Hi there and welcome to my Writerbay review. Are you looking for a freelancing writing job? One that will allow you to work on your own time and from the comfort of your home? Then you may have Writerbay.com under your radar.
Is Writerbay a scam, or will it be worth your while? Though the company has been around for a while, there are a few concerns that I need to share with you.
These days there are many online opportunities that are either downright scams or websites that overwork you and pay you just a few dollars at the end of the day. On the other hand, you do get the legit ways to making money online.
NAME OF PRODUCT: WriterBay.com
WEBSITE: www.Writerbay.com
PRICE: Free to join
WHAT IS ABOUT: A platform that offers you the opportunity to earning from writing academic material for clients.
Writerbay is a platform where you can earn money for doing freelance writing work.
Though it's free to join you do need to have a diploma or a higher education certificate as one of the criteria to become a member. The reason being, is that their clients are looking for freelancers to write academic assignments.
These topics vary from education, psychology, technology, communication to engineering and business.
I could not find out any information as to who the CEO or founders are. The site was registered back in 2010 and their head offices are located in Nicosia, Cyprus.
To become a freelance writer with Writerbay, you have to complete a registration process.The first step is to fill out a profile questionnaire.
The next step to complete a proficiency test.This part consists of 8 steps that you have to successfully complete before you can be accepted as one of the writers on their team.

These are the steps that you are required to complete.
- Step One : Grammar and Vocabulary Test
- Step Two : MLA formatting test
- Step Three : APA Formatting test
- Step Four : The Chicago Turabia formatting test
- Step Five : Writing prompt test
- Step Six : Plagiarism quiz
- Step Seven : Write a 275-350 word essay
- Step Eight : Upload your diploma or educational transcripts
Just a word of caution here. Make sure that you take your time and answer these questions to the best of your ability.
You do not want to fail any of these tests.
Don't they give you another chance to take the tests should you fail?
Yes, but the unfortunate part is that you can only take the test in another years's time.
If you do not believe me, check out the next screenshot. It's mentioned in a conversation that I had using their live chat support service.

Apart from simply becoming a regular writer on the Writerbay platform, you can take things to a higher level once you have successfully completed the initial qualifying stages.
A Pro Writer is one who carn earn an extra bonus in addition to the standard pay.
It is tough though to become a pro writer.
You have to,
- Achieve a minimum of 12 points out of 15 for grammar test
- Complete at least 20 orders with no major mistakes
- Write at least 100 quality pages per month (70 pages for PRO Light Writers)
- Have no customers' complaints about the formatting or the grammar
- Have no negative feedback regarding your work
- Be available over the phone and in chat at anytime.
- Make sure that your content is not plagiarized
- At least have two months of constant and active work on cases
- At least have 3 orders with customers' positive feedback
- Ability to complete at least 20 orders of Help Needed category monthly.
If you cannot meet all these requirements, you can still qualify for their Pro Writer Light status. On this level you can earn an additional 15% on every successfully completed assignment.
On the Pro Writer level, you can earn an additional 25% on each assignment.
Is it worth it to strive to become a Pro Writer? I will show you in a few moments, that it may not be worth all the effort.
Let's see how much you can earn as a regular Writerbay member.
Unfortunately, it's not a clear cut answer as to how much money you can make with Writerbay. It depends on a number of factors such as your level of writing or the topic that you writing about.
From my research, I found out that folks are getting paid around $5-$6.50 per page. I believe that you can even bid for a specific assignment. Once again if you find that the topic is an easy one to write about, you can bid a lower amount or if it is a more challenging subject then you can bid a higher to get the job.
According to their website, some writers have earned up to 7K within the last 30 days.

If one were to look at these sort of statistics, then the initial impression would be that it's a viable option to get into, right?
Well, not quite. Let me show you the feedback from some of the members.
As with any company, its normal that you are going to get both positive and negative reviews. You can't make everyone happy.
On the positive side of things,the members found that the amount of jobs are in abundance irrespective of whether it's a low or a high season.

On the other side of the spectrum, members have found the working conditions to be poor. The pay rate is reduced.One of the high flyers,a PRO Writer maintained that at one point, they use to pay around $15-$20 per page. Whereas its now reduced to a mere $6.

