compared to without having used any tools.


The tutorials are short and to the point and the software is easy to use.

​​​​​​Luke offers a 60-day double your money back guarantee, if you are not happy with using Engagermate.

His support team is helpful and always on standby.


There is a recurring monthly fee

You have to pay for additional Instagram accounts to be linked to Engagermate. 5 accounts would be $150 and 10 accounts would be $280.

Engagermate review how much does it cost to link additional accounts


The regular price for Engagermate is $49. This is the monthly fee that I was talking about.

**Note that the two features that I talked about namely the 'DIRECT MESSAGING' and the 'OPTIMISER' are additional upsells should you purchase this product next week.

In other words according to Luke if you join Engagermate in this launch week, you will get the DIRECT MESSAGING(normal price $197), and the OPTIMISER(normal price $297) included in this $49 fee.

I believe that Luke is throwing in a VIP TRAINING on Instagram marketing & monetizing Engagermate in this launch period as well.

In addition you get access to 

  • VIP FaceBook Group
  • Artifical Intelligence Learning
  • Live Growth Notification
  • Mobile App Integration
  • Facebook Font Changer

According to Luke these bonuses are valued at $900.So, if you want to get in, I recommend that you take advantage of this early bird special now to avoid having to pay more next week.


In the start of my Engagermate review, I mentioned that I am not a fan of automation tools.

I believe in 'old school', and that means engaging and talking to people. We are not selling to robots, we are helping people. 

Why then do I recommend Engagermate? Because Luke has embedded a feature in the tool whereby one can choose to automate likes (of your followers posts) or manually like the posts yourself.

I chose to manually like the posts. In this way, I can engage with people and build a relationship. In other words, you have control using the software.

Last but not least, let's not forget that at the end of the day, you still have to post to your feed to show people you are alive! So, you still have to do works.

If you want to build your Instagram following, then give Engagermate a try.

Click on the link below to get started.

Engagermate review how to buy the engagaermate product

Thanks for joining me on this Engagermate review.

I hope that it has helped you out.

Wish you everything of the best in your Instagram success.

Kind Regards and Take Care


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