Hi there. Welcome to my review of The Aim Companies. Normally, I do not recommend joining Multi-Level marketing(MLM) businesses. It's not that I think that all of them are scams. I believe there are some really decent one's out there.
Here are the two reasons as to why I am not fond of this type of business model. The first reason is because you have to constantly recruit to earn the higher paychecks, and the second reason is because you have to maintain an auto ship or commit to buying the products to qualify for ongoing commissions.
Why am I recommending The Aim Companies? It's for a different reason. And it has got nothing to do with money.
Now you may be asking yourself, "why should I even read this post, if I am not going to learn to make any money?" Allow me to give you my answer. "It's because there is something that I believe, is more valuable, more precious, and more 'attention-needing' than money." Guess what that is?
It's your health.
Whether you like to believe it or not, if your health suffers, pretty much all other areas in your life will suffer too.
Am I right?

Let's say that you are a mechanic and you develop arthritis in your hands. If left untreated, it can deteriorate to the point where you may not be able to function at your optimum level. This means that your 'job security' and livelihood becomes affected.
The point is that we take our health for granted and consider it as an afterthought. In some cases it may be too late to improve the quality of our health. That is when we realize, what was really important to us.
So, what has this got to do with The Aim Companies?
In my opinion, joining The Aim Companies can make a significant difference to your health. Their company slogan is "Nutrition that Works!"

I can tell you firsthand that they are 'spot on' when they say that.
Why should you listen to me?
I am a pharmacist by profession. I personally believe that there is a place for conventional medicine and a place for alternative or natural medicine.
I also believe that our bodies are magnificent creations and we have an amazing ability to heal ourselves. This is provided that we;
- are able to manage that 'crazy stress' that dominates our lives from the time we open our eyes in the morning,
- exercise regularly and drink sufficient amounts of water, and,
- eat a nutritious and balanced diet which includes fruits and vegetables.
The last point is where The Aim Companies has played an extremely crucial role in my life. I am 41 years old and both my wife and I have been taking the Aim products for almost 9 years now.
I am grateful that to date, neither of us has had to be on anti-hypertensive, anti-cholesterol or diabetic medication, or any other medication for that matter.
What's my take-away here? By honoring and listening to your body and doing your best to keep it healthy is the way to get started to living a good life.
The Aim Companies are in existence for over 30 years.
They are an international group with the main goal of providing 'high-quality whole food concentrates and supplements that improve people's lives.'
They also provide an opportunity to start your own home-based business. Regarding the business building side, they provide training opportunities, corporate assistance, as well as other useful tools to help you make money(more about this a little later on).
Of course that goes without saying, that you have got to try the products out first. Then it will be easier to sell it, should you intend to make Aim a business.
Check this 2-minute video out, that gives you an overview of the Aim Company.
As I've mentioned earlier on, my wife and I have been taking these products and the benefits do speak for themselves.
Before I show you what it is that we take on a daily basis, let me introduce you to the family of AIM products.
The products work on the 'healthy cell concept,' and the FIVE fundamental areas in our lives. Once we are able to keep our trillions of cells healthy, we become healthy and stay healthy. It's that simple. Here are the FIVE areas the products are designed to work on.
Let's face it, with the challenges of our daily lives and the demands that we have to meet, we may end up opting for the 'easier and cheaper' route when it comes to filling our bodies with food.
The problem is that most of us end up eating processed foods, sweetened foods or foods loaded with artificial flavors and chemicals.
A Diet rich in whole foods, fresh foods, in real foods can impact our lives more than anything else.
In the top 10 leading causes of death in North America, three are related to poor dietary choices, Heart disease, Diabetes, and Stroke .
With poor diets one opens the door to cancers, risk having tooth decay, obesity, depression, and blood pressure to name a few.
- Eat 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
- Consume enough fiber(around 25grams per day).
- Consume food sources containing Vitamin D, aside from milk.
- Avoid processed foods, especially meat, dairy and refined grains and sugar.
- Limit red meat, potatoes and salt.
How can AIM Help you?
These are their top whole food nutritional product lines, that is worth checking out.

BarleyLife and BarleyLife Xtra: An alkalizing and anti-inflammatory whole food juice concentrate that contains vitamins and minerals which help to stabilize the body's ph.
LeafGreens and Cocoa LeafGreens: Its a whole food juice that contains flavonoids, antioxidants and chlorophylls.The Cocoa version makes it easier for kids to take in.
Redibeets and Red Rush : Contains vegetable nitrate from beet juice.
Just Carrots: Beta-Carotene and Antioxidants.
Propeas: Clean vegan protein(Great for when you're working out!).
AIMega: Balance omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.
Did you know that only 30% of North Americans do regular exercise?
Physical inactivity promotes heart disease, diabetes and increases your chances of dying at a younger age!
When you exercise, your body releases natural pain and stress fighters called endorphins and produce healthy cells.
It is usually recommended that 20minutes a day, is sufficent enough to keep your body functioning at an optimum level. I go a bit extreme when it comes to exercising by using the P90X Workouts.
The benefits of exercise speaks for itself. It improves mood, energy, boosts the immune system, and can help to prevent Dementia and Alzheimer's.
How can AIM help you?
They have a cool range of CELL EXERCISE PRODUCTS

