Welcome to my Option Alpha review. Are you looking to trade the stock market? I am sure that you agree with me when I say that there is a wealth of information online, especially when it comes to making money online. It can become confusing and overwhelming. Who do you listen to? Who do you trust?
Option Alpha is one such platform that offers load of free courses. Is Option Alpha a scam or is it a decent way to make-money-online? I am going to show you what the platform is all about, whether it worked for people, and most importantly, if it's the right platform for you to join.
It is my hope this review will give you all the information that you need to make a sound decision.

Creator : Kirk Du Plessis
Price to join : Free(new paid packages are not made available)
Do I recommend it? Yes and No. Yes, because the courses are free and offer value. No, because the automated platform is still in the testing phase.
Option Alpha is a trading platform that teaches you about option trading.
Kirk Du Plessis offers loads of free educational material on the platform as well as on his YouTube channel.
You as a free member can access this training at anytime and as often as you want.
They recently launched their automated trading platform. It's still in the Beta testing phase.
At this point, there are also no premium packages.
I advise one to wait and see what the reviews are, before committing to any future paid memberships.
For now, you can do the educational courses, if you are interested in learning about the stock market.
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Kirk Du Plessis is the founder and head trader of Option Alpha. The company came into operation in 2007.
According to his LinkedIn profile, he studied at the University of Pennsylvania and obtained his Bachelors of Science at the University of Virginia in 2008.
Kirk is a former M&A Investment Banker and REIT Research Analyst.
The mission of Option Alpha is to provide an all-in-one platform for retail investors and traders by offering first-class education, groundbreaking research and data analysis, integrated backtesting, and crowdsourced intelligence software.
In 2020, the company announced the release of the first public auto-trading platform for stock and options retail investors.
According to Kirk, Option Alpha is home to more than 240,000 investors from 48 countries. It has also been featured in industry-specific investors such as Nasdaq, Inc.500, and Investors Business Daily.
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The latest news is that there are no pricing options available at this point.
You can sign-up as a free member and access their free content. I am going to show you in a minute, exactly what the free stuff is about.
I read from other Option Alpha reviews that they usually have a Pro-membership package as well. This upgrade gives one access to receiving daily trade alerts, the nightly video review, and their current investment portfolio.
At this point, the developers of Option Alpha have launched their new automated trading platform that is in the beta phase.
You can sign-up to their waitlist, to be in line to test it.
At the time of writing this review, there is only a free membership available.
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As a free Option Alpha member, you have access to 10 Complete courses that cover trading.
They are all made in video format.

These are the various topics that are covered within the program.
- Option Basics (20 Video Lessons)
- Entries and Exits (26 Video Lessons)
- Options Expirations (11 Video Lessons)
- Bullish Strategies (12 Video Lessons)
- Neutral Strategies ( 7 Video Lessons )
- Bearish Strategies (13 Video Lessons)
- Portfolio Management ( 16 Video Lessons)
- Pricing And Volatility (12 Video Lessons)
- Trade Adjustments (15 Video Lessons)
- Professional Trading (14 Video Lessons)
And these lessons are not the only educational tools that Kirk provides. There is some high-quality podcast on Youtube as well.
There are also e-books and guides that talk about exit strategies and a checklist for entering a trade.
You also check out his blog. And if you want to know how to make money by writing online, check out this article.
Apparently it's a stand-alone trading platform that allows you to automate your trading strategies (stocks or options) with absolutely no coding required.
Kirk and his team spent five years developing this platform.
How does the Option Alpha automated trading platform work?
The first step is to link a brokerage account to the platform. Or if you still not feeling confident enough, you can always just do paper-trading.
Then you create an automated strategy, also known as a ''bot.''
Then the platform handles the bots but you still have the last say on how your trades are managed.
You can create simple or complex automation. You can save them as templates. And these bots will prevent you from missing an exit position in your trades.
Here is a video on the new trading platform in action.
Unlimited access to loads of free courses
Plenty of Youtube training videos and podcasts.
Membership packages are not contract-based.(when it was offered to the public)
The company has a long-standing in the market
The company honors refunds
Good support team
Have to be on a waitlist to test the new platform
Not a passive income earning opportunity. You have to be actively engaged in trades.
There were lots of rave reviews about all of the free stuff that Kirk made available.
Lots of positive feedback for the podcasts and YouTube videos.
But at the end of the day, it's the results that speak volumes. And there are REAL testimonials as well.
Take a look at some of them below.
Do keep in mind that these testimonials were recorded in 2019. I would like to see the feedback on members implementing the new automated system. So watch this space.
Kirk provides value in the courses. I like the fact that nowhere on the site, are indications of him selling you on a 'dream' or ' an empty promise.' It's not like Cash Sniper and CB Wealth, where the owners promise you the world.
You don't hear anything about getting rich quickly. Option Alpha has also been around for a long time, and that means that Kirk is doing something right.
If you have a keen interest to learn more about the stock market and options trading, it might be a good start as far as the free training is concerned.
I think that it's a better alternative than signing-up to a broker and following his advice.
At the end of the day, you are investing in yourself. You are educating yourself and learning the necessary skills. By educating yourself, you risk losing hard-earned money.
Venturing into the stock-market game does require a great deal of your time. And while I agree with Kirk, that you may only need a few hours of the day for the training, it's a different story when it comes to the actual trading with REAL money.
Once your money is locked in on a trade, you have to keep an 'eagle-eye' on what's going on and when to take action. (Things might change when the new automated trading platform is made available to the public.)
I also learned that there is no one strategy that is successful all the time. On quora.com one of the more frequent and professional investors recommended that if you are a newbie, it is advisable to have a "multi-year track history of trading." and a "deep and not superficial understanding of the maths involved."
Like any business, it requires patience and discipline.
At this point, I would not say that Option Alpha is a scam. However, I would not recommend it either.
With the new trading platform still in the beta phase, there is not much feedback from members. Therefore the success rate is not known. I will definitely update this article, once this info is made public.
As I said if you have an interest in learning about the stock market, it does not hurt to do the courses though. It's free and it can give you a good idea of how the trading world operates.
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Thanks for checking out my Option Alpha review.
I hope that it has helped you out.
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Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards and Take Care
Hi, I’ve just gone through your article on ” Is option Alpha a scam”? I find it very helpful but interesting too. I agree with you that there are so many platforms for making money online. We end up confused and not knowing who to trust. But fortunately, we come across websites like yours, which help us explore our options.making money online needs a reliable and trustworthy source of information like this one. Thank you for sharing such an amazing piece of writing with us. I promise I will be visiting your site to learn more about Option Alpha.
That would be great. Looking forward to seeing you again!
Do take it easy,
I have been searching forpassive ways to earn money online. And although Option Alpha seems to deliver good training and is not a scam, I personally would like to explore other options. I am not a writer but I enjoy writing. So I am excited about this alternative for generating truly passive income. Thanks!
Cool, let me know if you need any help.
This ounds quite interesting actually. To be honest, its not the sort of thing i am usually looking for but after reading this, i am tempted to have a look just to see how it all works. Maybe even have a go at investing if it seems right. So thanks for sharing this well written information packed article.
Not a problem at all Kev. Glad that you found it interesting. If you go ahead and give it a shot, let us know how it goes.
Cheers and Best of Luck