Hi and welcome to The Knowledge Business Blueprint course review. The KBB Course is the latest offering from three famous and influential minds of our time. Is KBB a scam, or is it the real path to self education? Can you really become a success if you buy this course?
I bought it. My wife and I went through the first module of the Knowledge Business Blueprint. Let me share my experience and show you what it is all about.
NAME OF PRODUCT : The Knowledge Business Blueprint or KBB
FOUNDERS : Anthony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, and Russell Brunson
PRICE : $1,997 or 3 installments of $597. You can use the Paypal Credit option as well.
WHAT IS IT ABOUT ?: The course is designed to help you build a group, mastermind or workshop, based on what you already know. To create an impact and to leave a lasting change in the lives of the people who join your mastermind / group / workshop, and simultaneously allows you to earn a revenue from the members.
You also have the option of becoming a ''knowledge broker'', i.e. one who is able to extract knowledge and wisdom from another, and to bring forth this knowledge and wisdom into a mastermind for them.
The KBB course is marketed as a program that will help you to build a business from 'what you already know.'
What does this mean?
The creators of KBB will guide you through the process of extracting 'the unique ability,' or the wisdom that lies within, and to build a mastermind here-from. The course also teaches you about, how to become a knowledge broker and helps you to extract other people's wisdom and build an impactful mastermind from it.
What is a Mastermind?
A mastermind is a group of like-minded individuals sharing a common goal, experience or challenge. The purpose is not only to make a lasting and significant impact in someone else's life through these masterminds, but to also help you to earn good revenue as well, by doing so.
I have seen folks charge from $300 to $20,000 for their Masterminds within the official KBB FaceBook page (More about the testimonials later on). The amount that you make really does depend on the type of niche that you get into.
According to the founders, you are tapping into a ' $355 Million Dollar Knowledge Industry.'
Speaking of the founders, who exactly are the owners of KBB?
The founders of Knowledge Business Blueprint are three highly influential and famous men, namely, Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi and Russell Brunson.

Tony and Dean have generated billions of dollars and impacted millions of lives via their respective businesses alone.
According to Wikipedia.org, Tony was listed on the Worth Magazine Power 100 list in 2016. At the age 17 years, he left home and never returned.
He later worked as a janitor and did not attend college. He began his career by promoting seminars for motivational speaker and author, Jim Rohm. You will hear him referencing Jim, in the KBB training videos, as his role model and mentor.
Today, Tony has many accolades to his name such as author, philanthropist and life coach. He has featured in various infomercials, seminars and written best sellers such as Unlimited Power and Awaken the Giant Within (which is what I am currently reading. Really cool book, by the way.)
People spend millions of dollars just to be coached by Tony Robbins.
Dean Graziosi was a broke kid who was fixing cars and driving his tow truck. 20 years ago he got into the real estate market doing 10-15 deals. He started the business with a camera and tripod stand, showing folks how he would go about doing a real-estate deal with no money down.
From here, moving forward, Dean went on to showing people how to close between 20 to a 100 deals a month. Today he has countless bestsellers to his name, including the famous Millionaire Success Habits. He holds various titles such as Business Coach, Mentor, Author and Leader.
Here is a short video of him talking about the "5 Things That You Need To Give Up To Be Successful."
Russell Brunson is the owner of Clickfunnels, a $100 million dollar + company. He too has his own mastermind, where he has folks paying him $25,000 to gain access to it. He has helped thousands of everyday people, to start, grow and scale their expertise.
So, these guys have put together the Knowledge Business Blueprint. According to Dean, they have worked for almost a full year, extracting 60 years of knowledge, to bring KBB to life.
The ultimate point of their KBB course, is to help you to create a mastermind on a topic or an agenda that you are passionate about, and love to do.
In a nutshell, the course is designed to not only show you a blueprint to building a mastermind, and guiding you with the all important marketing thereof, but to also mentally prepare you.
Many courses fail in this area. They may have the best training, tools, or even support, but they do not teach one on how to be mentally strong when the "road gets tough."
Which brings us to talking about the actual KBB Course. Let me show you what it's all about.
Here is my Paypal receipt to show you that I did in fact purchase the Knowledge Blueprint Course.