Red Rush : Improves blood flow
ProPeas: Helps to build lean muscle mass
Peak Endurance: Replenishes your ATP levels(these are your 'energy molecules')
CalciAIM:Provides Bone and Muscle Support
Frame Essentials:Maintains Joint health
Our bodies are exposed to tons of environmental elements, some of which we cannot avoid.
These include, household cleaning products, carpets(dust mite breeding ground), personal body care products, cigarette smoke, pesticides, fungus, bacteria, cell phone radiation, etc. The list can be pretty exhausting.
Nevertheless, these factors can cause, diarrhoea, respiratory tract infections, lung cancer, allergies, immune system problems, irritation and skin rashes to name a few.
Pollutants and irritants can have a negative impact on our cells
The Solution
- Drink lots of water
- Wash hands regularly
- Choose household products with safe ingredients
- Wash fruits and vegetables properly
- Ensure proper ventilation
How can AIM help you?
They've got you covered with products for CELL ENVIRONMENT.

Herbal Fiberblend, Fit n Fiber, Herbal Release : Promotes bowel health and removal of toxins and waste
FloraFood: Probiotic
Leaf Greens and CocoaLeafGreens: Allergy Assistance
Para90: Release parasites
We have to keep our immune system functioning at its best at all times.
It's always prone to attacks from bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms.

We all know that the stronger our immune systems are, the less prone we are to infections. This means that fewer visits to the doctor and ultimately less expenditure on medications.
This is all good news for you.
We are exposed to millions of pathogens a day
- Do not smoke, do not drink lots of alcohol and get enough sleep
- Do not stress too much(I know that it's easier said than done)
- Drinks lots of water and eat fruits and veggies
- Do not eat lots of sugar
How can AIM help you?
They have CELL PROTECTION products to help you out

Procyanol 2000: Improves immune health
Florafood: Probiotic
CranVerry : Candida defense
PrepZymes: Supports digestive health
Herbal Release: Removal of toxins and waste
Your attitude is what can make the difference between your success and failure.
Whether you want to get into good shape, meet the right partner, make lots of money or aim to become a better person, it all starts with having the right mindset.
As you become healthier, your stress levels will decrease, you'll gain confidence as you take charge and your coping skills will improve. A healthy mental attitude will help you weather any storm or setback.
- Have a good sleep routine.
- Plan ahead and set goals. Reward yourself when you achieve them.
- Take failures in a good light (It happens to all of us. It teaches you something new and you will learn how to do things better.).
- Do not engage with negative people, or their stories (Facebook addicts, watch out for this one!).
- Build relationships with positive people and read inspiring and uplifting stories.
- Go out and enjoy life. Have fun!!
How can AIM help you?
You guessed it. They have HEALTHY MENTAL ATTITUDE PRODUCTS as well.

AIM Composure: Provides stress relief.
AIM Gingkosense: Memory booster.
AIM RedRush and AIM RediBeets: Improves blood flow to the brain.
AIM PeakEndurance: Improves cognitive function.
AIM Magnifence: Relaxing magnesium.
These are the major product lines within the AIM catalogue. However, they do have other products too, that I did not make mention of.
They have products specifically aimed at Cardiovascular Health, Digestive health, Magnesium Supplementation and Weight Loss Products.
I made mention of the product lines above, to give you an idea of what the company's primary focus is. As you can see, they have 'solutions' to a range of health issues.
Allow me to give you a 'sneak peak' of the AIM products that we personally put into our bodies on a regular basis.

We start off our mornings with a fruit and veg drink. We alternate between 'THE GARDEN TRIO,' and the 'LeafGreens'.
One morning we will have the 'trio' drink and the next, the 'Leafgreen' drink, along with the Aimega. Either way you are starting your day with a good serving of the natural world.
With the Trio, you are getting the 'çarrots, beets and the green sprouts' -A powerful antioxidant formula and immune builder as well.

The one product that we swear by, is the HerbalFiberblend. I believe every household should have this one. They say that if your digestive and elimination systems are not working optimally, then your whole body will be in chaos.
HerbalFiberblend helps to get rid of toxins and maintains regular bowel movements without it being a 'habit-forming' laxative like conventional laxatives.
It comes with a Raspberry powder as well and can take some time getting used to.You also get it in capsule form as well.
I use the Ginkgosense for my tinnitus(ringing noises in the ear.).My wife finds the Composure to be a real savior, without having any addictive properties.
When we gym or go for our nature hikes, we don't leave home without Peak Endurance which is our energy drink.
AIM is and will always be a part of our lives. Now let me show you the positive side and not so positive side of The Aim Companies.
The company has an extensive product range.
They are in existence for quite some time.
You can make money from retail sales of the product.
They have monthly news magazines to keep one updated on the latest news, testimonials and product information.
The products are NON GMO, Gluten Free and are BACKED BY a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

