Would you like to make some easy money? I do. I saw it happen in horseracing and that’s when I asked myself, ‘Can you make money from horse racing?’
I saw this guy cash a ticket in, that costed him only $70 for a whopping prize money of $2590!He made this profit in just once race, in under 5 minutes!
From that moment on, I was hooked.
I needed to find out the answer to that burning question.
Below is my story of how that journey went…
A Day at the Tracks
The Mares and Fillies are all lined up. Some of them are more ‘edgy‘ than others as they are stationed behind their gates. The agony of waiting is just driving them insane.
You hear the calm and collective voice of the commentator, giving his last updates (of any scratches or changes), as the final few horses, take to their places.
The light goes on, the gate swings open ….and the race is on…
The crowd cheers on, shouting the numbers of the horse(s) they placed their money on. Some of them clutching tightly on to their ticket as if it’s the key to the ultimate treasure.
The commentator’s tone is now pumped up as he keeps up with the ever-changing pace of the race. (It’s almost like his words are having a race of their own).
The last 100 meters either breaks or makes a ‘horse/jockey’ duo’s fate. Some fortunate folks will cash their ticket in whilst others, will sigh and hope for a better day…..
Sadly, I must report to you that more often than not, I ended up being that guy hoping for a better day at the tracks.
Gambling and Stubbornness – A Recipe for Disaster
It was back in 2014, that I had begun my quest to try to win one of those fabulous golden tickets.(Kind of like imagining myself being ‘Charlie’ winning the ticket to visit the ‘famous Chocolate Factory.”)
I began following ‘Tellytrack,’ like my life depended on it. I met a few friends along the way who claimed that they knew the formula to winning at horse racing, but no-one really showed that it worked out for them.
Was there really a secret formula to it? I saw folks on big days like, ‘the Triple Crown,’ ‘The July Handicap,’ and ‘Summer Cup,’ carrying their horse racing betting guide like it was ‘a book of treasures.’ Naturally, I followed suite and got a hold of this guide and started to study ‘form’.

‘Form’ is simply a guide that tells you everything about the horse, the jockey, the field conditions etc. It gives you information that would put you in a position to better predict whether or not that particular horse stands a chance of winning.
I would not give up. I needed to win money easily. I was tired of working so hard. And so my stubbornness got the better of me…
Late night and lost hours- A Hard lesson
Over that one and a half years, my knowledge of horse racing grew.
I learned about the different betting options. Things like Trifectas, Swinger, Quartet, Pick 6, All-to-come. I even learned that you can open up an online betting account and do horse racing online.
And so, I started with online horse race betting. Equipped with my form guide and my arsenal of information that was undefeatable according to myself, I thought that I would be able to beat the system.
As days went by nothing happened. I still maintained my faith, hoping that the next day would ‘be the big day.’
Suffice to say, I won a little here and there but that was measly amounts.Nothing to really throw a party about!
It’s like you buy a lottery ticket for $10 and win $1. Imagine you win like this only once a week. Sometimes even less frequently.
That is not worth it, wouldn’t you agree? It really was not a feasible option considering the amount of time that I was putting in.
I even went to the point of paying for tipsters services to make some ‘consistent’ income.
Some days would be good, but the next day all the saved winnings were gone.
After many many late nights and early mornings, it finally dawned on me. The cold hard truth…..
Gambling is not the way for me to make a living.
Winning Money does NOT always make you Feel a Like Winner!
You may disagree with that, but that’s how I felt. As I look back at the times that I won-sure it felt good, but that money never really went far.
I would set up a ‘kitty’ and re-invest the winnings. I wanted to treat it like a business. Sadly so, it never ever took off in that direction.
I could never quite figure out how some folks would pitch up on ‘Raceday’ in their exclusive attire and book private lounges. Did they have info, that I did not? Naturally, I asked myself, ‘are horse races fixed?’
I guess I will never know. The time for me to stop horse racing had come. I had had enough and I was both tired and disappointed.
Stick with me, the best part of my story is still coming….
A Rainbow shined after the Storm
I am willing to bet YOU, that the main reason you decided to read my article is because of the title question, ‘Can you make money from horse racing?’
Am I right?( well what do you know? I just won a bet!!)
You want an answer, because you too may want to change your current financial position. Some extra money may make certain things easier in your life. Or maybe you just want to have extra fun and travel or whatever the case …. the bottom line is you want things to be better.
My wife was very patient and tolerant of me as I was going through those desperate times. I thank her for that and said to myself, that we do not deserve this struggle anymore.
I prayed for something better, something more solid….I wanted an answer just as bad.
Come January 2015, I started my search for a better way to make money. My birthday is on August 19. I really wanted something to happen within the next eight months.
Believe it or not my answer came on August 16, three days before my Birthday!
Wealthy Affiliate…..It’s not Betting on Your Life, It’s Building a Better One
That’s the answer I got.
As I browsed through my Facebooks posts, I saw a review of Wealthy Affiliate and decided to try it out as it was FREE TO JOIN.
Ever since then, my life has changed. It was not ‘Easy Money‘ as I had hoped it would be. It was even better. It taught me how to build a passive income business the right way.
Something that horse racing would never allow me to do! WA has afforded me the opportunity me to build a solid online business from knowing nothing about websites, to where I am today. The best part is that it allowed me the freedom to build my business around my passion.
My passion is to help others build their own passive income businesses and make them aware of online scams that flood our internet on a daily basis. This site that you are on at the moment, is a result of what I have learned.
Today, you are one of my honored guests. Thanks for stopping by.
Let me quickly tell you why I think Wealthy Affiliate is so awesome. These are some of the amazing ‘perks’ that it offers.
It has got:
- A one of a kind supportive and helpful community
- Top-notch experts in the field to help you
- 24/7/365 day back up
- TWO Free websites when you sign up
- FREE Trial to see if you like the platform
Who knows, it may be your golden ticket to winning the ‘race.’
⇒Check out my Detailed Review of Wealthy Affiliate HERE⇐
⇒Sign up for your FREE trial HERE⇐
(Before you go, I’ve got a lovely joke, stick till the end. You’ve got to read it. I promise you will enjoy it.)
Have you tried your luck at the horses? Was it better than mine?
Would love to hear from you.
Thanks once again for your awesome company.
Here is that joke that I promised you…enjoy.
The Pastor’s Ass
A Pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won! He was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the next race, and it won that race too. So, the local paper read:
The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the Pastor not to enter the donkey in another race. Then, the next day the local paper headline read:
This was too much for the Bishop, so he ordered the pastor to get rid of the donkey.Thus, the Pastor decided to give it to a nun in a nearby convent. Unfortunately, the local paper, hearing of the news, posted the following headline the next day:
The Bishop fainted. Upon recovery, he informed the nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey as soon as possible, so she sold it to a local farmer for $100. Once again, the paper found out and read:
This was too much for the Bishop, so he ordered the nun to buy back the donkey and take it to the plains where it could run wild. Naturally, to a good streak with all the latest news, the paper ran with:
The Bishop was buried the next day.
The moral of the story
Being concerned about public opinion can bring you much grief and misery, even shorten your life.
So be yourself and enjoy life. Stop worrying about everyone else’s ass and you’ll be a lot happier and live longer!
Have a nice day!