Here is the welcome e-mail that I received from their team.

Before I share with you what I think of the first module that my wife and I have completed, let me show you what the layout of the entire course looks like and how the actual KBB course works.
The first thing that you are going to see is the welcome page. This includes a video introduction featuring the two main course guides, which are none other than Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi.

There are four main modules that make up the KBB flagship course.
They are :
Each of these modules are broken down into lessons, that are further broken down into video tutorials that are either conducted by Tony or Dean. For instance the first module, Extract It is broken down into 5 Video lessons. The screenshot below shows only 4 of them though. You can also see the individual tutorials that pertain to each lesson.

The first module, 'Extract It', is to help you to discover your superpower, your strengths, the one thing that you already know, or are good at, around which you will be building your mastermind/group or workshop on.

Tony and Dean will help you to find your ideal client and you will already have the agenda set out using their amazing Mindmint software.
The second module, 'Fill It', is to introduce you to the psychology behind the marketing of your business. You will learn about the essence of using social media, using different web pages, building a funnel and getting ready to launch your business.
I confess I cheated. I skipped to the Facebook Blueprint training as I wanted to learn additional ways on how to grow my current Wealthy Affiliate business. It was amazing to say the least.

The third module, 'Run It', is to help you to run your business as smooth as possible, be it a virtual or a physical in-person mastermind.
The final module, 'Knowledge Broker', is to take you through the process of "brokering someone else's knowledge". It's the same concept Tony used with Jim Rohm.
Apart from these modules, there is the MindMint Software as well. According to Dean, they have spent close to $400 000 on creating it.

This software will help you to accept payments, build your next event, act as a wisdom extractor, build your website and help you to keep track of sales.
Module One of KBB was a real eye-opener for us. It's called "Extract It". Dean helps you to discover what your superpower is. The one thing that you are good at, or what you are passionate about or love to talk about, that is your superpower.
At first we thought that we did not have much to offer. Then once we went through the series of questions within the course, we were quite surprised to learn that the challenges we've faced in our past, and our life experiences, helped us to uncover our strengths, and ultimately our superpowers.
The next part of the course was to identify our ideal client. These are the people who will be invited to our mastermind, or the one's who will derive the best benefit from what we have to offer.
Dean walked us through the art of doing a Mastermind, and showed us how to tell the story and deliver our message by using the Mastermind software. At the end of the module, you will already have your agenda set up. Then it's over to the next module.
What is our superpower? {I think that I am going to leave this part out for now. Let me surprise you once we are completed with the full course. So, keep watching this space ;-). }
Lots of writing, lots of self-discovery, lots of revelation.
Thus far, the experience has been amazing. It's different from any other course that I have done. You are encouraged to write down what you're feeling and what you discover about yourself, as you progress. In fact, they have a KBB PDF workbook that you can download to make your life easier.
To keep your attention and make sure that you are not just 'dabbling' through the course, Tony and Dean have strategically placed 'ethical bribes' within parts of the lessons.
You begin on the 'STARTER' level then as you go up, your level status changes. We are now on the 'APPRENTICE,'level.

Once you've completed a particular section, there is a Quiz, that you have got to take. On successful completion of the quiz, you will be awarded points, which you can use towards unlocking other features or videos. Dean calls these the 'ethical bribes.'

The last point that I want to mention is, that the course has got a really powerful start. Instead of a normal course that jumps straight into the material, there are two very strong and inspirational videos by Tony Robbins.

The purpose of these videos are to mentally prepare you for the journey ahead.
These videos are what I call 'lift me up' videos and can be watched whenever you're feeling down, irrespective of what business you are in. So when you need a boost, they are the perfect "go to" to get you back on track!
They are unscripted and you can see what a master Tony is. The influence and impact he has is incredible. It's really something to watch!
When you purchase the Knowledge Business Blueprint course, you get access to their closed Knowledge Business Blueprint FaceBook page.