Not all the products may be available in your country(check on the website to see what is available).
The products may be a bit expensive. I highly recommend that you check your budget first.
If you are thinking of building a full time business, then you may need to do some recruiting to build your down line.
The Aim companies is a network marketing business. You do not have to join the business to try the products out.
However, should you sign up as an Aim member, you get discounts on the products that you purchase. Signing up is free.
Should you want to partake in the network business and earn yourself money, then you are welcome to do that as well.
As a member you have to purchase a certain amount of products within a 3 month period, to keep your membership active.
To help build your business you get:
- A free Aim Online Store(To earn retail profits/To sign up new members);
- Free access to the Chrysalis Networx(business training initiative for all members);
- Training seminars; and
- Monthly product and business magazine.
They also have a fairly decent compensation plan. It involves the accumulation of PV(points volume) and BV(business volume) in order to progress to higher levels within the business.
As I said earlier, I am not too interested in the business side of things. I find the real benefit in using their products. I have tried MLM before, and I find that I suck at recruiting.This is why I do an online business that does not involve any recruiting.
Perhaps, you are someone that may enjoy this type of business. If so, you are than welcome to learn more here.
We have our own online store.
It's actually my wife's store and her name is Reshma.
To join the aim companies or to purchase these products, simply visit our online store.
It will look like this.
You can choose to purchase the products for your personal use, or you can join the business. It's up to you.
There is nothing wrong in working hard for your money. The problem comes when many of us cannot draw the line.
Sometimes it becomes too late before we realize that our primary focus was just on making money, that we neglected our health in the process.
Ironically, that money we worked so hard for initially, will end up being spent on getting our health back on track.
UPDATE 9th June 2019: If you are looking for a way to make money online without having to recruit, then check out my NR.1 Recommendation here.
It's based on a business model called affiliate marketing. You do not need any experience to get started. It's a flexible business model, so you can work on it in your free time. It allows you to build an asset with passive income potential. That means it gives you the ability to earn money without having to trade your time for money.
I have created a video to show YOU the amazing teaching platform that I joined 4 years ago, that helped me to earn a passive income online. Check out the video below.
In closing, I would like to wish you all the best that life has to offer.
And all the best to your greatest asset, your health.
I hope that this article has given you a clearer view of what The Aim Companies is all about and how they can be of benefit to you.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to leave it in the comments section below. I promise to get back to you as soon as possible.
Kind Regards and Take Care.
Roopesh, this is a very enlightening review article about the AIM products. You are so right when you say if your health suffers, probably all other areas of your life will suffer as well. It all begins with your health which is so very vital.
I am a firm believer in taking care of your health by eating right and working out. I just recently started working with a personal trainer. I am also on a balanced diet nutrition plan. It makes my body feel so much better when I have a balanced diet in conjunction with working out.
Thank you so much for sharing these products with us. I am going to look further into your line and see what could work for me, personally.
Once again, thank you so much for this review.
I wish you well on your journey to be a healthy you.
Kind Regards,
Hello Yvette
It’s fantastic to hear that you are on the right path regarding your health. Hope that the personal training is going on well?
I agree with you totally, once you start adapting to these changes, your body starts feeling the difference. At some point, it can end up feeling like an addiction.
At least, it’s a good addiction.
Regards and Take Care
I have heard a lot of good things about AIM. There are quite a few people that I’ve met that have had great success using their products. Thanks for sharing a little more about the company and the products.
You are welcome. I am glad to hear that others are doing great with AIM.
It’s always good to hear success stories.
Best Regards and Take Care
Wow it looks like they carry a lot of different health supplements! It looks like there are several powder products that you mix with liquid. How do the products taste?
The Peak Endurance has got a sort of Kool-Aid taste to it. The Herbalfirbeblend is raspberry flavor. The Garden Trio has a sort of neutral taste to it.
The rest of the products that we take are capsules.
Thanks so much for stopping by
I really believe MLM’s get a bad name. Specifically in the essential oils industry. For instance, Young Living and doTERRA kind of get a bad name in the industry.
But, besides that, I wouldn’t say I would be turned off by an MLM, though. If a MLM is done correctly it can be worth it. For instance, Avon is a MLM and they have some awesome products.
One thing is actually pretty good about MLM’s is they have a lot of training, which a lot of people really do need though.
But, what about meditation? Does AIM have any training on that? I know their focus is on health foods, but sometimes the mental aspect is something people need help with too.
I agree with you. If MLM’s are done correctly, one can make sufficient income from the business.
Regarding the meditation, as I know there is nothing of that sort with the Aim business.
All the best and take care
I love this article. This is going to help me with more options for better health supplements. Thanks for your honest review. Thanks!
You are most welcome. I am glad that you found it helpful.
Let me know if there is anything else that I could help you with.