Wealthy Affiliate Review
Website URL: http://www.wealthyaffiliate.com
Price: $0( Free Account) or $49 Premium Membership
Owners: Kyle and Carson
Overall Rank: 98 out of 100
Wealthy Affiliate is an online training and learning platform. The main purpose of which is to teach anyone who wants to learn how to build a solid online business from scratch.That’s right, even if you have no experience at all, WA is the place to get started.
Its founders Kyle and Carson, have taken pride and care in building this business for over 10years, and have built a solid foundation. Its no wonder people all over the world keep signing up on a daily basis.
If you are reading this review, chances are that you have searched the World Wide Web, looking for something to get into. A business or an opportunity to start off but you either were not sure, because
1, You have not been given enough facts, or
2. It just did not feel right, or that it might be a scam.
So, let me start off by giving you some facts about Wealthy Affiliate. Facts that I personally am witness to, and experience every day.
As I mentioned, Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to build an online business from A-Z.It accomplishes this for thousands of its members by offering the following services and products(listed in the Pros section below)
- Getting Started Entrepreneurship Course( Simplified From Step 1 until the End)
Breakdown of the Online Entrepreneurship Course Level 1
- Over 100 000 of Members ready to help you!
- Tutorial and Video Training,
- Classroom Training and Courses
- Over 10 Interactive Classrooms
- Access to top-level experts in the field
- No SPAMMING allowed environment
- FREE to GET STARTED ( No Catch!)
- Sometimes, one may become overwhelmed with the vast amount of information available here.
By giving you this transparency(through the FREE Starter Membership), into the inner workings of such an amazing industry, they are confident that you will enjoy the experience and make it your home for achieving online financial success.
The WA Community
I have tried a lot of things in my life to make a decent enough living. Not to mention having failed miserably in many of them ( Read more on my About Me page.)
Here at Wealthy Affiliate, my experience is in total contrast to what I have previously experienced.
The community truly has your back. Any problems with your site, from training to understanding terminology, to course questions, anywhere that you may be stuck, just ask and you will receive an answer timeously.
More than the product that Wealthy Affiliate offers to you, its the sense of belonging to a group of people, that makes this one of a kind. Everybody working at their own pace to achieve their dream and helping one another along the way.
The point is that I do not feel alone, knowing that I have lots of friends that I can turn to. It makes a huge difference between success and failure. It’s something that I never had before and sometimes I still think that I am dreaming.
Absolutely, the training, live videos and courses are for everyone from newbies to experts in the field.
The great part is that if something may seem a little advanced for you at that point in time, you can always bookmark and revisit it at a later stage.
Furthermore, these guys made sure that whether you are on an iPad, desktop or even Android, you can comfortably go about doing your WA business.
I frequently check out training and e-mails via my Samsung phone. I even reply to comments received on my websites from here as well.
All you need to have is an internet connection and then you are all set to GO!!!!WA STyle!
The Training that is on offer here at Wealthy Affiliate is second to none.
I personally get bored through learning via one medium or method. This is another reason why WA really works for me, as the training is done in various formats which makes it exciting and fun!!
You will get Training in the following ways
- SIMPLIFIED and GUIDED Courses– The entrepreneurship Course is broken down into lessons.
- Live Weekly Training– Live Webinar every week with a Q & A at the end.
Ready to Watch Recorded Webinar - Interactive Discussions
- Topic-Based Classrooms– You can drop in and out any time of a topic of your choosing and learn what is going on in that classroom.
Tutorial created by a member and delivered to the Community - Video Training and Tutorial Training- There are lots of experts and folks who are very clued up at WA. They themselves further create video training and ongoing tutorials. You always have something new happening and are kept well informed on the latest trends.
There really is a lot going on here. For instance, the classrooms that I’ve mentioned above, have over 1000 MODULES alone.
Enough information is available to concentrate on a single business model and to grow it to its full potential!
Every tool that you will ever need to start up your business, from researching, writing, to website hosting/building, is right here. So there is no need to waste your time looking everywhere. Its all in one awesome place.
Here are some of the tools that are quintessential to your business growth, that Wealthy Affiliate Offers,
- Over 2400 Website templates/themes to choose from
- Unlimited Website Hosting( Premium Members)
- Word press Express( Website Builder)
- Keyword and Competition Research Tool
- Ready to use Keyword Selection Lists
(UPDATE 16th March 2018)
A host of brand new features were added within 2017.Here are some of the new stuff.
