Welcome to my Writers.Work review.Would you like to make money from freelancing? Maybe you would like to take it one step further and turn into a full-time passion? And so you are looking at joining the Writers.Work freelancing platform.
Is Writers.work a scam, or will it be worth your time and money to join them?
I was actually a bit surprised. My initial reaction to this site was that it was pretty impressive. However, as I delved deeper into my research, I came across some rather interesting findings. Let me show you what Writers.work is really all about before you decide to sign-up.
Before we get started I want to congratulate you for taking the time to do your due diligence. Many folks out there would jump all in and sometimes in the process may end up feeling disappointed or worst, cheated out. So, well done on your part.
If you are looking to start making money from using your writing skills, then take a look at my NR.1 recommendation to making money from writing online. You do not need any experience to get started. Click on the link below.
FOUNDERS : Mrs. Jennifer Harrell and Mr.Mark Harrell
PRICE TO JOIN : $47 Membership Fee, $99 for the course modules.
WHAT IS IT ABOUT? : Writers. Work is a platform that helps two parties, employers and freelancers. Employers can find assistancefor do si for completion of any of their projects or tasks. Freelancers can help fulfill these contracts and in turn earn money for doing so.
Basically Writers Work is a platform that helps to connect employers with freelancers.
As far as who the founders are, not much information is made easily available on the website. However, with some digging, I learned that one can contact either a Ms. Jennifer Harrell or a Mr.Mark Harrell for any queries.
If you are an employer or a business owner you can hire a freelancer to help with a project that you need to get done for your business.
The advantage of utilizing a platform like Writers Work is that you do not have to pay for the regular expenses such as salaries, leave pay, or health insurance that are associated with the hiring of a full-time employee.
From the freelancer's point of view, you can post your skills, or talents and earn money from fulfilling these contracts from employers.
The remainder of my review will be focused more on talking about Writers.Work from the perspective of the freelancer rather than from the employer.
Let's take a look to see how the Writers.work platform works.
The reason why I say suppose to work as opposed to how it actually works is that things are not what they seem when one arrives at the site.
Let me explain...
When you head over to the main Writers Work website, you will notice a tab that says " freelancer's marketplace."

Clicking on this tab will provide you with more details on what services or tools are on offer should you decide to sign up as a freelancer.
I got to admit, that I was quite impressed with the help that you that as a freelancer would receive.

They apparently offer one a course to help him or her to become a better freelancer.

They then claim to have "an instant submission finder." In other words, they would help to source out the right sites that will get your article published.
They then have a tool that plays relaxing audio tracks, that will assist you to maintain focus on your writing.

If you are having trouble with the editing your articles, you can make use of their built-in grammar checker.
They also have an organizer to help you to keep check of all of your projects and to alert you of their respective deadlines.

And finally, they have a "habit builder", which helps you to keep track of your progress. These include your goals such as the number of words needed for a specific article.
As I said earlier, this is ideally how the platform should work. But the way that Writers.Work actually works, is a different story. First, allow me to show you what their membership fees are, and then I will share these interesting discoveries.
There are basically two membership options. You can take the monthly option which is $17, or you can take the one-time fee option of $47.
They do have a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Apart from the advertising of the various tools, they don't go into much detail and show you how it all works. In other words, there is no way that one could test any of it unless he or she takes out a paid membership.
I also found it a bit strange, that there were no testimonials of previous members who have paid to gain access to the site.
So, I decided to hunt for any previous customer complaints or compliments.
This is what I had learned....
Writers.work scored an F rating on the BBB(Better Business Bureau).
At the time of writing this review, there were 21 complaints against the Writers Work company.
Not one single praise or compliment was present(on the BBB site)
Almost every one of these complaints was members seeking their initial $47 membership refund. Whilst some members were fortunate enough to receive their monies, others were left hanging out to dry.

taken from the BBB SITE
Either they were told a lame story by consultants, or they could not reach anyone at the company.

taken from the BBB SITE
Other members lost more than just $47. They bought the courses, I believe they were about $99 each. They were told by Writers Work representatives that the courses were not covered by the 30-day money-back guarantee.
Why were the members requesting their monies?
A great deal of the members has reported that the content provided within the member's area was not worth the asking price.

