Hi there and welcome to my review of Trump Bonus Checks. This opportunity is marketed with a slightly different twist.
The owner claims that the current President of the United States, has a 'secret loophole' in the tax code that allows any American to take advantage hereof. Folks have apparently earned in the region of "$4,280… $6,344… and some even $8,181 per month!" (To top it, they claim that these earnings are on a monthly basis).
Is this really possible or is the Trump Bonus Check system a scam? At the end of the day, you are looking for a way to make money online and not lose it, right?
You do not want to end up wasting your precious time by joining a 'get rich scheme' that promises you the world. Give me a few moments, and I will help you to decide if this opportunity is worth it.
Ready? Great! Let's get started.
NAME OF COMPANY: Trump Bonus Check
WEBSITE: www.TrumpBonusChecks.com
OWNER : Mike Burnick
The Trump Bonus Checks package is founded by Mike Burnick.

Mike Burnick is one of the editors at sevenfigurepublishing.com. This site is a financial information website, that offers free newsletters and paid publications.
The content of the material IS intended to help folks to learn about trading on the stock exchange, penny stocks, trading strategies and other related topics. Should you decide to visit this site, you will see Mike's name along with other editors that offer various subscription packages.
Coming back to Trump Bonus Checks, the entire package is valued at $502. However, Mike is offering it you at a special discounted price of $99.
What exactly are you buying here?

In this package, you get,
- The 3-Steps To TRUMP CHECKS PDF Guide
- The Disaster-Proof Portfolio — 3 Strategies to Protect Your Money From Market Volatility Starting Today.PDF
- Buy This, Not That — The One Stock Everyone Is Raving About and What You Should Buy Instead.PDF
- 12 Issues of Infinite Income
- Monthly Conference Calls With Mike Burnick, the Disaster-Proof Income Specialist
- Exclusive Access to Our Model Portfolio
- “Flash Action Alert” Email Updates
- Access to the Infinite Income Support Team
It sounds like its quite a bit of stuff that you are getting here. I decided to take a deeper look and see what their PDF'S are all about.
Let me tell you more about them.
Before I go on, I admit that I do not know much about Wall Street and Stock Trading. So, I am going to do my best to explain my interpretation of these newsletters.
Firstly, this one is 7 pages in total. From my understanding, according to the literature, as a result of tax cuts coming into play as early as December 2017, more money will come back into the US and corporate will be able to enjoy 'tax breaks' and 'buy backs.'
As a result, companies will be in a stronger financial situation, which means, more money back to shareholders, and more dividends.
Hence, these companies will collect, 'trump checks,' and you can benefit by buying into their shares.
The PDF lists Mike's five favorite companies to collect 'trump checks.' He also gives 50 other companies that fit the two-factor rankings.

The PDF concludes with Mike sharing with you another list of 50 companies, that he believes are not worthy of collecting "trump checks".
This is a 5-page PDF.

Basically, this one briefly makes mention of strategies that one should have in place during times when the markets are unstable.
One of the ways that he mentions, is the buying of gold for security, and another way is to have your own 'get in, get out' timing system rather than following the Wall Street gurus.
Now that you have a better idea of what Trump Bonus Checks is all about, can you make money with these products?
Coming up next?
I remember around 10 years ago, I signed up for a similar newsletter service called Inside Millionaire. It was a local service.
The newsletter came on a monthly basis and covered topics such as, tips, share information, and which companies one should buy into.
I did not get involved for one reason, and that is because I did not feel like I was being guided. It felt like I was being told, rather than being shown exactly what to do.
Which broker do I sign up with? What should my starting investing capital be? When do I pull out my money? etc... These are questions that as a newbie, you want answers to.
Can you make money with Trump Bonus Checks? The sales video, makes mention of a number of individuals who have collected 'trump bonus checks' ranging from $4000 to $7000.

The only problem here is that there is no REAL testimonial or proof, that this system actually works.
Is there a scam going on here?
Unlike other business opportunities that I have reviewed, where the founders tend to 'hide behind closed curtains', the same cannot be said here, as the founder does show us transparency. Furthermore, you are still purchasing a product which shows that it's not purely about money exchanges.
From this point of view, I do not think that Trump Bonus Checks is a scam?
Should you join Trump Bonus Checks? Here are my two concerns.
The marketing is overly hyped, and gives one the impression that it's going to be as easy as collecting checks, month after month.
This is simply not the case.
Stock trading is a subject that takes time to learn. I do not think that one can make it an overnight success.
It's safe to say that one's success in this field is dependent on the understanding of how the 'markets' work.
Whilst the material may cover aspects in theory, there is no concrete proof to show that folks have made money with the system.
Bottom Line: Should you be interested in wanting to learn about stock trading, then perhaps Trump Bonus Checks can be a starting point. I do believe that one will still have to learn more, and seek the advice of a financial advisor.
When I started three years ago, I knew nothing about building websites, or even how to go about buying a domain name. Coming from the health field (as I am a pharmacist by profession, read more about me here), everything was foreign to me.
Thanks to this awesome teaching platform, I have learned to make money online. The best part, is that it does not involve any recruiting, cold calling, ongoing product purchasing or any stock trading.
If you would like an alternative way to make money online, then I invite you to check out this opportunity.It's free to join, and you can remain a free member for as long as you like. Simply click on the link below to learn more.
Thanks so much for joining me on this Trump Bonus Checks review.
I hope that it has helped you out.
Should you have any questions or comments, please leave them below and I promise to get back to you as soon as possible.
Kind Regards and Take Care
Hi Roopesh,
These types of businesses seem to pry on the vulnerable and quite frankly is horrible to see. There are much easier ways of learning and making money online. Setting up your own blog and writing about something your really interested in is much more fun and can be a lot more lucrative. Thank you for the information on this and really exposing the truth.
The trump bonus check. Well for starters I have to say that is a creative name to come up with. It can really draw in people to purchase the product. From your review like you said it is not a scam and I also agree with you that the monthly income is overly exaggerated. To start making such an amount in just a month with as little as $99 a month is suspicious l.
I think when you purchase the product and get into the program then you would start to see that things are not as easy as you might have expected. Is making that sought of amount possibl? My answer is yes but it would involve a huge risk that is probably not been disclosed to people not in the program.
To make that money in such a short amount of time is just very difficult unless you are ready to take some risk that would involve more money than that $99 there are asking for.
wow, I have never heard of the Trump Bonus Check program before, but I am definitely glad to have come across this!
At one point I was interested in learning the stock market and got into it. I soon realized that it is not as easy as just collecting a check. You can go broke so fast it’s scary! What would you recommend for someone who wants to get into stock markets?
Thank you for sharing your recommendation of another way to make money and with a lot less risk involved! Once again thank you!
You are most welcome.
I am going to be honest with you. Trading on the stock market is not my specialty. Maybe later on I might look at it, but at this point, I am unable to recommend to you anything solid within the stock markets sector.