Hi there and welcome to my Zai Rewards review. Would you like to make money from playing games, watching movies or completing surveys. Then you may be keen to signing up to Zai Rewards.
Is Zai Rewards a scam or is it worth your while? More importantly, can it help you to make good money online?
I enjoy reviewing make 'money online opportunities.' Some of them are downright scams that promise you overnight fortunes whilst others pay you the 'breadcrumbs' for all your hard earned efforts.
I will show you which category Zai Rewards falls into. It is my hope that this review will help you to make a more informed decision on what to do.
For the past 4 years I have been earning a passive income online. If you would like me to show you how I can help you to get started, just click on the link that follows.
WEBSITE : www.zairewards.com
WHAT IS ABOUT : You can earn money or points by answering surveys, playing games or completing quizzes.
Zai Rewards is an initiative to bring two 'parties' together,
The first 'party' are the advertisers. Naturally they want more brand exposure so they turn to Zai Rewards to get their advertisements exposed to their member base.
The second 'party' are the members. They are folks like you and I who are looking to make money online. Zai rewards will pay their members for viewing these various advertisements, or answering of their surveys.
The official Zai Rewards website is relatively new. It was registered on the 28-01-2019.The contact person for Zai Rewards is Ionut Zapototchi. The headquarters are based in Great Britain.
The three main ways in which you can earn points or money on the Zai Rewards platform are via PTC, Offerwalls and Offers.

Let me briefly explain them to you.
(1) PTC
The PTC is an easy way to earn money.All you have to do is to visit certain websites for 10 seconds. Thereafter you solve the simply 'captcha' on these websites(it's usually on the top left hand side.)

For every website you visit, your account will be credited with $0.005. You get 12 ads served to you every 24 hours.
The section is all about completing of survey jobs. Unfortunately I did not have much luck here.

In any event, if you are lucky enough to get a 'gig' here, you will be awarded points.
1 ZAI Point = 0.01 USD

From the image above you would notice that one the highest paying survey job is 225 ZAI points. This equates to $2.25.
These kind of survey jobs may take up 20-30 minutes of your time.
The section gives you the opportunity to earn points by playing games,downloading apps or answering quizzes.
One of the offers that I had a go at was the Lucky Wheel quiz.
The task was relatively simple. All I had to do, was complete a series of questions. Each quiz has two clues.

My job was to use these clues to choose the right card from the four options given. For successfully completing the quiz, I would be rewarded a full $0.11 dollars.

The entire quiz took me a total of 18 minutes to complete. I have yet to be credited for this task.
According to their rules, I have to wait for the advertiser to approve before the money can be added to my account.
There is one more way in which you can earn money and that is via their referral program.
ZAI Rewards provides you with your own referral link. You can get folks to sign up under you. You can also earn an income from the ads that your direct referrals watch.
The amount of money that you earn depends on which membership level you are on. When you are sign up, you are a free or 'standard' member. There are three additional membership levels, namely the Pioneer, Ultimate and Special Power.

In addition to earning money from just your direct referrals, you can also earn an income from 'rented' referrals.
What are rented referrals?
They are referrals that you can rent out from the existing member base on the ZAI Rewards platform.
How much money can you earn from direct referrals and rented referrals?
- STANDARD LEVEL : $0.0050
- PIONEER LEVEL : $0.0100
- ULTIMATE LEVEL : $0.0100
- POWER LEVEL : $0.0100
- STANDARD LEVEL : $0.0100
- PIONEER LEVEL : $0.0200
- ULTIMATE LEVEL : $0.0200
- POWER LEVEL : $0.0200
At the moment, you can only upgrade to the ZAI Ultimate membership level.
- Utimate ( One Month ) - $10
- Ultimate ( Six Months ) - $ 50
- Ultimate ( Twelve Months ) - $ 90
Members have earned money with ZAI Rewards.
To give you an idea of the amount of money that folks are earning, check out the next image.

I like the fact that they have a free membership option. It allows one to test the platform without having to pay upfront.
The payment proofs do appear to be legit.
The support is decent. I got a response quickly from their support.(though their grammar was a bit rusted- LOL)

You have to work really hard to qualify for a payout.You have to do 300 clicks to get your first payout.
You are not always guaranteed survey jobs. It all depends on your location as well as other qualification criteria that they may have.
Membership options are expensive.
This is NOT a passive income opportunity. Though you can earn an income from your referrals, you still have to log into your account and do a minimum amount of clicks to qualify for referral income.
Is ZAI Rewards legit? People are earning money using this platform. I do not think that ZAI rewards is a scam.
Do I recommend it? If you were to take a quick look at the payment proofs, you would notice that the highest earnings amount is $40.

The majority of them are below $5. In my opinion, I do not think that one can earn significant amounts here. Its not like you can earn enough to pay the rent or buy a luxury item or put a down payment on a car.
To me there is something that is more precious than money.That is TIME.
You are going to be spending a great deal of time just to earn a few cents. I personally do not think that it is worth it.
I believe that one can use that time to rather build something more sustainable - an online business of your own. A business that can earn you real money. An online asset that can offer you passive income potential. That in my opinion, is putting your time to good use.
I hope that this ZAI rewards review has helped you out.
If you are looking to making money, then I would love to help you start creating your online passive income online, click here now.
If you have any questions or comments, just leave them below and I promise to get back to you.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards and Take Care
Thanks for this review! It is so true that there are many websites out there, such as surveys, where they are scams. If the website isn’t a scam like what seems to be the case here, it is oftentimes difficult to make any meaningful income. Which also seems to be the case here. Who would you suggest this website being good for?
I personally do not recommend this website. Even though they do pay, I do think that it is a feasible way to make money online.
Hello Roopesh,
Thank you for your ZAI rewards review. There seems to be a plethora of this type of program out there. I think the only way to decide if it were a scam or not would be to know how much the owners of the site are being paid for the actions that pay so little.
Hello, and thanks for review. Yes is true the amount of money are not big, but that is what the business model offer. The website is giving exactly this:
Starting with Pioneer and above id giving 50% when you are doing a task,offer,survey. And another 50% from referral on 2 levels. So i am giving 100% from what advertisers are paying me. No other site will give you this. Why i am doing this? Easy because this website was done only to support my main website. You can read this even in the term and conditions. Members have small withdraws for now because they are located in tier 3 country’s. There are 9 offer-walls there and few ad networks. I told to my members all the time to recruit from tire 1 country.s because advertisers don’t pay for tire 3 country’s unfortunately. Sorry for my grammar, english is not my native language 🙂 but i am doing my best. And yes i will continue to pay. This is why i even give everyone my real name, you can see my facebook profile. I wish a brilliant day to everyone. And thanks for all again.
Thanks so very much Ionut. Really appreciate your comment. It puts things into perspective.
I wish you a brilliant day as well.
Take Care