Hi there and welcome to my Fearless Momma review. Would you like to make $250 commissions over and over again? The Fearless Momma is marketed as a system that can help you to earn multiple $250 commissions.
Sounds cool right? Is Fearless Momma a scam, or is it a legit way to making money online? I would like to share with you some concerns about this product should you be thinking of signing up.
Despite the rise of online scams and websites that pay you pennies for your precious time, the 'good guys' are still around. There are legit ways to making good money online.
NAME OF PRODUCT: Fearless Momma
FOUNDER: Mack Mills
WHAT IS ABOUT ? : One has to pay $250 to buy the 'rights' to sell Fearless Momma to others.For every successful recruit that signs up, the sponsor will receive his or her 100% commission of $250.
DO I RECOMMEND IT ? : The business model is risky, you can lose your initial investment should you fail to get people to join you.
There are two people involved in the Instant Payment Method/Fearless Momma marketing system.
The first person is a gentlemen by the name of Mack Mills. He is the guy who narrates the sales video.

From the sales video on the official Fearless Momma website,one learns that Mack Mills is a high school drop out.
Apparently he has been making money online for the past 20 years now.
As for the Fearless Momma marketing course, it is a product that is developed by Tanya Montgomery aka Fearless Momma. (More about the actual course a bit later on.)
Should I rather say, what is Instant Payment Method all about?
It's a bit confusing mind you. One minute you see a big bold green button that says "JOIN FEARLESS MOMMA," and then just below you read the words 'Instant Payment Method.'
Well whatever the case is, to find out exactly what this system is all about,one has no choice but to watch the 34 minute sales video.
Allow me to summarize it for you.

Mack hints that he has made multiple $250 commissions by using an automated system. A system that is capable of working 24 hours around the clock and doing the "selling, e-mail follow-up and training."
You will see clips of Mack living the lavish lifestyle- spending time with his kids, working out at his home gym, showing his fancy car and catching a movie in his home made cinema.
It is this exact system you are going to be purchasing for $250 and earning commissions from.
I got to admit that the sales video is done really well. It certainly hits on all the emotional spots. Most importantly, Mack will have you to believe that you are purchasing into a product that does not require any sales experience or cold-calling.
It works 24 hours a day and with Fearless Momma you can 'wake up the next day more richer than the day before.'
What exactly are you buying when you sign up for the Fearless Momma system and how does it work?
Let me show you.
According to Mack when you pay the $250 one-time membership fee, you are buying into a 'franchise-like system.'
In a minute I will show what the actual product is. For now, know that when Mack says franchise system, he means a system that is going to make you your $250 back over and over again.
In other words, your $250 investment is sort of a license to promote Fearlesss Momma to your family and friends. When they purchase the product, you get their $250 and so on.
In addition to just earning $250 dollar commissions, Mack also shows you that the system has potential of returning even higher earnings. Earnings in the region of $2000 and $3000 commissions.

This is some serious cash, wouldn't you say?
Whilst more money is good the downside is that in order to earn these higher commissions you have to purchase the higher-ticketed products first.That means more money out from your pocket.
Is there a real product that you are buying for $250?
According to Mack, the course will teach you on how to market any product or service online. It covers the following topics,
- Lead Generation,
- Facebook Marketing,
- Craigslist Advertising, and
- eCommerce

The course is developed by Tammy Montgomery, otherwise known as the Fearless Momma.
From what I gather, the course is mainly focused on getting you more leads for the Fearless Momma course. You will be taught on how to use Facebook Ads Manager, Craiglists,YouTube and Solo Ads to generate these leads.
Mack believes that this is an 'earn while you learn,' course.
Basically the point behind the training, is to get more $250 commissions into your bank account.

If the ultimate goal is to make money from promoting a signal product, does this mean that Fearless Momma is a Ponzi scheme?
Before I answer that, lets take a look at the pros and cons of this business.
I like the fact that there are real people behind this product, Unlike other make money online products they tend to use aliases or stock images. At least in this case, nobody is hiding behind the curtains.
They accept PayPal and Stripe as payment methods.
There are no refunds. They clearly state in their terms and conditions that there is no cooling-off period. No refunds will be granted.
You have to purchase the higher ticketed items to earn the higher commissions. These items are priced within the thousands.
Your success depends on how well you can recruit. The more folks you recruit into the business,the more money you will make.
You will have to pay for additional marketing expenses. Using FaceBook Ads, or Solo Ads means that you have to 'pay to play.'
Is Fearless Momma legit? Is Fearless Momma a Ponzi Scheme?
Let's quickly define Ponzi scheme.
According to Wikipedi.org
A ponzi scheme is a form of fraud that lures investors and pays profits to earlier investors with funds from more recent investors. The scheme leads victims to believe that profits are coming from product sales or other means, and they remain unaware that other investors are the source of funds.
With Fearless Momma, the money that comes in is directly forwarded to the sponsors and not to the owners or founders.
I see Fearless Momma more as a gifting scheme.Your contribution is forwarded to whomever introduced you, and you in turn earn back your $250 from the person whom you directly sponsor.Provided of course they sign up and pay the $250.
What about the testimonials? Are they not legit?

In my honest opinion,I think that one can make money with the Fearless Momma.
Does this mean that I recommend it? My answer is a big NO!
Here's why.
I think that on the one hand Fearless Momma is not a scam because of the fact that you are still getting a product in exchange for your money.
On the other hand, investing in this sort of business can be risky. There are no refunds.You can lose your entire investment, should you fail to recruit someone into the organisation. Should you decide to buy the higher packaged items, then you can lose even more.
I feel that their business concept does not follow that of a true business model. To me building a true business means building relationships, it means empowering people and helping them to become a success too. In this case, the focus is mainly on the recruiting side and nothing else.
At least that is the way that I see it.
Lastly the future of Fearless Momma cannot be guaranteed. I am not saying that they going to shut shop anytime soon.
It is possible that their practice of business operations may not be in line with some authorities.Recently there was a shutdown of a company by the FTC(federal trade commission) called MOBE. One of MOBE's strategies was to lead their members into taking up higher tickets products and sell them in a similar fashion as to how Fearless Momma does.
Bottom Line: I would not recommend it. Be very careful should you decide to sign up with them
You may have heard of the famous line 'it takes money to make money.' The answer is yes, if you are looking to start building a solid online business then you need to pay for the tools, the training, the support, etc.
The good news is that it does not have to break the bank to get started.I can tell you for a fact that for the best training, tools, support, mentorship, it will cost you less than a cup of coffee a day!
Much cheaper than $250!
In fact, you can even get started for free to see if it suits you before you pull out your credit card.
I have used this awesome online teaching platform for the past 4 years. It's the real deal.
If you want to start building a real online business with passive income potential, then click on the green button that follows.It would my pleasure to help you to get started,
Thanks for joining me on this Fearless Momma review.
I hope that it has helped you out.
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Kind Regards and Take Care