- SITE CONTENT – The Ultimate Writing Platform
- SITE SPEED – Makes Loading Time on Both Desktops and Mobile Devices Lightning Fast
- SITE SECURITY – FREE SSL CERTIFICATION on all your domain owned sites
The best part is that the Wealthy Affiliate premium membership remained the same!Talk about value for money.
When You Are Feeling Like You Are Stuck.
It is frustrating when you have come to a point when you’re working on building your business, and you need help and you don’t know where to go.
You end up spending so much time on Google just looking for the answers.10 different solutions become available to you, and you don’t know which one to try…it’s overwhelming.
This is not the case with WA. When you are in a jam, there are various pathways within WA, to help get you sorted out, and back onto the track, all in good time.
Here are some of the ways that I personally use:

- 24/7/365 LIVE CHAT
- Blog Posts(Interactive)- when something is on your mind and you need input from the community.
- Live Question and Answer Sessions
- Private Message– You can have a “one on one” chat with any of the members, including with Kyle or Carson.
These are some of the reasons that make WA so special. You can help when you see someone in need, and you get the help when you are in need.
I often thought to myself how nice it would be, if CEO’S of big multinationals took an initiative to take interest in their employees, it would be such a positive experience for the employee. Make them feel valued and part of the company, and not just a number. Unfortunately, it does not happen too often, at least, that’s in my experience working within my retail pharmacy chain.
Here in WA, there is no separation of titles and you can ask whatever question is on your mind, which will get answered and you feel like a valued member.
The best part is, its all growth towards your own personal success.
Wealthy Affiliate teaches you many different ways of earning an online income.
When you join you can choose from two options. The first one is to follow the Online Entrepreneurship Course. This teaches you to take a passion of yours, be it fitness trackers or collector cards, or model aircraft, basically anything you enjoy talking about, and scaling it, using the training and converting it into an online business.
(I started out here and followed a path of talking about tinnitus. This is ringing, whistling noises in the ear. It is something that personally affects me and I saw the need to help others. So, I used the training here and built a site to help others with the same condition. If you are interested, check it out. Here is the URL, dealwithtinnitus.com)
Oh yes, the training does work.Here is a proof of my first payment! That was an awesome moment!
The short video below, explains wonderfully how the entire money making process works at WA. Enjoy!!
What if you don’t have any ideas as yet?
No problem, This is where option two comes into play. Wealthy Affiliate has a Bootcamp Course. This course takes you from start through to end with a ” chosen topic” that you work on, to generate a fully scaled online business. The walkthrough is easy to follow and you do not need any experience to do it.
There are two Membership Options
- Starter Membership: $0, ( Join Here)
- Premium Membership: $49 Monthly or $359 Yearly, (Join Here)
When you sign up for the Starter Membership, you will get instant access to the Live Chats, the training modules, 2 free Websites and usage of the keyword tool. You may also start the first levels, of the two courses available, that I have mentioned above and much more.
This is a great opportunity for you to experience the transparency of WA and explore its inner workings. You will witness the amount of information and training that is on offer without having to part with any of your hard-earned cash.
The premium membership unlocks everything and delivers to you a package where you don’t need anything else to build a business. If you decide to sign up for the premium membership, there is a nice bonus attached to it. (Read more here)
You don’t need to pay any other fees such as for hosting or building fees for your site. There are no other upsells.
No need to buy any other internet book or register for any other course again.Below is the comparison between the Starter and the Premium Membership.
Did you know…
that you can make money at Wealthy Affiliate, by just been a STARTER Member?
Yes, that is absolutely correct! It will surely be much harder, than if you were a Premium Member, but it is certainly possible. Meet up with me with WA, when you sign up for the free membership, and I will explain to you more.
I guess no words can truly explain to you, what being a member of the Wealthy Affiliate feels like. When I started off, I was intimidated due to my previous experiences. However, I was pleasantly surprised, and have no regrets in joining WA.
For $0 Starter fee, you’ve got nothing to lose. Give it a go and meet up with me. If you decide to join, just do me one favor set up your profile account when you sign up.
Here is my profile picture, so you can recognize me when we meet up, inside WA.
How to get Your Bonus!!
