Hi there and welcome to my Knowledge Broker Blueprint review or KBB 2.0. The self-knowledge industry is booming. According to Forbes, it will triple by 2025!
The KBB 2.0 course was unveiled to the world on the 27th of February.This is the follow-up to KBB 1 created by Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. This course is designed to help you to tap into this self-knowledge industry. Is KBB 2.0 a scam, or should you sign up, and learn from Tony and Dean?
Today, it's my pleasure to give you my comprehensive review of this course.If there are any questions on your mind, it is my hope this review will give you the answers that you are looking for.
Great, having said that before we jump straight into reviewing Tony Robbin's new course, you may be interested in wanting to check out my number recommendation to making money online.
It's the method that has helped me to 'get my foot into the online world.' I have been using it for the past 4 years and perhaps it can help you out as well.
I confess, my wife and I bought the previous version of the course called Knowledge Business Blueprint or KBB for short.
You can check out my detailed review of KBB here. So, to give you a better understanding of what Tony Robbin's Knowledge Broker Blueprint or KBB 2.0 is all about, let me show you what my dashboard area looks like when I log into the KBB system.

As you can see, there are three products that I have access to.
The last product is that of Dean Graziosi's book called the Underdog Advantage. He launched this towards the second half of 2019. The book is filled with an amazing amount of value, and if you want inspiration, motivation and practical and proven steps to take your life to the next level then get this book.
Dean shares some real life-changing moments as he progressed on his journey from someone who did not have any formal qualification to becoming a successful businessman, New York Times bestseller, and world- renowned speaker.
You can read my detailed review of Dean Graziosi's Underdog Advantage here.
Coming back to the dashboard image, you may have noticed that we also got access to both KBB 1 and KBB 2.0.
The really cool part is that we automatically scored on all the upgrades without having to pay anything extra. There are some amazing extra's added to KBB 2.0. I will get into that shortly.
But for now, let's answer the main question- what is KBB 2.0 all about?
If you have had the opportunity to watch one of Dean Graziosi's ads, you will hear him saying something like "making self-education the new norm," or "tapping into the self-knowledge industry."
And that is basically what the main idea of the KBB 2.0 course is. It's all about helping you to get your foot into the self-knowledge industry.
Earlier on I said that the self-education industry is booming and that Forbes predicts massive growth by 2025. You can check out their article here.
So, how exactly does this course help you to build a business around self-knowledge?
Let me explain in the next section.
How does the course help you to build your own self-knowledge business?
The course is designed to help you to extract your 'superpower' or the one thing that you are good at, be it any skills, hobbies, or expertise that you may have.
It then shows how you can go about sharing this information with people through building your own Mastermind, Workshop or Group.
The ultimate goal is to share what you already know, to help impact people's lives and at the same time to take your success to a higher level.
Why a Mastermind, Workshop or a Group?
Having any of these forms will allow you to have a collective group of folks that are specific to your chosen niche. Remember you only need to be one step ahead of people. When people join your mastermind, they want to get an answer faster, and they would be willing to pay you for it. A win-win for everyone!
What if you feel that you do not have any ideas for a niche or a superpower that you can share?
No problem, Tony and Dean have included a separate module to help you to extract other people's superpower and help share it with the world.
Either way, you become what is known as a Knowledge Broker.
Let me bring you in on a secret.....when we bought KBB last year, we had no idea or clue as to what our superpowers were going to be.
Honestly, when we bought the course we were nervous. But we knew that we wanted a change for the better, and we knew that there is more to life. So we took the plunge.
We trusted the process, we trusted what Tony and Dean were teaching us. And that brings me to showing you our graduation certificate upon finishing the Knowledge Business Blueprint.

Now you have a better idea of what the KBB course is supposed to do.
Let me take you into the member's area and show you what the course looks like.
The layout of KBB 2.0 is the same as that of the first course. They have, however, made changes to the overall course look and video thumbnails.

Inside the KBB Member's Area

Inside the KBB 2.0 Member's Area
To me, the more significant changes are the addition of the new videos. I remember that with the Knowledge Business Blueprint, there were not that many videos featuring Tony Robbins.
With KBB 2.0, you are in for a treat, as almost one whole module has him in it. These videos open up the course, and Tony does a fantastic job of firing you up, getting you inspired, to take action and stay on course.
I must be honest, I did not have the opportunity as yet to complete the course in its entirety. I am working on finally getting my workshop launched. (stay till the end, I will tell you what that is all about)
Whilst the first Knowledge Business Blueprint has four modules, KBB 2.0 features 6 modules.

4 Modules of Knowledge Business Blueprint(KBB)

6 Modules of Knowledge Broker Blueprint(KBB 2.0)
These are the modules of the new course :
MODULE ONE : Mastering Your Mindset
MODULE TWO : Extraction and Discovery
MODULE THREE : Marketing Mastery
MODULE FOUR : Generating The Right Clients
MODULE FIVE : Running Your Event With Confidence
MODULE SIX : Knowledge, Consultant and Reporter
Structure of the KBB 2.0 modules :
Each module has a lesson, and each of these lessons are further broken down into sub-lessons.
In order to get you to complete the course, Tony and Dean have made special bonus videos. To unlock these bonuses, you have to watch the initial video lessons and then answer the quiz at the end.