It's a very interactive group and members are regularly posting their 'wins' or achievements. 'Wins' such as, those who have completed the course, or started their first mastermind, or got their first sign-up(s) and so forth.
It's impressive to see how folks have developed and grown and how helpful and supportive the community is.
As for the money being made, no doubt people are earning. In fact, Dean has a live weekly feed on FB every Monday. In the last one that I saw, he mentioned a lady who made $43 000 on her first launch. Her mastermind had to do with 'Women In Real Estate.'
I got to hear of folks starting their social media branding workshops.
People have started some amazing Masterminds. Here are just a few of the topics that were shared within the KBB group...
- Thermography,
- Inspiring Women to Get Back Their Joy In Motherhood,
- Helping Middle School and High School Athletes to up their Game,
- Mental Coaching,
- World Laughter Mastermind,
- Helping Attorneys to get the Joy, Fulfillment and Balance in their lives,
- Event Management,
- The Benefits of Walking,
- Video Mastery mastermind.
The course is making a significant difference in people's lives. There is one common factor with all these success stories, and that is , these people took Massive Action. They learned the theory and converted it into action.
The cool part is, when you finally complete the course, you get issued a certificate to celebrate your success.

Having said that, please watch this space, as my wife and I will be posting a picture of our certificate once we've complete the KBB course.
Usually when you buy into a course, the bonuses that you get may be a few videos or PDF's or some course material that may serve as a supplement to the main course. In many of these instances, these bonuses may offer little or no value.
It's a totally different picture when it comes to the bonuses that complement the Knowledge Business Blueprint course.

Take a look at all the bonuses that you get :
- Tony Robbins Ultimate Edge
- Tony Robbins Platinum Bonus
- Traffic Bundle
- Dean's Inner Circle
- Russell Brunson Bonus
- Tony Robbins Priming Exercise
- Jenna Kutcher Training
- Becoming The Reporter
As an affiliate marketer and an existing business owner, the material in these bonuses have helped me to take my business into a whole new direction.(Check out my story here.)
For instance, the Traffic Bundle series, has got a one hour and 20 minute training on FaceBook Marketing. It's called the FACEBOOK BLUEPRINT.

If you love checking out your Facebook feed on a frequent basis, like myself, then you are more than likely to come across some of Dean's sponsored posts. Dean hired a young man by the name of Ryan to do all of his campaigns.
The best part is that the training is conducted by Ryan himself. This guy is amazing and he takes you from setting up your FB pixels(I had no idea what they were prior to watching the video), to scaling your Ads.
These guys spend thousands daily, on FB ads, and have proof that what they are doing, really works. It's training from the best and it's available as a bonus.
The other super-cool bonus that I checked out, is Tony's Ultimate Edge series. It is a life changing audio program that Tony conducted that "has helped millions of people around the globe over the last two decades alone."
It consists of four parts namely, Inner Strength, Personal Power, Get The Edge and Your Personal Blueprint.

