Getting Started

Welcome to Passive Income for All

Okay,you have landed on my page for one reason and one reason only. You serious about wanting an online business. you probably have searched the high and lows and been confronted with tons of scams or ‘ good’ offers and want a true and honest way to earn passive income.The good news is that  your search ends today, at this very moment.Its starts right here, and it’s going to be exciting.Today I am going to show you how you can get started online in the next few minutes.

The Yellow brick road to Passive Income Online , STARTS here……..yellow brick road

I tried dozens of ‘opportunities’ out there that were so called legit, which actually turned out to be scams.My wife and I invested in a franchise that costed five years of our time and money, leaving us in a far from healthy financial state.So we really, had our fair share of loosing money.

Think twice, before you roll the dice.dice

I adopted an attitude of thinking twice before I even engaged into any ventures even if it’s free.This business I present to you is free and allows you to test the tools, see the inside workings and experience the product first hand before you even think of commiting. When I first saw that I was both skeptical and intrigued.You don’t blame me, since I have been bitten so many times before.

What stops us from achieving success in the Online world?

Well, I did not know much about website building or affiliate marketing, so these terms both sounded intimidating and scary.So I already would think that I would not do any good in this area.fEAR

Secondly, how am I going to go about doing this.Where do I start? I don’t have a single clue. What tools do I use? Is there anybody who can help me? I am doomed for failure before I even start.

A New Hope……..

Relax, if it were so tough, I would not waste my time showing you how easy this really is..

(((just a word of caution, the concept of the business is easy, but it takes a lot of hard work.It is not a get rich scheme)))

A simple formula is contained in this business and it works like a charm.

  1. Mentorship – From the instance you sign up, you are been guided all the way through.I mean from starting your website to learning to how get your sale to almost anywhere you want to go to make it online.
  2. Your own website– you get your own websites,that you can start immediately to work on.
  3. Learn and learn some more– Guided lessons to start you off with these websites.A large community of people helping you along the way.You can ask anything anytime and they will always be there to help.It’s truly one of its kind. The training is always updated , so there is always something new to learn. The more you learn, the easier its becomes and here we are able to help each other in a pay it forward fashion. The best part , it’s Fun!!!!

What is the deal I am presenting to you.

You Sign Up for 0$ , you get the following

  1. 2 Free Websites– You can start up building immediately using the online entrepreneurship course.
  2. Access to thousands of people within the community to welcome you, guide you and assist in any way that they can.
  3. Live chats, and discussion panel access.Tutorials, courses and classrooms.



You don’t even have to give your credit card details.Sounds too good, trust me, this really is genuine.There is a Premium membership, if you decide to join, but there really is no pressure at all.You can stay on the Free membership for the rest of your life, and thats perfectly fine.

Click here to read my full Review of Wealthy Affiliate.

Thank you for your time and Take Care










2 thoughts on “Getting Started”

  1. Hi Roopesh..Your content is great and i loved the inspiration. I am on my way to making WA my own success story and the value adding training available at WA, is unbelievable and I am following each step with great intent. Thank you again for your information.

    • Hi Seelan

      Thanks so much for the compliment. Really appreciate it.

      Wealthy Affiliate is truly the genuine deal and its awesome to be a part of this community. Everyone here is so helpful and wants to see you make your online website business a success.

      There is so much to learn and things can get a little overwhelming at times. If there is anything that I can help with, do let me know.

      Congratulations on joining Wealthy Affiliate. Wish you Tons of Success here.
      Have Fun.


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