Now that you know the differences between the Starter and Premium Memberships more better, I am going to shake things up and make this more exciting for you. Once you signed up for your FREE Starter Account, I will be offering a Fantastic Bonus to you, should you decide to GO PREMIUM within the first 7 days(which includes a 59% Discount).
Once you created your account, I will be personally getting in touch with you on your profile page, welcome you to WA, explain more about WA and show you how to go about claiming that bonus. This is really going to be something Special and Exciting.
It’s time you see for yourself just how AWESOME it is to be a member of Wealthy Affiliate.
Summarized Overview
NAME OF PROGRAM: Wealthy Affiliate
OWNERS: Kyle and Carlson
OVERALL RATING: 98 out of 100
VERDICT: LEGIT Thank you for reading my review of the Wealthy Affiliate program.
Should you need to ask anything, or wish to leave a comment, please do so below and I will get back to you.
Hope to see you in the near future.
To your success.
Kind Regards and Take Care
Hi, there.
Awesome review explaining what Wealthy Affiliate is and how it does help people build successful businesses online. What I liked the most about this review is the video. Very professional and straight to the point.
How did you make it? Because I want to add a video to my reviews as well.
Thanks and good luck with your website.
Hi Imad
Thanks for the complement.
Glad you liked the videos. I wished though that I had made it. A friend had given me the permission to use them and I am ever so grateful to him.
Thanks and Good luck to you as well.
All the best
What a great revue you’ve laid out here. As a wealthy affiliate member myself I’m impressed and how well you have laid out everything in this post without forcing the whole experience on the reader as it is ultimately the readers decision to move on what you showing them.
Hi Gary
Thank you very much for commenting. Really appreciate it.
I want the reader to see everything as far as possible from an objective point of view. I wont lie sometimes I had to put my 2cents in.
I agree at the end of the day, the decision is up to the readers.
Kind Regards and Take Care
Great review on Wealthy Affiliate.
I have been a member for just over six months, and I must say it is the best decision I have ever made online.
The community as you say are awesome, and everyone is willing to lend a hand.
There is nothing better than building your own business online in something you are passionate about.
Hey Michel
Thank you very much for stopping by.
Glad to hear that you are a member of the Wealthy Affiliate Community.Also, it’s wonderful to see that you are extremely happy with your decision.
I agree with you,the experience at WA is top class and there is nothing out there, in my opinion that can beat it.
Regards and Take Care
Hi, Relly cool website review! Everything you said is right on! I had never done this in my life and was never computer savvy so with all this training and support you cant really beat it!. Yeah its overwhelming for sure when you start, I still get overwhelmed but you can always go back and watch or read the lessons which I really like! I would not be here if it wasn’t for WA! I’m stuck though and having issues with writers block. I want to make sure my content has good key words and quality content that will hopefull help others! Great work!
Best wishes,
Hello Krissy
I appreciate the complement.Thank You.
Wealthy Affiliate is certainly a cut above the rest. Yes, it’s overwhelming, but once you get your head around it, it’s gets fun and exciting.
Though, it demands a lot of your hard work and time, I think at the end of the day it is well worth it.
Especially, if you know that you are securing your own financial freedom for years to come.
I wish you all the best and may even see you around at Wealthy Affiliate .
Take Care
A great quality review on Wealthy Affiliate!
Anyone can benefit from the knowledge they will learn at Wealthy Affiliate. With just a little consistent effort, anyone can very quickly learn the tools to develop a successful online business.
You are so right about the community aspect of Wealthy Affiliate! I have been online for many years and have never found another place like it.
The encouragement you receive on a regular basis from the members, as well as the owners, is worth far more than the price of the premium membership.
Hello Tom
Yes, this is what is so amazing about the Wealthy Affiliate platform. The lessons are designed in easy to follow steps. If you have a problem, you can use a variety of channels to get help and your question will not go unanswered.
The tools and videos are top notch to make affiliate marketing seems possible for absolutely anyone to get started with.
I agree, it is worth every dime!
Hello, This post is amazing, The information you provide is so useful.
The colours go well together and the images you have used are relevant, I took a look at your other posts too, Really helpful.
I look forward to more of your content and I have bookmarked your website too
Wish you all the best
Hello Matteo
Thank you very much for the compliment. I am glad that you liked it.
