Social Sale Rep Review Is It Really Worth Your Time?

Hi and welcome to my Social Sale Rep review. Are you a frequent Social Media user? Then you may be considering joining the Social Sale Rep platform. An opportunity advertised as one to help you to make money from using social media.

Is Social Sale Rep a scam or can you really make good money by putting your social media accounts to work? Did you know that there are 3.397 billion active social media users and it's growing?

So, it's a given that social media is not going to die away anytime soon. The big question is, 'is Social Sale Rep worth your precious time and effort? 


It's always a good thing to do your research, before you simply jump into a business opportunity. I respect that, and I am happy to be able to give you a complete rundown of what Social Sale Rep is all about.All that is left then, is for you to decide whether or not to sign up.

Despite the rise in online scams, there are still legit ways to making money online.

NAME OF PROGRAM: Social Sale Rep

PRICE: $27

WHAT IS ABOUT: Earning money by promoting affiliate products via social media.

OWNER: Unknown

DO I RECOMMEND IT ? : No, they do not teach the fundamentals of getting traffic to your offers. This can make it very hard for someone who is new to affiliate marketing.



When you sign up with Social Sale Rep, there are basically two options from which you can choose from. 

Social sale rep review what is social sale rep all about

If you are a business owner, you can choose the 'employer' option.

On the other hand, if you are looking to make money as a Social Sales Representative, then you should choose the 'remote worker' option.

As a social sales representative, you will be able to promote various products that are on the vendors list. To help boost with your sales, they claim to have a certain piece of technology called the Viral Multiplier Technology(or VMT).

Of course, you will only get access to this technology and their training area, (which according to them is ' sweet and short' yet straight to point),once you pay their $27 registration.

The positive part, is that it's a once off fee.

So how exactly does Social Sale Rep work? Let me take you inside the member's area and show you.


The training is pretty straight forward. It's a 4 step process.

Social Sale Rep review how does the social sale rep actually work

Essentially, you are going to be following the business model called affiliate marketing.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

'Traditional' affiliate marketing is where you earn a commission by promoting other people's product or services via your own website.

The only difference here,is that you will be promoting the vendor's products without using a website. Instead your primary source of marketing will be your social media channels. 

Essentially you will be doing both, affiliate marketing as well as social media marketing.

By the way, affiliate marketing is a legit way to making money online. I use it as my primary source to earn a passive income online.Check out my story here.

How does affiliate marketing work

Learn About The Best Affiliate Marketing Course for Beginners, CLICK HERE

Let us come back to Social Sale rep and chat about its four step process. You need to first sign up with two vendors that they recommend. 

These are Jvzoo and Clickbank respectively.

social sale rep review you have to sign up with two vendors

Then choose products from a range of niches to promote.

Social Sale Rep how does it work

Once you find a product , you then need to 're-brand' it. This means that you need to add in your affiliate link.

These products are mainly free e-books you will be advertising on your social pages.

Once your family and friends or your followers, see the link to these products, they can  download the eBook, if it interests them. However, this does not mean, that you will get paid a commission straight away.

You see, though the promotions will offer valuable information on the paid product,the main 'juice' or 'content' is exclusively available only if the person were to click on your affiliate link and make a purchase.

Only at that point, do you earn a commission.I believe that their VMT techonlogy has a feature called the Social Share Multiplier.

The Social Share Multiplier is supposed to help ensure that everyone who downloads the free reports from your link, will in turn share it with their contacts.They claim that your 'tracking link will be encoded everytime your link is shared,' to ensure that you get paid for every sale.

That in a nutshell, is how Social Sale Rep work. 

Its a pretty simple model in theory.

Can it work out for you, or is Social Sale Rep a scam?

Let me end this Social Sale Rep review by summarizing the pros and cons.


The positive parts are that Social Sale Rep is a Clickbank product. This means that if you are not happy with the product you can always ask for refund.

Secondly, unlike other Clickbank products,this one is free from any over hyped marketing and unrealistic claims. I sincerely appreciate this.

Thirdly, this is an opportunity that does not require of you to have a existing blog or website to earn.All you have to do, is share links to your contacts using your personal social media channels.

Now for the parts that I do not like. 

No training on traffic. I believe that unless you already have a huge social media following or an email list, then it may be a challenge making commissions.They do not teach you how to gain a better outreach on social media. 

You have no control over what you are promoting,unless you try out the products first.I personally would not promote a product that I myself have not tried out.

I personally believe that it's harder to build a solid online reputation than it it is to build an online business itself. If you were to product a medicore Jvzoo or Clickbank product, do you think that it would be easy to sell to that very same audience again?

No owner or no real proof that Social Sale Rep actually works. The site does not offer any legitimate testimonials. 

Whilst everything sounds good on paper, it would be nice to see some real proof, or a human being for that matter to stand responsible for this system.

Is Social Sale Rep a scam?

I personally believe that the training on offer as far the marketing is concerned can put one at a disadvantage. Especially, if you are new to this sort of thing. 

At the end of the day,you can have a great looking social media post or a good looking website, but it's all pointless if you cannot get any traffic, right?



It all boils down to having the main ingredients such as the best teaching methods, the top notch tools and the never-ending support on your side.

Can you really find all of these things in the online world?

When I started four years back, I knew nothing about online business or where to get started. It can be overwhelming, and I can relate to how you must be feeling right now.

Thanks to this awesome teaching platform, that offered all the main ingredients, I was able to build an online passive income business.Today I would like to help you, if you are ready?

Having a passive income business, that that you will enjoy recurring income. It means that you will be able to do more that just pay the bills. To be able to stop trading your time for money is not a far-fetched reality.

I am proof of it and so are many others that helped me to get there. It would be my honor to show you how I can help you to get started with your own business, click here.

Thanks for joining me on this Social Sale Rep Review.

I hope that it has helped you out.

Regards and Take Care


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