Hi there and welcome to my CB Wealth Review. I am guessing that right now, there are two things that are very important to you. The first is Money and the second is your Time. How does this relate to CB Wealth?
Well, would you like to know if it's worth investing $37 into CB Wealth? And secondly, would you like to know that should you eventually invest in it, will it be worth your valuable time or is CB Wealth a scam?
I thank you in advance for your precious time in checking out my review. I am going to do my utmost best to help you make a more informed decision.
Let's get right into it, shall we?
WEBSITE: www.cbwealth.net
WHAT IS ABOUT: Using the Clickbank Marketplace to earn commissions.
FOUNDER: Unknown
As the name suggests, CB Wealth has to do with Clickbank. What is Clickbank?

It is an online marketplace, that lists a variety of products from ebooks to digital products.
The most common way that one can earn money with Clickbank is via a legit business model called affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing, is a commission-based model, where you earn commissions by promoting other people's products via your own website.
Take a look at the snapshot below of how affiliate marketing works.
The advantage of using Clickbank, is that membership is free and you have thousands upon thousands of products to choose from.
The disadvantage, is that I have found that not all Clickbank products offer top quality. I believe that this is an important factor to take into account when you choose to be an affiliate marketer.
Your reputation is everything, and you do not want to promote products that you yourself would not buy. Though you might make a nice commission, people will become more reluctant to buy from you in the future, if they feel that you do not offer value.
And that brings me to CB Wealth. The way that it's marketed does not sit very well with me. Let me show you what some of the red flags are.
RED FLAG NR.1 : Keep Hush About It- Not My Style

When I started with my online business 3 years ago, I learned that one of the 'secrets' to becoming a successful internet entrepreneur is,"to not keep things a secret".
I am specifically referring to those 'secrets' that help you to make money.
Sounds crazy? Why must I share my secret formula with a newbie?
Let me answer that question with a question.
What do top affiliate marketers like Neil Patel and Pat Flynn do to keep on top? They share information. They help people and they teach folks. By doing so, they and the people they help, score together.
In fact, I learned how to become a successful affiliate marketer as a result of Kyle and Carson(owners of Wealthy Affiliate). They are still running their awesome teaching platform for over 13 years. No money lost in helping and sharing.
This is why I do not agree with CB Wealth, when they say that it should be a secret. Not good practice in my humble opinion.
RED FLAG NR.2: Testimonials that are simply hear-say
Throughout the sales video they make mention of various folks, whom have apparently made money by using the CB Wealth system.

Like 'Kevin' a student from Canada who made $9565.55 in just one week! Or Julie, a 37 year old single mother from the UK who got her first payment of $12,317. Lastly you have Brian, a 68-year old from South Africa, who made $15, 126 last month.
There are no faces or any other way to prove that these are real stories. Anyone can write these. It's simply plain hear-say.
RED FLAG NR 3 : No owner, no credibility
At the end of the day, you are looking for a legit way to make money online. Would you leave your car with someone who pretends to be a mechanic? If you are ill would you go to someone who claims to be doctor?
Certainly not.
So, why would you trust someone who pretends, is going to help you to make money? Especially if you have not seen their face, let alone being given a fake alias, as in the case of CB Wealth.
Does this mean that CB Wealth is a scam?
It's time to end this CB Wealth review with my verdict.
Is CB Wealth a scam?
From experience, I have learned that with these type of products, you are still going to get something for your money. From this point of view, I do not think that CB Wealth is a scam?
Can you make $25,000 with CB Wealth in 30 days with an automated system?
This, I highly doubt. For one, there is no such thing as an 'automated system.' Let's face it, if it were really possible to make such extraordinary gains, why would they give it away for just $37 to you?
Perhaps because a system as such does not exist!
The truth is, you can make money like this. You can make it a reality, as I have, but it takes time and hard work. Plain and simple.
That is the real secret to learning how to make a passive income online.
That concludes my take of CB Wealth.
If you are looking for a mentor to help you get started on your journey with making money online, then I would like to help. If you are serious, and willing to put in the time and effort, then I can help.
It all starts with having a solid teaching platform. You can get started by checking out my review of the best affiliate marketing training for beginners.
Thanks so much for joining me on this CB Wealth review.
It was awesome to talk to you and I value your precious time.
I hope that this review has helped you to make an informed decision.
Kind Regards and Take Care