Profit 365 Review- Is Jamie Lewis’s Profit 365 A SCAM? Here is The Truth!

Hi there and welcome to my review of Jamie Lewis's Profit 365. These days Jamie seems to be hitting the make money arena with a range of interesting products.

Profit 365 is his latest and when I got an email to check it out, the curiosity got the better of me. Is this a good product to buy? Is it really only $34, or are there other costs involved? Is Profit 365 a scam?

Let me help you with the answers and help made your end decision easier.


NAME OF PROGRAM : Profit 365


FOUNDER : Jamie Lewis

WHAT IS ABOUT: Affiliate marketing using paid methods



A short while back, I reviewed another product by Jamie Lewis called the Wealthy Agency. I've got to be honest, at least when he presented that video, he gave you some inkling as to what the product was all about.

profit 365 review jamie shows random people how the profit 365 system works

The situation is different here with Profit 365. You get to see Jamie walking up to some random folks and he shows them his 'clickbank account' with commissions that he earned.

It made me wonder, are these folks really random folks or was the whole act staged?

I mean, if someone were to come up to you, out of the blue, and show you these 'profits', would you really instantly jump all in?

I wouldn't. I would firstly want to know what is going on. Right? 

Bottom Line: Apart from learning that this system has something to do with Clickbank, one is left in the dark as to how the Profit 365 system actually works!

Let's take a deeper look at what is going on here.


Profit 365 is based on a business model called affiliate marketing.

What is affiliate marketing?

It's a concept where you earn commissions as a result of promoting other people's services or products via your website.

Let's say that you build a website on football snack helmets. And if you're thinking that football snack helmets is not a money-making niche, think again.

A colleague of mine is making really wealthy paychecks with this niche. He even built a case study to show you how it did it. (If you want to know more, just leave your comments in the section below, and I will tell you.)

Anyway, your next step is to partner up with an affiliate merchant such as Amazon. 

As you keep adding on quality content, Google will start to trust your website and reward you with higher rankings. 

Then people start visiting your site. Should they find your product review helpful and decide to purchase the product, all they have to do next, is to click on the affiliate link that you will have embedded on your site.

This link will take them to Amazon to complete the transaction. You in turn will earn your well-deserved commission.

That is how affiliate marketing works!

How does affiliate marketing work


It's a legit way to make money online, and it is my source of earning a passive income. If you would like to learn how to make a passive income online, click here.

Anyway, coming back to Profit 365, Jamie teaches you about promoting Clickbank products. In other words, Clickbank is your affiliate merchant or vendor.

The core of the members area is made up of Video Tutorials. The plus in my books, is that Jamie is actually involved in these videos.

Profit 365 review inside the profit 365 members area

The reason as to why I say this, is that from experience, many times, when I signed up to a Clickbank product like this one, the members area is in total contrast, or it's a PDF (utter boring stuff).

As for his teaching methods, you are taught mainly to employ 'paid methods' to drive customers to these products.

Such methods include:

  •  PPC(pay per click),
  • Solo ads, and e-mail marketing

Allow me to briefly explain these business strategies to you.The first one, PPC or Pay Per Click advertising is where you essentially "pay to play."

By this I mean, that you have to spend money on an advertising medium such as Google Adwords, to get exposure to your ad.

The second strategy is where you 'contact the owner directly' or 'buy access to a list' that solo ad owners have. This list consists of subscribers to whom you can promote your offer to. 

In this case you are buying 'clicks' and if the subscribers like what they see, you ultimately get a sale or a conversion.

The last strategy, email marketing, requires of you to register with an e-mail service provider such as Convertkit or Aweber. This is all about building an e-mail list, and as time goes on you re-target folks(who signed up to your initial offer) with new related products.

As you can see, each one of these requires of you to spend money. Not that there is anything wrong with these methods, they do work. However, I do believe that they work at the right time and the right place.

If you are thinking of joining Profit 365, it would be wise to first consider one's budget before jumping straight in.

In fact, there are additional upsells within the Profit 365 system. Let me share some light on this.


There are three upsells if you so chose to purchase the full package.

The first costs $94 and it's for the Adwords that he has 'developed' for you to use, for any niche in your PPC campaigns.

The second costs $174, which is for the live training sessions you get with Jamie himself.

Profit 365 review the second upsell

The third upsell, $197, includes some advanced training modules and video database to complement the Profit 365 system.

So, with all that being said, is Profit 365 system a scam?

It's time to end this Profit 365 review with my verdict.