taken from the BBB site
They felt that the resources could easily be found for free by doing a simple Google search.
So, is Writers.work a scam?
Before I give you my verdict, take a look at the pros and cons of this business opportunity.
They have an updated blog with some really helpful information. Some of the topics include, "how do freelancers deal with cash fluctuations," and "steps to take if a client does not pay."
They have a professional-looking user-interface to display the freelancer's profile.
They have a 30-day money-back guarantee.
There are no contact details, e-mail address or founder's information on the website.
No testimonials from previous users.
Numerous customer complaints.
No free trial offer.
Is Writers.Work a scam or is it a legitimate freelance platform?
On a positive note, I think they held up their end of the bargain by refunding some of the members. Furthermore, I think that the information in their blogs is written to genuinely help folks.
However, on the negative side, I think that the site is misleading. It claims to help folks who are brand new to the freelancing industry. They do not offer one a trial. There are no testimonials from previous users and the site has a sufficient amount of complaints.
As for the various tools on offer, can it really be sourced for free using our old friend Mr. Google? Let's take look, shall we?
First, their courses on how to become an efficient freelancer. There are tons of free quality blogs that can give you top-notch advice about freelancing. Let's not forget you got YouTube at your fingertips.
Then for relaxing audio tracks, YouTube can supply you with tons of calming and uplifting music to help inspire your writing.
You can always use the free version of Grammarly to edit your articles. There are so many management tools, such as Wunderlist, Todoist, Google Keep, that can help you manage projects and keep track of their deadlines.
As for your goals, you can try out Trello, I personally use it.
What about the instant submission article tool? I always get concerned when someone tells me that you get instant results. especially when it comes to the world of online business. I have yet to come across any method online that can make you money instantly without you putting in the time and effort.
Bottom Line: I personally would not recommend Writers.Work.
Don't get me wrong, there is nothing I got against becoming a freelance writer. In fact, I included it in my post as one of the top 5 ways of making money from writing online.
There are some drawbacks to freelance writing though. Firstly, it may not always be easy to land your first paying gig. The platform you use may need you to have a certain amount of experience in order to be accepted.
Then the pay might not always be what you expect, as in some cases you may need to drop your price just to compete for the job. You might also have to deal with the unrealistic demands of a client who pushes you to do countless revisions before you finally get your pay.
For me, the biggest drawback is that I feel that your work does not get the full recognition that it deserves. I mean you are spending so much of your time, money, effort and resources into writing one article. Why not put all that energy into writing for your own website, and you get your own customers and earn a passive income online from doing so?
You can earn money by writing online. You can have the flexibility and freedom whilst doing it. You do not need any experience to get started. And you can do it, whilst you build yourself an online business.
Take a look at my NR.1 Recommendation for making money by writing online. Click here.
Thanks so much for joining me on this Writers.Work review. I hope that it has helped you out.
Have you tried freelance writing before? What was your experience like?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Wish you everything of the best in your online success.
Kind Regards and Take Care
One thing I have noticed about websites online is that no matter how good they are they must definitely have complaints from customers. Now I am not trying to say these complaints laid by these people that have made use of this platform are false but rather anyone that intends to make use of it should do more research even if there are complaints from those that have already made use of it.
Having said that, I think those in charge of writers.work site can obviously do better. They can work on the negatives of their sites to make it more appealing to people. In my opinion, they don’t seem very transparent but I would not really call them a scam site as like you said they even returned money to some people that asked for their money back.
I agree with 100 percent.Thanks so much for your comment. Really appreciate it.
Roopesh, thanks for this informative review of Writers. Work. On the face of it, it looks quite good but fortunately you have uncovered the truth about the site. The fact that the site has no testimonials is a big red flag. You have identified that a lot of so called tools on this site are available for free elsewhere. Thanks for the heads up!
You are most welcome. Thank you very much for stopping by.really appreciate it. Take Care
I do not believe that writers job is a scam. how ever there have been shortcomings and in situations like this, it is better for anyone who want to engage in any platform to read all reviews possible about the platform. for someone like me, i would say that it is a total waste of my time.