Hi there and welcome to my Six Figure Mentors review. I am guessing that you are probably on the fence as to whether or not to sign up to Six Figure Mentors.
It's really awesome to see you exercising due diligence before jumping into this business opportunity. So, is Six Figure Mentors a scam or should you sign up to it? It's my pleasure to help you to decide, by offering you my perspective as an online marketer. When I saw that they offered a FREE TRIAL, I thought that there was something good on offer, until I entered the members area.....
Before I get into the core of this review, I want to make mention to you that you can certainly make real money online.
NAME OF PRODUCT : Six Figure Mentors
FOUNDER : Stuart Ross
PRICE : Free, and you have the option of choosing from various membership options.
WHAT IS ABOUT: An online teaching platform, designed to help you get started with your own online business.
Six Figure Mentors is a platform that is designed, with the aim of helping people to start their own online business. The business started in 2011, with Stuart Ross as the founder of the company.
The platform aims to help the newcomer by offering the tools, resources, and community support that one needs to build an online enterprise.
They offer you various membership options, one of them being the free trial or student option. Most of my review is pertaining to this option.

The training modules are video tutorials that are delivered by Stuart Ross himself. From the onset, I think that this is a great move.

I have reviewed so many make money online products such as Cash Sniper and 7 Minute Daily Profits that offer you boring PDFs or outdated video tutorials, that leave you feeling more lost than anything else.
In the case of Six Figure Mentors, the fact that the owner is the one delivering the training, scores an A+ in my books. It offers authenticity and it shows that the owner stands by his business, and as they say, 'puts his money where his mouth is.'
As for the video presentation, I think that it's delivered in a very professional manner. The video quality is great and Stuart's passion and confidence definitely shows.
However, when I went through the actual training and saw what it was about, my warning bells went off.
Let me show you what I mean.
Are you really going to learn how to get started with your own online business, with their free membership option?
The training is condensed into a 'Module' kind of format. On first impression, you may think that you are going to be learning the basics of their business model, which has to do with affiliate marketing.
By the way, affiliate marketing is a legit way to making money online. It's a business model where you earn commissions by promoting other people's products or services via your website. It's one of the most flexible ways to getting started with earning money online.
I use it as my main source of earning a passive income online. I will be happy to show you show more here.

Coming back to the Six Figure Mentors training, I found it to be more of a 'telling' scenario rather than showing you.
I understood exactly what he was talking about, but kept on thinking of how it would feel from the viewpoint of a newbie or someone who is new to starting an online business.
The three step process that he outlines for a successful affiliate marketer, are as follows:
>>>>>Step One : Place Ads on Google, Yahoo , Facebook, etc (Using PPC or Per Pay Click advertising)
>>>>>>Step Two: Get people to Visit your Landing Page or Website.They need to sign up to an opt-in form.
>>>>>>Step Three : Re-target the people on your mailing list with affiliate products.
>>>>>>>Step Four : Earn Commissions
As I said, this is a winning strategy and I too use it. The point is, you are not taught how to set up a landing page, or how to place ads, or how does an autoresponder work.
Nothing within the training, will get a newbie started with building a solid online business foundation.
I keep going back to the time when I first started with affiliate marketing. I had no clue on how to get started or whom to trust. Thanks to the awesome teaching platform called Wealthy Affiliate, their free starter membership actually got me started with my first website.
I got a taste of what affiliate marketing is all about, by doing, rather than someone merely telling me. And the best part is that I did not have to pay a single dime. That in my opinion, is what a free trial is really about.
To me it almost feels like you have no choice but to buy into the more expensive membership options to learn more.
Let me tell you more about these membership options next.
There are three main membership options that you can choose from. They are the student, the essential option and the elite option respectively.

Here is the cost breakdown,
- Student membership : Free
- Six Figure Mentors Essential Membership : $297
- Six Figure Mentors Elite Membership : $2500
It became clear that the Essential Membership is their flagship training course, which unlocks the main features of the programs.
Some of these features include, access to the complete digital business modules, their complete marketing blueprint, training library, access to the private FB group, multiple live weekly webinars and live events.
The Elite Membership in addition, offers one a system setup certification, and according to the founders, has recurring webinars that features experts and leaders.
Interestingly enough it does not stop there. There are additional high ticketed products or add-on's that you can purchase that range from $8,000 up to $20,000. Like the Marketing Mastery that costs you $8000.

This begs the question? Do you really need to pay so much to get started with affiliate marketing?
The truth is that you can get started with all the necessary training, tools, back-up and support for as little as a price of a cup of coffee a day! Take a look at this post to see exactly what I mean.
Now let me talk about the good stuff, and the not so good stuff, pertaining to the Six Figure Mentors business opportunity.
It's good to see that the founder is involved in the training videos, unlike various other business systems that I've reviewed in the past, who use aliases or stock photos.
There is no sugar coating here. Stuart does not promise you overnight fortunes. He does remind you that it's a learning curve and it will take a great deal of time and effort. I appreciate this.
They have a screening questionnaire to pre-qualify you before you join. This is somewhat a good thing I guess. They're trying to 'flush out' the people who are not really serious about making money online.
The product features high ticketed programs that may not be affordable for everyone.
The free trial does not really show you how to get started with your online business.
Affiliate commissions is not free on the high-ticketed products. You have to buy them in order to promote them.
Is Six Figure Mentors a scam?
It's time to end this review with my verdict.
In all honesty, I only went through the free trial option. From that experience alone, I can tell you that Six Figure Mentors has got some good things in their favour.
You have a real owner standing by his system, you are not promised overnight fortunes, and there is even a 30-day refund policy in place.
On the flipside, I do not think that this system is a very affordable one. At one point in the trial videos, Stuart places much emphasis on the selling of high-ticketed products.

Whilst there is nothing wrong in doing this, it also means that one may need to purchase the actual high ticketed products first. This can become a costly affair.
I believe that as an online entrepreneur coming onto the scene, rather learn the strategies of making consistent daily passive income commissions, and only thereafter branch out into the higher priced goods or services. That is my opinion.
Is The Six Figure Mentors for You?
Six Figure Mentors is not a scam. However, in terms of value and practical hands-on training, I do not think that it's the best way to getting started with your own affiliate marketing business.
We learn best by doing and there is not much you are going to be doing when you first sign up to SFM.
Wouldn't you want the opportunity to really 'get your hands dirty' without having to take any risk? I mean one where you do not have to pay anything initially, to see if affiliate marketing is you?
I mentioned Wealthy Affiliate earlier on. In my opinion, they are the best affiliate marketing training course for beginners.
Their no credit card starter membership option covers the following:
- Understanding How to Make Money Online,
- Choose a Niche for your Website,
- Building Your Own Niche Website,
- Setting up Your Own Niche Website,
- Getting Your Site Ready For Search Engines,
- Creating Your Initial Website Content,
- Creating Custom Menus On Your Website, and
- Understanding Keywords, The Start Of Your Content.
In my opinion, it's a more hands on approach.You will also be welcomed to an amazing interactive community with members from all over the world. You can register for the free starter membership here.
Here is my YouTube Video review of Wealthy Affiliate : The 5 Uncomfortable Truths.
Thanks so much for joining me on this Six Figure Mentors review.
I hope that it has helped you out.
If you need any help, or want to ask a question, simply leave your query in the comments section below.
I promise to get back to you as soon as I can.
All the best and take care.