All the best
Hi, Great Article. I’ve been looking for a way to make money online for long enough but there are so many scams out there. It sounds like you have found something really worthwhile. It looks like there are some great tools and resources and a fantastic community. Is that your experience?
Hello and thanks for stopping by
Absolutely, this is my experience and a wonderful one at that.
Wealthy Affiliate is the “Real Deal,” their training, tools, video lessons, live webinars and community help and support is top notch.
I highly recommend you give them a go! You can start a FREE TRIAL, and then later on decide, if you want to continue with them. So you really do not have much to loose.
If you would like to know more, do not hesitate to give me a shout.
Take Care
Hi, Great Article. I’ve been looking for a way to make money online for long enough but there are so many scams out there. It sounds like you have found something really worthwhile. It looks like there are some great tools and resources and a fantastic community. Is that your experience?
Hi Brendan
Yes, there are scams out there, but do not let it discourage you.
To answer your question, yes.
Yes, this is my experience(which I still am with) with this fantastic community and its proof that there are legitimate programs or services out there. It’s just a question of finding them amongst all those “fakes” or “too good to be true” opportunities.
Thanks and Take Care
Hi there,
I really liked your review on Wealthy Affiliate here. You have written a great piece of article! Thanks for putting in your effort.
I have a blog site on the Internet for more than two years now. So far I have not been able to receive a single penny yet. I like the idea that I can learn to earn some money no cost with WA, that is extraordinary 🙂
I’ve been considering engaging in affiliate marketing for a very long time now but never really fully understand how it works. Well, put it this way, I have never had enough information to go ahead and pull the trigger on it.
Perhaps, it is time to really try WA out.
Thanks for the review!
Hello Alex
Thank you very much for the compliment. Really appreciate it.
Its great to hear that you have already entered the online business world. Building a website and getting an online presence certainly does take time and lots of effort. I am sure that very soon, you will receive your first pay check. Whatever you do, do not quit, it will come, its just a matter of time.
If you give Wealthy Affiliate a go, I have no doubt that you will pick up some valuable tips and pointers to better your site.
If you need further information, please do not hesitate to ask.
All the best and hope to see you soon.
WA has lots of reviews online. Having read a fair share of them I can truly say that this is one of the best. One thing that stands out about your presentation among the many out there are your videos. Videos are engaging and entertaining not to mention informative. Thank you for sharing Wealthy Affiliate and writing about it’s benefits.
Hello Jeff
I sincerely appreciate your compliment, thank you.
One of the things that I learnt within the Wealthy Affiliate training is that people are visual by nature.
If you use images and videos, people are more likely to be interested than having to read text all the time.Furthermore, I tried to SHOW people rather than just TEL them in my review what Wealthy Affiliate is all about.
Thanks for stopping by.
Passive income is the way to live! Screw the 9-5! Have you heard about selling physical products on amazon as a passive income method? As Amazon store and ship it for you so you can literally make money whilst you sleep! what are you thoughts on this? is it really passive, obvs would require a lot of work to get it up and going but people make a killing doing it!
Hi Kyle
I am familiar with the process of Affiliate Marketing. That’s when one becomes an Amazon affiliate and creates a website of their own. They then promote products on their site and when people click on these products links, they will be directed to the Amazon store to complete the purchase.
In return, the affiliate receives a commission. This certainly requires hard work and time and can be an awesome way building a passive stream of income.
Its what I do, and I love it!
What I like about WA is their super responsive support team. They usually answer within an hour.
My sites are never down and I’ve been a member for over two years. I know that my blogs are also safe.
And I like the first day of each month very much because the commissions come always on time.
Hello Luke
Nothing as exciting as payday, especially once you put in the long hours and hard work, it makes it all the more rewarding.
Yeap, you right about the complete back up of your sites done automatically by these guys.They are truly the heroes, especially when you discover after doing an update of a plugin, your site is wrecked, support team is always at our rescue.
Wealthy Affiliate definitely Rocks.
See you around.
Hi, A great review on Wealthy Affiliate. I’m also a member of Wealthy Affiliate of 6 months. I’ve started out with the free membership plan, but barely end of the week, I’ve signed up for the premium membership due to the platform they offered that truly resonates with the message of the founder to help others grow their business online. I like the learning and do it yourself method and also the none of the empty promises of overnight success often seen on other online business programs.
Hi Kenny
Great to hear that. Its brilliant for the founders to afford newcomers a ‘free’ opportunity to experience what Wealthy Affiliate is all about before even committing to any payment.
