I have used essential oils(Not those of Young Living) under the supervision of a qualified aromatherapist. I can attest to the fact that they work and some of them have a potential of knocking one out! In a good way, that is
Anyway, this is one of two reasons as to why I got all interested into investigating the Young Living Essential Oils MLM(multi-level marketing) company. I wanted to see how they work and take a look at the prices of their products.
The second reason is to review their business opportunity for the folks that are looking to start up their own business .
Over time, I have done both positive and negative reviews as you will find on this site. It would be interesting to see which category YL falls into. Is Young Living Essential Oils a Scam?
You are about to find out! Let us start by checking out the origins of Young Living.
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The History of Young Living
It was back in 1993, that D.Gary Young and Mary Young developed their first organic herb and farming distilling operation. After officially launching the Young Living brand in 1994, the duo sought to extend their operations by opening farmlands in Utah and Idaho. This saw the cultivation of essentials oils such as lavender, clary sage, melissa , peppermint and many others.
From there onwards, the demand increased which allowed Young Living to establish offices in Europe, Japan , Singapore, and Canada.
With the company celebrating its 22years in business this year, this shows that they still have things going for them.
Now, let us check out the products of Young Living.
The Essential Oils of Young Living
Apart from the extensive range of essential oils and blends that the company boasts, Young Living has various other products and accessories within their portfolio.
Here are just some of them.
Home products

- Healthy Cooking
- Animal Care
- Family Health
- Oral Care
- Diffusers
Healthy and Fit

- Multivitamins
- Weight Management
- Joint Mobility
- Energy and Stamina
It is time for us to dive into the business opportunity.
The Business Opportunity of Young Living
You can sign up online using the virtual back office of the official website. You can choose from two options.
(1) You can sign up as a Retail Customer, which means that you:
- CANNOT take advantage of the Young Living Compensation plan or the Essential Rewards Program
- CANNOT get the products at a discounted price
- NEED NOT purchase a Starter Kit
(2) You can sign up as a Member, which means that you:
- Entitled to earning bonuses and commission from the Young Living Compensation plan or the Essential Rewards Program
- Get the products discounted at 24% off retail pricing
- Got to purchase a Starter Kit
Cost of Starter Kit : $160
There is a second step to registering as a member. That is to decide whether or not you would like to enroll in the Essential Rewards program.
What is the Essential Rewards program?
This gives you the option to add an auto ship to your membership. Which means that every month, money will be going off your credit card and you will receive products in exchange.
Benefits of signing up to this program include discounted shipping and product kits and the chance to earn FREE products. By the way, did I mention that this step is optional and you DON’T have to sign up for it immediately and can do so later or you can cancel anytime you want.
Out of interest, I would like to point out that you have to choose from either of the two packages(below) to qualify for the Essential Rewards program.
1. The NingXiaRed Essential Rewards or 2. Thieves Essential Rewards

The Compensation Plan of Young Living
The one thing that I must be honest with you here is that when it comes to the compensation plan, it is not as straightforward to understand.
Below I have attached the compensation layout for your reference. I have also included a YouTube video if you would like to see how things work.
Hope this helped you. The main point to take home is that I believe the compensation plan is fair and it gives folks a chance to make money from the business.
Everything sounds ok? Well so far. There are two things that are bothering me and I would like to discuss them in the next section.
The FDA and the Proper Use of the Oils
Not sure if you aware, but awhile back there was the story of the FDA sending out warning letters to Young Living to ‘stop advertising’ their oils claiming to have medicinal benefits.
Honestly speaking when I visited the site, I did NOT see any outlandish claims on any particular oil.
I heard that FDA had approved Young Living oils, but could not find any documentation to support this. If there are any Young Living members reading this, if you could supply me a link, I would be very grateful and update this post accordingly.
Proper Use of the Oils
Did you Know?
- Fennel oil should be avoided by epileptics
- Rosemary, Sage(all types) and Thyme should be avoided by folks with high blood pressure
- Camphor, eucalyptus, and the mint oils should NOT be taken by people who are on homeopathic treatment.
I get the fact that each of the oils sold on Young Living comes with the disclaimer to the effect of ,” consult with practitioner before use if you are pregnant, nursing , taking medication or suffering from any medical condition”
My point is one out of concern, as we are dealing with our health at the end of the day. Extra caution should be exercised before going ahead with a sale. I am NOT saying that distributors are irresponsible, but there is a possibility that an error can happen.
Great, now that I got that off my chest, let us go onto the final section.
My Verdict of Young Living
There is no doubt in my mind that the network marketing industry is huge and that people are making money from this concept.Is Young Living Essential Oils a scam? This company is ranked 7th out of 800 plus home businesses(Visit MLM rankings to check it out). They have got a decent product range as well. In my honest opinion, NO, I do not think that Young Living Essential Oils is a scam.
Will I sign up with them?
Personally, I have tried the MLM model and it never quite worked out for me. I was ‘burnt really bad’ with an MLM scam opportunity at the time. Not sure if any of you were around at that time but the name of the company I joined was called Skybiz. Owning websites was foreign stuff during that era and this company capitalized on the opportunity to bring ownership to the ‘common’ people. It sounded exciting and so I jumped in.
Anyways going to sales events and talking to family became the order of the day. I saw myself pushing and begging people to sign up. Only later on, did it dawn on me that I was a victim of a scam, and had lost something more precious than money. That was my precious family connections.
Things would never be the same and that is why I don’t see myself doing another MLM opportunity even if it is the legit one.
Should You register with Young Living Essential Oils?
That is a question that only you can answer. It is no lie that the big bucks come from recruiting people into the business. If you think you are good at this, then perhaps Young Living Essential Oils is for you. If it is not for you then DO NOT feel bad about it.
Sometimes, what may suit some may not suit others. This applies to network marketing, affiliate marketing or any business for that matter. It comes down to you. You know yourself the best.
I love the work that involves writing about online income opportunities , scams and to help people learn more about what’s out there within the online world. This is my passion and I can do it from the comfort of my home(without recruiting anyone) and I get paid for it and it’s great.
I show people ways on how to make money online by following their own interests. If they have a passion for something, be it baseball, collecting model toys, comics or just about anything, then I steer people in the direction to start building their own successful online business.
It is different from MLM marketing, but it’s Fun and it is exciting!
If you have a passion for something, then you too can make it a profitable venture.
If you would like to learn more about how to do it, then check out my detailed review of the Amazing Online University to start your FREE training.
Thanks for joining me today.
I would like to wish those that are in Young Living and those that want to join them the best of success.
It was lovely to have you with me
Great review on Young Living Essential Oils Roopesh. I use their essential oils. I had a friend who sells them, and she was always recommending certain oils to me for various reasons. I am not an MLM person, I think that you need to be very outgoing, somewhat pushy, have a large group of people you can and will push your products to, and just a salesperson by nature….none of which is me. I prefer to just get what I need 🙂
Hi There
Yes, this is basis of most MLM opportunities out there. Whilst it make suit some folks, it may not be for everyone.
This is the reason why I like to recommend an alternative such as Wealthy Affiliate. It does not need one to go out and sell products or recruit people into the business to make money.
Glad that the oils are working for you.