Hence it may not be worth your while to strive to become a Writerbay Pro-Writer.
Then there were complaints of writers been asked to do multiple revisions of their assignments at the clients request. If the jobs were not done up to standard, then fines were imposed according to company policy.
Some members have reported that even after having placed numerous bids and been with the company for a long time, they still have not received any decent paying jobs. They believe that jobs were reserved only for the select few.
Is this really true?
Is Writerjob a scam, or should you sign up? Let's take a look at some of the positives and negatives of the company.
I think that their live chat and support is good.
I like the fact that it's free to join the platform.
They accept Paypal, Payoneer and Webmoney as payment methods.
You have to be flexible and alert to their notifications. If a client wants a revision done and you are out grocery shopping or it's late at night, then you will be fined if you do not see to the tasks. You have to be ready when they want you to do the work.
The payment threshold is $100. Only once you have reached this limit, will they pay you out.
You have to hold a qualification as a requirement to be accepted into their program.
You can be fined for various violations.
This is NOT a passive income opportunity. You have to be pro-active. Once you stop writing you stop earning.
Is Writerbay legit? In my opinion I do not think that Writerbay is a scam.
However, I do believe that their quality and level of service towards their writers has somewhat dropped.Even if you were to take a look at their FaceBook page, you would notice that its not as active as you would imagine it to be. Though they posts regularly, I find that the level of engagement is low.
Should you join Writerbay? If you are thinking of signing up with them, then do so without making it your only source of income.There are many other freelance writing platforms such as Textbroker or UpWork that you should also consider joining.
Its all about keeping your options open and making sure that you are maximizing the most opportunities to earning money.
There is one last important thing that you should consider before signing up with Writerbay- your time.
How important is your time to you?
Yes, Writerbay will pay you for every successful article that you do for a client. However, consider the possibility that the article might not be approved on the first attempt by the client. Perhaps you might end up doing more than one revision. Maybe you might have to sacrifice your family time, or time doing your grocery shopping or your evening rest just to make the client happy.

In the process, you realize that you had spent countless precious hours just to earn a few bucks, was it all worth it?
If you feel that its all worth it, then perhaps Writerbay is the right place for you.
If, on the other hand you are one who values your time and want to make your efforts count, then you should consider a different option.
Did you know that you can build an online business based on your passion, hobby or something that interests you?
Did you also know that you can enjoy passive income from whatever you write about? Whilst freelance writing is a good option,it also means that when you stop writing, you stop earning.
I am talking about a business model that offers you the potential to earn money on a recurring basis from the content that you write.A business model that can help you to pay more than just the bills. A business model where you eventually do not have to trade your precious time for money.
The best part is that you do not even need any experience to get started. Would you like to learn more about this business model?
It would be my pleasure to show you how to get started and how I can help you to earn money online. Simply click on the link that follows to learn more.
Thanks so much for joining me on this Writerbay review.
I hope that it has helped you out.
Have a question or a comment? Great!
Just leave it in the comments section below and I will be happy to respond.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards and Take Care
Interesting, the site has been around for almost 10 years but we have no idea who is the owner. I site might be credible since it has been around for a long time but I just do not like the fact that I do not know who is the owner. Thanks for the walk through to the application process. We will see if I pass the test or not, this will be perfect for my grammar practice, doesn’t matter if I am qualifies or not 🙂 We will see my result and will take it from there. Thanks!
Sure, all the best in the grammar test.
Take Care
I have a Bachelor in programming – and with pretty good grades. Would that be enough for starting on Writerbay?
I have to say, though, it sounds a little too much. The process is a little too demanding. I do understand though that they want the best of the best, and I’d probably go there as a customer. But as a writer… probably not.
I’ll check out Textbroker and Upwork to see how they are. Thanks for the recommendations!
I guess the only way to know if they need assistance in your field, is to register with them and see what the outcome is.
If you do go ahead, let us know how it goes.
Hello 🙂
Thank you very much for this detailed review about WriterBay. I have not heard of this company before but as I am interested in doing freelance writing understanding the types of companies who promote these services is very interesting to me. I appreciated your honest and genuine take on WriterBay as you made some great points while also explaining the negatives and why they are negatives. I appreciate your attention to detail in putting this article together and also recommending other freelance writing platforms for consideration. This is most appreciated
You are most welcome.
Thanks so very much for stopping by.
Much appreciated.
I have a friend who was a freelance writer since 2014. During those time he narrated how he used to earn reasonable amount of money writting for his clients through a platform. So, when I wanted to join the platform he was using around early 2016, he told me he won’t advice me to join at that moment because their payment was extremely low. I can’t remember the name of the platform he was using back then. What he told was that, the platform has been abused. He said some people are requesting for as low as $2 per page just to get the job done,that was while the general price were affected. Seeing this review explaining platform for freelance writer open my eye to so many things my friend was not oppourtune to narrated. I don’t know their test is this strict. The payout threshold is very low to my liking and to become a pro is something else. Freedom can’t be define here.
Thanks so much for sharing your story. Really appreciate it.
Take Care and All The best.