Hi there and welcome to my review of Jamie Lewis's Wealthy Agency. This product is slightly different from the other Clickbank products that I've reviewed.
In this one, Jamie proposes to help you get started with your own digital agency. Is Wealthy Agency a scam, or is it a good path for you to follow? Can it provide you with a passive income down the line?
Today I will help you to uncover the answers to these burning questions? In my research I discovered, that there is also more to the price than just the initial $29 fee.
More about that later. Let me start by showing you what the Wealthy Agency is all about.
NAME OF PROGRAM: Wealthy Agency
WEBSITE: www.WealthyAgency.com
FOUNDER: Jamie Lewis
PRICE: $29(+upsells)
WHAT IS ABOUT: Starting up your own digital marketing agency.
When you sign up for Jamie Lewis's Wealthy Agency, you are essentially getting into the business of starting up your own Digital Marketing agency.
According to Jamie, your job to act as the middle 'man' or 'women' for online digital projects.
Let's say that you know of an up and rising company(the client), that is in need of someone to handle their FaceBook ad's and they are looking for experienced folks to manage ad campaigns and marketing needs.
Your job is to advertise the job listing on platforms such as LinkedIN, and Craiglists as well as other resources that Jamie recommends in his Wealthy Agency training area.
You get paid upfront for finding the services/outsourcing and that concludes your job for the day!
According to Jamie it simply is a case of rinsing and repeating, and will eventually get you to earn a "6 figure income."
What is the Wealthy Agency member's area all about?

It's refreshing to see that unlike other Clickbank products where you get rehashed content, or no quality training, here you see Jamie himself in the video tutorials, offering some case studies as well.
On many occasions you will encounter a sales video, where the narrator uses an alias or even stock photo's to hide their true identity. That is not the case here and is one point up in my books.
There are additional services offered as well, but this does not come with the basic membership plan.
Let me tell you more about it in the next section.
It does not stop at $29, that's if you want the entire package.
There are three membership upgrades or upsells if you will. These are:
- The outsourcing suite - $279
- Weekly Live Webinars - $149,and
- Wealthy Agency Business in a Box - $249
The outsourcing suite for instance, consists of swipes or pre-written ads that you can use towards sourcing an agent or service vendor.

Then you have the ongoing training in the form of weekly webinars hosted by Jamie himself.

So, can you really make a 6 figure income with Wealthy Agency or is it a scam?
It's time for the verdict.
The Wealthy Agency has a'REAL' founder that one can learn from. In addition, this is a Clickbank product, so at the end of the day should you not be happy with your purchase, you have 60-days to get your monies back.
Should you join the Wealthy Agency?
The advantage with this business concept is that, you do not have to outlay huge expenses apart from the ads, when it comes to looking for outsourcing prospects.
However, as far as the Wealthy Agency package is concerned, as I've showed you earlier, it can set one back with all the upsells.
Can you earn 6 figures with this type of business?
It's not a straightforward answer, as it does depend on one's efforts and time. Furthermore, it's also safe to say that this sort of business does have it's fair share of competition.
It's all about persistence and perseverance.
Lastly, I do not believe that it is exactly a passive income business. One has to constantly find both clients and agents to survive. There are other ways that you can learn how to make a passive income online.
That concludes my Wealthy Agency review.
Starting an online business does not have to be expensive. You can start building an online business for the price of a cup of coffee!
Let me show you how I got started 3 years ago to earning a passive income online,
If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below, and I promise to get back to you as soon as I can.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Regards and Take Care