Crypto Pros Review- Is Crypto Pros A Scam or A Legit Business Opportunity?

Hi there and welcome to my Crypto Pros review. What is Crypto Pros all about? 

Recently launched, this platform is all about getting into the business of Ad Packs. You can get started from a small $2 investment, and it's open to everyone.

Can you make money with these guys? Is Crypto Pros a scam? Is it worth your time to get involved in this type of business?

Whilst there are many opportunities that can help you to make money online, many of them waste a great deal of your time and pay very little. I wanted to check if CryptoPros is one such venture or not.

Let me share my findings with you, so that the your final decision will be easier to make.

Ready? Great! Let's get started.



OWNER: Frank Hester

WHAT IS ABOUT: Buying Ad packs. Recruiting folks into the business and getting them to buy Ad Packs as well.




There is only one product, and that is the Ad Packs.

What exactly is an Ad Pack?

Basically, an Ad Pack allows you to place advertisements on their website.

They give you an opportunity to place both Text Ads and Banner Ads.However,these ads will only be visible for a period of 14-days.

Each Ad Pack costs you $2. You can buy one Ad Pack or as much as 127 ads (cost $254).

How to make money with Cryptopros

You earn commissions when you get folks to sign up within your downline and purchase Ad Packs as well.

Each Ad Pack package opens a 'matrix level.' They have a 2 x 20 Matrix compensation plan. It means that you can earn commissions on your referrals up to twenty levels.

When you buy your first Ad Pack, it fills a 'position' under your sponsor's matrix. Thereafter every Ad Pack that you buy,fills up a 'position' within your matrix.

What happens when you buy an Ad pack With CryptoPros

I found that the compensation plan was not clearly defined. So I researched further to find out more....

Crypto Pros does have their own closed FaceBook page. The owner, Robert Hester, was kind enough to explain to a 'newbie' how one can make money with CryptoPros.

Take a look at the next screenshot.

CryptoPros compensation plan explained on FaceBook

Moving on,they have something called a Repurchase Wallet. What happens is that when you start earning commissions, 25% of your earnings goes into the Repurchase Wallet.

When this Repurchase Wallet hits $2, the system automatically makes a purchase on your behalf for an additional Ad Pack. This is how you end up with many Ad Packs in your matrix.

According to the CryptoPros website, they pay out a 100% Match On the Matrix Income of all your Direct referrals.

The CryptoPros compensation plan

They have another feature called the PIF or Pay It Forward system. What this means, is that you can sponsor someone within your downline by purchasing their first Ad Pack for them.

In this way, the sponsored member may also decide to get involved with the business and continue purchasing their own Ad Packs going forward. Apparently, feedback from the FaceBook member's shows that it is quite a popular feature.

Finally, when it comes to withdrawals, you can only claim a payout once you reach $25. You can only buy Ad Packs using Cryptocurrency, in the likes of Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin.

They do not accept PayPal or Credit cards.

How much can you earn with Crypto Pros?

They state on their site that a $2 matrix position has the potential to earn one a payout greater than 90K.

The CryptoPros compensation plan is a scam
The Cryptopros detailed compensation plan

Of course, this is the 'ideal world' scenario. We are in the real world, and things do not always go according to plan. I am not saying that you can or cannot make this type of money. 

Merely pointing out the fact, that when it comes to the recruiting game, it may not be everyone's cup of tea.

Nevertheless, while we are on the subject of earnings, is there anybody who has earned money thus far with Crypto Pros?

Wealthy Affiliate Banner


At the time of writing this post, there were no testimonials recorded on the official Crypto Pros website.

I guess it's understandable considering that the platform was only launched around the 27th November. It's not even a month. 

Perhaps things may change as time goes on. At the moment, they have around 234 Active Members on their FaceBook page. 

So, is Crypto Pros a Pyramid scheme?

It's time for the verdict.


What is a Ponzi scheme?

According to Wiki, a Ponzi scheme, is one 'whereby investors pay profits to earlier investors by using funds obtained from the more recent investors. Investors are led to believe that profits are coming from product sales.....'

The fact is that Crypto Pros has only one product line which is the Ad Packs. These packs are only worthwhile to you as a customer, if you have a product or business, or a website of your own to promote.

The point is, if member ends up using this platform purely to purchase the ad pack, and focus only on the recruiting side of things, then it may sound like a 'pyramid thing' going on here.

Not saying that that is what it is. Merely showing you a different point of view.

Should you join Crypto Pros?

Personally, I see the opportunity as one that you will constantly need to be active within, by promoting on social media and getting folks to join in.

I think that the end decision is up to you. I believe that you should do what 'feels right on the inside'. 

There are many ways to make money online. I enjoy earning a passive income via my website without having to recruit. It still is hard work and does take time, but I believe that there is nothing better than having your OWN online legacy.

If you would to learn how to get started, simply click here, and I would be happy to show you more.

Thanks so much for joining me on this Crypto Pros review.

I hope that it has helped you out.

You have been a star, it was awesome to speak to you.

Till next time, take care



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