What is the Shiny Object Syndrome (SOS) all about? To put it in general terms, it is defined as an attraction to any object that exhibits a ‘glassy’ or ‘shiny’ appearance.
Every single one of us, at some point or another, have had a ‘touch’ of this shiny object attraction. It could have been when you walked passed a store and your eye caught a glimpse of that ‘glittering ring’ or ‘shimmering watch.’ If you actually think about it, it’s all really clever marketing to get you to either ‘enquire more ‘ about the product or end up ‘buying it on impulse.’
So what has the shiny object syndrome got to do with you, the entrepreneur, that is trying to build an online business?
The Answer: Everything!
Having the SOS, can actually stifle your progress when you are trying to achieve online financial success.
Before I show you some easy to follow steps to prevent falling victim to shiny object syndrome, let me show you the common symptoms of this condition.
How do you know if you got the Shiny Object Syndrome?
Here are 3 common symptoms of SOS:
- The 3 B’S
- Spend less than a week on any one ‘shiny object’
- You are impatient and your expectations are unrealistic
Let’s take a closer look at these symptoms and see how they distract you from your path to success.
Symptom Nr 1: The 3 B’S
The 3 B’s are – BUY, BUY, BUY
This symptom creeps in when you are exposed to e-mails or ads that promise you overnight fortunes from doing little or no work. To make these offers more enticing the marketers usually sell the deal to you at an absolute steal of a price ranging from $5 to $7.
So what you do?
You buy one. Then the next one comes along, you buy again. Then you read the third one, thinking to yourself, ‘that’s exactly what I am looking for,’ so you buy that one too!
Symptom Nr 2: Spending less than a week on any of these products
Now you are sitting with your 3 ‘beautiful business’ products that you’ve bought. The main question on your mind at this point is, how do you decide which one to start off with first?
When you do eventually figure that out, your next dilemma is, how do you decide how long to give it before jumping onto the next product?
If you spend less than a week exploring what each product is all about, then I think you are NOT giving them a fair chance.
Bottom line, if you just hop or rush from one product to the next, you are NOT really going to see any real value or the potential of what you’ve bought.
Symptom Nr 3: Impatience and Unrealistic Gains
Who does not want to make money? Everyone wants to earn extra money. The point of shiny objects marketing is to get you to believe that the product will make you rich within a short period of time.
Haste really does make waste.
The SOS plays on one’s emotions. The shiny objects exploit your ‘wanting of money so badly‘ that you forget all about rational reasoning in the process. You give in to the belief that the product or service will fulfill your need for instant gratification.
Instead of making some decent money with your existing business, you will fall prey to these tales of ‘unrealistic gains’ and lose money by swiping your card.
Entrepreneurial productivity and SOS
What is the shiny object syndrome? Its all about distractions. Your productivity when trying to build a business is affected in two ways:
- Money Wasted
- Time Lost
Money Wasted
If you had to add up all the small purchases that you have made, you would have realized that the total sum comes up to a substantial amount.
Think of how you would have been able to put that amount to better use.
Time Lost
I think that this one is a bigger loss than money. Especially if you are one who has a full-time job or family commitments. It is not always easy to juggle business time into the mix.
When you have all those shiny objects in front of you, you can end up wasting a considerable amount of time. Time that could have been productive elsewhere. Before you know it, it’s weeks or months that have gone by, till you realize that you are back at square one.
How to Avoid Shiny Object Syndrome?
Here are 4 tips that I hope you will find helpful in avoiding the dreaded shiny object syndrome.
- Don’t Buy
- Stay Focused
- Think Rational
- Believe in Yourself
1.Don’t Buy
It may be easier said than done, but don’t give into buying any more offers or deals.
I understand that it’s a challenge, when you first start out and want ways to make building your business easier.
In your quest, you may have come across products or services that promise, ‘ to get you more traffic, or rankings or backlinks etc…’ The list goes on and the offers may tempt you. Just ignore them and follow through with your original plan.
There will come a time to spend your money. Now is not the right time.
2.Stay Focused
I think that this is the hardest to do. However, once you have mastered it, then nothing can stop you.
The problem is that there is so much going on all over the internet, that it’s hard to stay focused on what you are doing.
Focus your complete attention, energy and resources on the idea that you believe will make you the most money. Don’t get side tracked and always hold yourself accountable when you feel that you are slacking.
Keep practicing this skill. Over time, you will find it becomes easier to ignore those shiny objects.
3. Think Rational
A lot of times a shiny object can sound like it’s going to make your life easier. At this point, you may have an inkling as to what the ‘shiny object is all about.’ Take a look at these 3 shiny object examples below:
What you need to do is think rational. Sure you can inbox the person for information, but that would mean that you are more likely to get yourself further immersed into the deal.
Take a break from your computer or phone if needs be. Take a walk. Ask yourself, ‘is this really what I need to get involved with right now?’
‘My original plan is to do this………How is signing up with these guys going to interfere with this plan?’
Ask yourself these kind of questions. Take a day or two to think it over. Trust me, that deal is not going to run away. When you return all refreshed, you will see things in a different light.
I have personally used this tactic and it has saved me on many occasions from signing up for things that I did not need.
4 Believe in Yourself
As an online business owner, you tend to look for new ideas on how to make your business stand out. Along with that comes various ‘NEW’ opportunities that you would want to incorporate. Whilst it may sound good, it can be counter productive.

Believe in yourself! There will be many distractions. Say ‘NO’ to them. Follow the one opportunity that you believe will make you the money and see it through. Then, later on, you can try something else.
What is the shiny object syndrome? It’s all about taking you away from your goal or dream of building a solid online business.
In my personal opinion, I believe that there is no fast track button within internet marketing. It will take some time and some hard work on your part. At the end of the day, with your 100% dedication, you will be the one standing stronger for it.
Don’t fall for all those promises that the so-called ‘gurus’ dish out to you. Follow your heart with what you’re currently doing and don’t give up on it.
In closing, If you are still looking for a legit and honest way to start an online business, then check out my Nr 1 Recommended Business Platform, called Wealthy Affiliate.
I have been using it for almost 2 years now and it’s amazing.
It teaches one how to build an online enterprise from scratch. You can try out the 7-day Trial without any obligation or financial commitments.
Have you ever been a victim of shiny object syndrome? What was your experience like? Would love to hear your story.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
All the best in your online adventures!
Regards and Take Care
I like this, very entertaining read. I have myself got vaught up in the Shiny Object Syndrome, multiple times, and i was disappointed every time. With all these internet scams and false promises, it can be easy to fall into the trap. Im glad you posted this for the newbies out there, hopefully they come across this before they fall into the trap. Unfortunately, i had to learn the hard way. Great info, very useful.
While there are a lot of sites similar to yours, many do not point out all of the scams that are out there.. You have done a good job of not making yours seem like a scam while pointing out the others that are. Not easy to do.
props to you for making this info available! I enjoy the simplicity of your site but think it could also use a little more color.
Hi Travis
Thanks for the kind words, really appreciate it.
Thanks for the color tip as wel.
Hi Roopesh,
I thoroughly enjoyed your post on avoiding the “shinny objects”. I have to agree that the over night success draw is enticing to us all but as you point out it is a road to nowhere. I recently joined Wealthy Affiliate and this is an excellent platform to learn how to succeed the right way. As you started, ‘follow your heart” is the correct path to take.
I agree with you too. The over night success is enticing. Sooner or later, it dawns on us that building a solid online business will take time and hard work.
‘follow your heart,’ and ‘never give up.’
All the best to you in your online adventures with Wealthy Affiliate.