Part Two of the Ultimate Edge Bonus
Each consists of high quality audio tracks, that take you through the process of taking control of your mindset.
I only went through the first audio part. I look forward to doing the rest, as it was a real eye-opener.
The last bonus that I looked at, was Tony's Platinum Bonus.
In this section, you get taken into the minds of big names within the wealth industry. Tony shares his interviews with guys like Peter Mallouk, a top financial adviser, Jack Bogle, an american investor, Ray Dalio, a philanthropist and other names.
I must admit that it was a bit intimidating to watch. I am not an investor and did not understand half of what they were talking about, like hedge funds and so forth. These are all foreign topics to me.
Nevertheless, it was interesting to watch. It shows that Tony is a guy that has diversified his interests and is able to help and influence people across all areas.
Bottom Line: The KBB Bonus section should be worth over $800 if not more in my opinion. I think that it's an amazing addition into the overall course package.
The Only Time that You Can LOSE, Is When You Quit- Dean Graziosi
The cost for the course is $1,997.
They accept Paypal. Depending on where you live, you can purchase the course using the Paypal 6-months credit option.
In addition, they also have a three month payment plan, that works out to $597 per month.
Is KBB legit or is it a scam?
I am of the personal opinion that the Knowledge Business Blueprint course is not a scam. How can I say that even though I have not gone through the entire course?
Because, there's already plenty proof and success stories to back-up, that what Tony and Dean are teaching, actually works!
These guys have made millions using the exact model outlined within the KBB course. For instance, they have a $250 000 Mastermind group.
They are very strict with regards to who gets to enter this Mastermind group. One such criteria needed to join this Mastermind group is that you will need to make over $10 million a year. There are other criteria as well.
Someone like myself cannot join this mastermind. I say, not yet, but maybe one day...;-)
Yes, your figures will be small initially. However, once the formula starts to work, it's just a matter of scaling things up.
By the way, I will be updating this post, once my wife and I complete the course in its entirety.
Having said that, if you are still doubting whether or not Knowledge Business Blueprint is a scam, you have the option of a full 30-day money back guarantee.
That means you get to learn everything about KBB and still get your money back if you are not happy.
Yes I am a KBB member and yes I enjoy it. Having said that, I do believe that every product or service does have some unattractive points. KBB has two of them.
The first is pretty obvious and that is the price. It is pricey. I do believe that the owners are entitled to charge what they believe they are worth. In my opinion, I do think that it is reasonable, considering what you are getting in return.
The second point, is that there is no guarantee that you will become a success. Yes, they can give you all the best tools, the training and the support. The onus is on you, to make it a success. You have to put in the time, effort and energy.
If these two drawbacks do not bother you, then you are all set and ready to go!
KBB was launched earlier this year(2019), and when it went live, it was the largest launch in the history of online marketing courses, and received over 15 000 registrations within the first two weeks!
Am I telling you this, to get you to buy the course? Maybe. But here is the thing. The fact is, you are getting three of the most brilliant marketers, coaches, and motivational speakers, that have a combined experience of over 42 years in the industry, to teach you.
What they do, works! They have proven it to themselves, and one has seen ordinary folks build amazing businesses from the course.
Is the Knowledge Business Blueprint course for you?
The Knowledge Business Blueprint is for you if :
- You want a Mentor to guide you every step of the way- this is guidance not only on a business level, but to motivate and inspire you and help you throughout your journey.
- You want to Make an Impact In Peoples's Lives - using what you know to help make a difference in someone's life at the same time getting paid for it.
- You have no experience whatsoever on how to start an online business.
- You have no college qualification but want the opportunity to make an everlasting change in your life.
- You want to be around other like-minded people and high achievers that are all sharing and growing.
- You want to tap into a '392 billion dollar industry' and believe that self-education is the new norm.
- You are ready to learn from some of the best teachers on the planet
I am an online affiliate marketer. I started 4 years ago with Wealthy Affiliate and I knew nothing back then. I did not know how to go about buying a domain name, or how to do SEO, or social media marketing and so forth. I am sincerely grateful for what I have learned and I'm still learning to this date. You can read my detailed review on Wealthy Affiliate: the Best Affiliate marketing course for beginners.
When I bought KBB for my wife and myself, I was open to learning something new. But one of the questions or concerns that I had, was, how am I going to build a mastermind, or rather, what do I really have to offer?
I know that I have affiliate marketing experience. However, the KBB course revealed more and went deeper. It showed me that I had more potential, and I cannot wait to bring it full circle.
The point is, do not be worried if you think that you might have nothing to offer. You will have something to share. You have something that people need, and this course can help you to discover it, extract it, and help you to impact people's lives and ultimately, your life and your families lives.
Give the Knowledge Business Blueprint a Try. You never know until you try.