It’s true, as you mentioned this business takes hard work and time and i not a get rich scheme.Glad that its not ‘sugar coated’ when one is first introduced to this program.
Everything of the best to you.
This is such a great review and I really appreciate that you have laid out all the factors in an easy to understand way and included videos.
This is so important because of all the bogus scams out there, avoiding them and finding a genuine opportunity is difficult. Your transparency and detailed description are encouraging too so thank you for sharing
Hi Mel
Glad you enjoyed the review.
There are tons of scams out there and there is also some legit business opportunities out there. WA is one that I work with and it has really helped me out.From knowing nothing about building an online business to having built three websites.
I owe that to the wonderful platform of Wealthy Affiliate..
Thanks for stopping by
Dear RoopeshG,
Excellent write up regarding Wealthy Affiliate. You outlined the Pros and Cons of WA very well. Great use of pictures also. Wealthy Affiliate sure does seem to be like the best place to be online. I don’t think other online programs come this close to Wealthy Affiliate at all with its many benefits.
I am so glad to hear how interactive WA is and from the looks of it, following through their training can easily get your website indexed and noticed on Google also.
Please kindly keep up the good work regarding the blog posts you write. 🙂
Wishing you all the best with your online success above and beyond the horizon,
Hi Angel
Thank you for your kind words.
I think that the one thing that is necessary for a business platform to be successful is to have a good support structure.
This is why Wealthy Affiliate is so cool. As you said, there is an awesome interactive community to help you along the way, which makes Wealthy Affiliate stand out.
Take Care and All the Best
Hi Roopesh,
A very good review! I agree, Wealthy Affiliate is simply the best that there is. I have already seen some platforms and tried but nothing comes to Wealthy Affiliate. You have summarized all this very well, I think you will surely find many people for WA. All the best!
Hi Daniel
Thanks for your comment. Glad to hear that you are happy with Wealthy Affiliate.
Yes, it would great for more folks to check out this platform.
Thanks for the helpful information here! I’ve been looking into affiliate marketing and have actually signed up for Wealthy Affiliate myself. I can say from experience that it is an awesome site and provides you with endless amounts of information.
As I’m fairly new to Wealthy Affiliate I’m still not aware of all the features available, but your page has made everything a lot clearer to me.
How long have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for?
Congrats on signing up to WA. It’s truly an awesome experience. Just stick with the training and ask questions along the way, and give it a serious shot. You will find it can be a really rewarding experience.
I can personally vouch for it.I have been with Wealthy Affiliate for close to three years now and love it.
The truth? this site captured my attention and interest from the get-go… and that from PIFA: very catchy and intriguing.
After that, well what can I say?… The Roopesh offers an excellent review of Wealthy Affiliate as well as great tips on his “Important Pages” side widgets.
What Rooshad has done for me with his site is shown to provide me the instruction I needed to review writing. Great layout and very effective topic transitions.
If I were to find that anything is missing, it would have to be in the Pros & Cons comments. He includes the availability of over 100k community as a Pro – I agree 100%. However, I also agree with those who have commented that that can also be a con in that one can become so engulfed that other important tasks go undone (I know, already been there). Everybody in the community wants to give back and that truly is the beauty of WA and I believe one of its strongest assets. so I guess there is such a thing as “good cons”.
SamMi C
A Better LifeStyle
Hello Roopesh, great article on WA!!! My experience with WA has been great, and I’m still learning a lot about the online business as time goes by. I’m working hard everyday to make my dreams comes true. I wish you nothing but the best of luck within WA!!!
Hello Ahmad
Its always nice to meet a fellow WA member. Wish you tons of success as well. Let me know, if I can help with anything.
This sounds really good, perhaps a bit too good to be true. I have been lookin. For a way to make money online but have come across so many scams who wanted a bit of money and then a bit more and then more.
Is it really only $49 a month for all the training you talk about ? Are there any other upsells ?
Hello Karen
Yes, believe or not its $49 a month. As for upsells, not a single one. Nothing at all. The famous line, ‘too good to be true,’rings true when it comes to Wealthy Affiliate.
Rather try out the free 7-day trial here, and then you can see for yourself, what is on the table.
The best part, is that they do not even ask you for any credit card information.
I look forward to helping you out.
Kind Regards