It was fun doing the quiz.
In addition, they have a point system in place. Once you complete each lesson, you get points and your status level changes.
Everyone starts from the 'starter' level and goes all the way up.

As I said, I did not complete this version of the course, so not sure what the final level will be. But on the KBB 1.0, once I completed all the levels, the final stage was called "FORCE FOR GOOD."

I think it has a good ring to it, what do you think?
One more thing, the points that you earn can help you to unlock POWER MOVES. So, Tony and Dean give you motivation every step of the way to get you to the finish line.
Let's quickly talk about the pros and cons of KBB 2.0.
They have an active Facebook Support group. Over 21 000 members. This is where you get to witness the success stories, ask for help and learn more on how to take your business to new heights.
Their technical support is always on standby to help you with any query you may have. I tested out their response time, and within a few hours, they are on top of the problem.
You get a 30-day no questions Money Back Guarantee.
KBB is available in 150 countries.
You get a graduation certificate upon completion of the course.
You get to see Dean Live every Monday within the private FaceBook group. Whether it's to give training, offer motivation, and help you get that momentum or just to share with you shout-outs, he has been there every single Monday without fail.
It is expensive.The course cost $1, 997. You do however have the option of paying for it over 4 monthly installments of $597 each.
In my personal opinion, I do not think that KBB 2.0 is a scam. They tell you right from the start, that this is not an overnight get rich quick system.
It's going to time and effort, and I personally have put in a fair amount of effort to finally say that I will be able to launch my Workshop. My workshop is aimed at helping Tinnitus sufferers. I chose that niche, because I too have Tinnitus, and would like to share my ways of dealing with it.
The bottom line is that apart from my success stories there are thousands of other stories. I have learned of a mom who is helping other moms with their children with eczema using natural healing remedies. Then there is a lady who started her very own 'women's only real estate investor workshop.'
I was pleasantly surprised to learn that there were over 4000 niches upon which businesses were built upon.
You can check out more KBB Success stories here.
I would like to end this KBB 2.0 review by sharing with you two of my favorite highlights.
The first is that the course covers all three angles, mindset, tactics, and strategy.
Tony and Dean make sure you are all pumped up, and in the right frame of mind, before even starting with extracting your superpower. Then only do you learn what your main strength is.
The final phase of the course teaches real and tested marketing strategies.
The second highlight is its unique MindMint software. What is the MindMint software?
This is where all your training, the agenda, and tools come together. The software takes everything and allows you to set up your Mastermind with ease.
Like Tony says, "Complexity is the failure of execution."
They have made the final implementation really easy.
Should you sign up to KBB 2.0?
This course has had the most impact on my life. It was fun building out my agenda, and the marketing was great.
But the real treasure was been able to connect with people who are in the same boat as I.
I would say that it adds a personal touch, and more meaning and purpose to my business. At least this is my experience.
So, is the course for you?
If you want to impact people's lives whilst building a real business at the same time, I would highly recommend purchasing the course.
I asked myself, what if I did not buy the course? What would have happened then?
The answer is, that I would not be able to reach out to someone else who is going through what I have already experienced.
Think of it this way, what if everything that you have experienced this far, is to share with others and impact their lives? The bonus is that you get to take your success to a whole new level.
This course can help you to do that.
Thanks so much for joining me today.
I hope that this KBB 2.0 review has helped you out.
If you have any furher questions or comments, just leave them below.
I promise to get back to you.
Kind Regards and Take Care
Now this is really a worthy thing to invest both money and time to. Tony Robbins is a very well respected individual who has made a lot for himself and is surely a big name in the marketing industry. Hence, this is really worthwhile. In truth, knowledge broker blueprint is a plus for me especially since it would help me to get an area that I found more interesting. Thanks so much
You are most welcome. Thanks so much for stopping by.
Thank you for your review on Knowledge Broker Blueprint Review. I got and email ad and I have to find out what is this company is all about. It is definitely a high ticket price tag but I think of this as paying myself first, knowledge is power. I will check it out as soon as I have the money to pay for it.
What else more important than reading authentic tips or suggestions on the Knowledge Broker Blueprint website?
Our knowledge is limited but it has unlimited power to learn. Knowledge broker blueprint by Tony and Dean are considerable to any online insider. This website train people with life experiences. They teach them using module style of the training system.
Thanks a lot for this educative contribution. Well done!
Here is a great blueprint by the look of it with some credible names behind it so thanks for sharing as I had not come across this before. I love the fact you are viewing something you are trying out for yourselves.
I agree there is a fantastic appreciation out there and finding your passion your purpose is key to that. For me with this kind of course, that is half the battle! The rest is about procedure and setting yourself up.
It’s great you are walking the talk. In your experience how long does it take to be earning passive income if you follow all the right steps?
That is an excellent question. Unfortunately, though the answer is not as clear cut. It really depends on a number of factors. The niche you choose, the marketing avenue you choose, the amount of time you spend on your business, and so forth.
However, I do believe that the key is to start somewhere. Once you get the ball rolling, just keep working with it. If something does not work, change the strategy. Just do not give up until you find that it’s working for you.
The most important point to remember is that you are investing in yourself and building a business that will one day sustain you.
Let me know if there is anything else that I could help you with.