Thanks so much for joining me on this Knowledge Business Blueprint course review.
I hope that it has helped you out.
Do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
All the best and do take care.
Kind Regards
Hi Roopesh! Knowledge Business Blueprint has some big names in it. And there is proof that what they teach actually works. The only problem I have with this platform is that it’s to pricey for my budget. But that’s only me. I’m grateful you have also pointed out that we can have also good training at a more affordable price. Has Wealthy Affiliate also mentored some of the big names in the affiliate marketing arena?
I’ll keep an eye on Knowledge Business Blueprint. Maybe someday soon I’ll be able to check it out by myself.
Hi there.
I totally understand your point with regards to the price factor.
As for your question about Wealthy Affiliate. I personally do not know of any big names. but I know of ordinary folks and witnessed them go on to do BIG things and earn really well.
I know two college dropouts, a lifestyle activist, a construction worker, a full-time housewife, that have gone on to become full-time online entrepreneurs. I would be more than happy to show you their profiles should you ever decide to sign up to Wealthy Affiliate.
Right now, I am helping a remarkable lady, who is juggling two jobs and the training at Wealthy Affiliate. She is determined not to give up. In my eyes, these people are ‘big names.’
This is really nice. Considering the fact that it brings a talent out from you and makes it beneficial to you and others around. Purchasing this course would be very useful of someone who is ready to make cool money. I am a biy occupied with my work now but I would surely inform my friends about it.
Hey Chloe
Thanks so much for stopping by. No problem, and appreciate you sending word to your friends.
Wish you everything of the best.
Regards and Take Care
Hi ,I am glad to have read the KBB Course Review which is really an eye-opening post. In my opinion, this is one of the comprehensive programs that has the power and ability to help many people getting more strengthen and being able to achieve their goals in a right manner. What most striking about the program for my personal perception is that, unlike other low-quality product in the industry, this program is taking a step-by-step guide to the users and will have been awakened the talents and abilities of the individuals and growing in the long run and leads to succeed. These three guys are doing fantastic job.Without a doubt I would like to be a part of this platform in the near future.
I have also read your review on Wealthy Affiliate.That is great! I will share and recommend it to my friends.
Thanks for your insightful review. I have bookmarked it
Thanks for the comment, I am happy to hear that you are pleased with my post and am thrilled that you bookmarked it. Also really really appreciate you sharing it with your inner circle, thanks.
You hit the nail on the head with your course perception. Unlike other courses, this one is focused on reaching within and once you find your ‘superpower’ to reach outside and make an impact. Dean always said that the main purpose of KBB is to make ‘self-education the new norm.’
Whenever you ready to be part of KBB, or if you need more answers, just contact me. I will be happy to help anytime.
As for Wealthy Affiliate. WA started everything…. if it was not for Wealthy Affiliate, I would never be in the online space. I guess there is a reason for everything………..
Hi Roopesh,
I had no idea about any of these people before I started with your review.
From your review, it seems really amazing offering help to identify your talent inside and building you up. People go for big names and more often than not, they become successful if they take real action.
It is overwhelming at a time looking at different training and corse modules to help you.
Last week was Neiel Ptel’s training for $1495 now KBB for ~$2000. Both come with a money-back guarantee and that is nice.
I am here at WA for more than 1 year with no background in internet marketing. I am trying to give myself some time to bootstrap and earn some money to get into these courses eventually.
It is huge amount of training for me. I save your site and may come back later.
I am curious why is the rating 4/5 for KBB? Did I read it wrong?
I agree with you completely that as a newbie it can be overwhelming when one is faced with so many different courses to choose from.
I personally recommend that you stick with Wealthy Affiliate, they will help you to gain all the affiliate marketing experience and training so that you then venture out with other programs later on.
I gave it 4 out of 5 stars, mainly because it is an expensive product.
i don’t know what others think but a programme that helps people discover their inner talent for business and bring out that mastermind shouldn’t be taken for granted. The knowledge business blueprint looks really cool and since many people can testify to having made money from it, it’s safe to say that it depends on the individual. So, the question is, does one have $2000 for a proge like this? Can one out in time to learn the nitty gritty of the course? Well, for me, my answer to that will be no. It’s too expensive for what I’m on a budget for right now but nonetheless, it’s a great avenue to make good money and one can get hired and get paid well. You spoke about the groups they have on social media and that goes to show that it’s not a scam, plus there are real and successful business owners. Overall, great indept review on KBB. I enjoyed reading through.
Thanks for your valuable comment. Really appreciate it.
Glad to hear that you enjoyed the read.
Regards and Take Care
Hello Roopesh, considering the big names that serve as the backbone to this knowledge business blueprint, I would say, it should be worth every penny it is charged for. Unluckily for me, I do not have such amounts at all at the moment but I can always save up just to meet up with the price soon. Getting to see the potentials and the conviction that this works, it’s really great. Another thing is the mentorship that would make things much more easier. I would really consider to but this knowledge business blueprint course very soon. Thanks