The fact is that the owner associates himself with the product and is actively engaged with the training modules. Furthermore, it is a Clickbank product, so you are secured with a 60day money back guarantee, if this product does not make you happy.

Should you sign up with Profit 365?

As I've said earlier, the approach to affiliate marketing is different and in my opinion, a bit on the expensive side. It's also a learning curve, which means that you are not going to make profits overnight.

I believe that there is not much focus on organic traffic and utilizing SEO techniques. This is what I was firstly taught about when I started my affiliate marketing business. 

I am not implying that Jamie is wrong. By not learning about SEO and writing quality content, this can deny you a 3 billion online audience. Do you really want to say no to that?

3 Billion Searches a day on the internet


Did you know that you can build an affiliate marketing business based upon any niche or product, or even a hobby that you have? You do not need to be confined to promoting Clickbank products only?

Did you know that you also do not need to outlay huge amounts of money to get started? 

In fact, I got started with an awesome training platform that offered step-by-step lessons, top notch support, a one of kind community and tons of other amazing features. You can trial them for free, without a credit card.

Would you like to learn how to make a passive income online, let me show how got started 3 years ago and how I can help you, click here

Thanks so much for joining me on this Profit 365 review.

I hope that it has helped you out.

Please leave any questions or comments that you may have below, and I will definitely get back to you.

Kind Regards and Take Care


8 thoughts on “Profit 365 Review- Is Jamie Lewis’s Profit 365 A SCAM? Here is The Truth!”

  1. Affiliate marketing definitely does not have to be expensive, especially when there aren’t tools available that help you rank your websites to get the traction you need. 

    I’ve never used clickbank, when I started I browsed what they had to offer and couldn’t find anything for my niche. And that’s a shame because I’ve heard clickbank is the way to go when it comes to affiliate marketing

    • Hello Ty

      Clickbank is just one affiliate merchant or vendor. There are so many other vendors out there that have varying commission structure.

      It really all depends on the type of niche that you are in. Here is a tip, to find affiliate programs for the niche you are in, simply type in ,”the niche you are + affiliate program” in the Google search bar, and you will see a list of affiliate networks tailored to your niche.

      Let’s say that you are in the baseball card niche, you would type in “baseball cards+affiliate program”

      So, Clickbank is not the only place that you as an affiliate marketer has as a choice.

      Hope that this helps.



  2. thank you for the wonderful review about  profit 365. I have not heard about profit 365 before. Is it new?  When was it launched?  I have actually used solo ads in my CPA campaign but it did not convert well.  I think  solo ad is saturated. If profit 365 is relatively new,  it will still be profitable.

    • Hi there

      Profit 365 is relatively new. Sorry to hear about your CPA campaign not working out. On one occasion I gave solo ads a try and I got a few leads. Overall, it was okay.

      Wish you the very best in making money online. Let me know should there be anything else that you may need assistance with.

      Kind Regards and Take Care


  3. Profit 365 isn’t something I’m familiar with but I’m just looking at making a passive income and I came across your review. I’m still unsure of it though as I have had some bad experience with clickbank in the past where the product I tried promoting was a huge failure and everyone requested a refund.

    I would love to hear how you work with clickbank and profit 365, what would be the steps you take to start earning some good money?

    • Hello Matthew

      Sorry to hear about your previous Clickbank experience.

      When it comes to promoting Clickbank products, I am very selective. I do NOT promote everything that I write about. I believe that it’s not right to promote a product that you yourself would not use or buy.

      This is why you will notice that I am Not an affiliate for Profit 365.

      The steps that I take to earning some good money online is to choose a few products that you have tried, tested, and believe in. People can see your sincerity and will ultimately buy from you.

      For instance, the one product that I stand by 100% is my NR.1 Recommendation. You can check it out if you are interested,



  4. Thanks for this post. I’m sure you saved and will save a lot of people from wasting time on something that turns out to be not quite what they signed up for. While maybe not a SCAM by definition I would feel pretty upset if I bought into something only to find out I had to buy into it several more times to get what was promised. Not only that, but I hate when people take the roundabout way of getting to the point rather than just coming out and saying what the product is and why you would want to buy or use it…I immediately lose trust when I don’t get answers upfront. Thanks for sharing this review!

  5. Is this provide free training? overall this is a great review about profit 365 by Jamie Lewis. this is the most faithful site to earn money by affiliate marketing. Very easy to work and commission offer is very alluring. it is real and not scamming. I am so much interested and highly recommended. Thanks for the post.


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