No problem at all, I understand that it is pricey at the moment. Will keep you informed on how my progress goes.
You take care and wish you everything of the best.
Very interesting post, Roopesh. Keep us updated on how you go. I guess this is a great example of you monetise your brand when you are famous. These guys are household names in their industry. They have got a lot of pulling power. Unfortunately for me or luckily for me, there is Wealthy Affiliate, it allows me to make an income online and live a comfortable without worries. I will leave the billionaire stuff to them. But well done Roopesh.
Hey Eric
Thanks for all the good wishes, will definitely keep you in the loop and let you know how it all goes. Let me know if you need any help with yourWealthy Affiliate business, I am active there as well.
Like many other commenters here, I can see that this course is probably incredible value for money: to access those three big names for under $2000 is quite incredible. However, like others, it’s well out of my price range for the moment. But I’ll be really interested to see how you get on in the future, and whether you think that, over the longer term, it’s been worth the investment or whether you think you could have made the same progress on your own, or with more affordable resources.
Will definitely keep you updated on my progress…thanks so much for stopping by. Regards
After been fed by this enlightening and comprehensive review on the kbb review,I feel motivated and ready to make changes I’m my business through this platform. Interesting platforms like this would help find my interest and strength in my business and would also help grow my business. Wealthy affiliate marketing has been a blessing and this Kbb course would be a booster to do better in it. Thanks for foregrounding this platform and carefully describing what you think about it. Thanks for this.
You are most welcome…..let me know if you need help with anything, anything at all.
The Knowledge Business Blueprint created by power trio, Robins, Graziosi, and Brunson gives us the opportunity to leverage the things we already know and monetize it to a level we did not imagine and at the same time reach out with people who have been searching at the sideline in the internet world not knowing exactly how to earn money and reach their destinations they were all wishing to realized just the way we were or we still are. In the end, my take on this new book is the critical question to oneself are you apt to the responsibilities and commitment to be able to effectively implement the process and procedures of making KBB a potent source of passive income and giving empowerment to a larger audience who would be members of the same KBB program? See within us are forces that contradict our noble goals, the mood, the negative drive, the wrong mindset, the cultural limiting beliefs and the procrastination and inferiority complex that keeps popping up from time to time. It is a huge call for anyone to be great. Great opportunity for those who are willing to take the chance and the risk by its horn.
Thanks for sharing this product and your review. I’ve definitely learned a lot from Tony Robbins, and he usually partners up with some of the best experts on subjects that he is teaching. Unfortunately, some of the products can be quite pricey. I found that I got a tremendous amount of knowledge from the first few programs of his that I did… but when I decided to spend more on the next level of products, they did not add a significant amount to the previous courses that I’d already taken. I like that there is a 30-day guarantee, but for the high cost to join, I would feel better about it if it was rated top-notch with 5 stars.
Hey there
Sorry to hear about your experience of the Tony Robbins products. I appreciate you sharing it with us.
Regards and Take Care
Well, my first question was going to be: is this really the Anthony Robbins? But yeah, it really is. Well, that means the KBB Course is as good as sold, right? With a name like that behind it, it can’t be scam and you’d definitely get your money’s worth.
I’ve got Tony’s book Money, master the game and watched his Netflix documentary. Wow, how I would love to meet him and learn from him!
How long do you think it’s going to take you to go through the whole course? And what will be the most important thing you will take away from it?
It is hard to say how long. There are so much of ‘gems’ along the way and I want to make sure that I absorb it to the maximum.
For me, the most important thing is to impact people’s lives. To make a difference and uplift their lives. That is what I want to accomplish from doing this course.
The Knowledge business blueprint is definitely going to be a worthwhile course considering how successful the minds behind are, however, as someone who is learning to walk on the internet world, the cost is pricey for me as you stated. Buying that now will stress me and I don’t think I’m prepared for that. Your review has at least given me an overview of what to expect from this course.
I’ll be following your blog to learn more from what you discover as I’ll be making plans towards it. Glad to read your review
Glad that you could stop by, much appreciated..
Yeap, keep watching this space…I will be updating it in due course
Dear Roopesh
This is an excellent review. According to this review Knowledge Business Blueprint Course is the best business course. The fact that through the KBB course you can recognize your talent and use it to build a business and ultimately succeed is very interesting. I will do my best to save up so that I can get full access to KBB course.Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
Hey Baraka
Thanks so much for your comment.
Cool looking forward to working with you in the near future…
Wish you everything of the best