Is it TIME to quit your day job? READ This before YOU do!!!

It is estimated that around 70% of the population will have answered “YES” Is It Time to quit your Dayjob?to the above question. Unless you love your job, there really is no reason except the pay, for you to stick around with the job.

Even some of the folks who are in high positions earning megabucks are not satisfied with their working conditions and seek out other opportunities.

Is it time to quit your day job, or do you want to wait for the day that it quits on YOU? When your job quits on you is the other side of the story whereby circumstances force one to start looking for other options before its too late. This is what had happened to me……..

Pharmacist Haven

For over 13 years now, I have been practicing as a pharmacist. GEE WHIZZ!!! How time flies! That is a really long time. Unfortunately, I did not have the privilege to have a pharmacy of my own, so I worked for a popular retail chain.

Anyways, suffice to say, that I had a relatively good run. I managed to see a lot of different places around the world, like London, Canada(twice), Mauritius and India. Bought a lovely car and lived it up for a fair amount of time, until…… Until just over the last four years, life decided to give me a wake-up call of immense proportions.

Getting a Huge Slap of Reality Dose

To fully understand my story, I would like to go back in time to when I was a child. When I was an infant, around 1 year of age, I became very sick and suffered severe dehydration.Is it TIME to quit your day job My parents told me that it got so bad at one point, that the doctors could not find my nerve to insert an I.V. So, they had to insert a needle into my head!

Was it painful? To be honest with you, I can’t remember it at all! It was probably during this time that I contracted a severe viral infection. We were all of the notion that it might have been a case of viral meningitis. This is what we believe may be the result of me losing complete hearing in my right ear.

So, for the rest of my life, I had to depend upon my left ear. The real challenge came recently when I started to have a problem in my left ear.I woke up one morning and I could hear this loud buzzing, ringing and whistling noises.

I would later come to find out that I had Tinnitus.

What is Tinnitus? This is basically the brain’s perception of noises. The brain compensates if one has been a victim of an insult or trauma. Such things that can cause tinnitus include

  • Stress
  • Injuries to the head
  • Meniere’s Disease
  • Infections and certain drugs.

Its hard to say how my tinnitus actually came about, but needless to say, it was there and so my struggles had begun…

The Nightmare had Started…

With these constant irritating noises, it became difficult to hear conversations, engage in social functions, watch movies or even listen to the radio. The most stressful part for me was not being able to do my job effectively. Is it TIME to quit your dayjobListening to the patients had become an almost impossible task as the days went by. Some customers would get annoyed if I had to ask them to repeat themselves. I dreaded answering the telephone or going to training. I started to panic.

Since I am the sole breadwinner, what happens if I can’t do my job? I could try to go into another sector of pharmacy such as regulatory or industrial pharmacy, but no one would hire me simply because I do not have any experience there.

OH! Gosh! All I know is community pharmacy, and if I can’t do this then I can’t earn. I don’t have any back-up of another way of earning. If I can’t earn, then I cannot support my family…then what happens? I suppose my “job” then quits on me.

Having a “Degree” or a “Day Job” is NOT ENOUGH.

From my experience, I can tell you its true. Earlier on, I asked you all, “Is it TIME to quit your day job?” What if I changed the wording slightly and then asked you another question, ” Is it TIME your job quits on you?” Think about it for a second. You can lose your job through one of the following ways that I listed below :

  • Retrenchment
  • Company Downsizing or Merging
  • Inability to do your job(as in my case above)
  • Expertise no longer needed,
  • Contract Expired

Unless you are a trust fund baby or have a family business to fall upon, then with no back-up plan to earn an income, I need to ask you, ” What are you going to do now?”


Back Up or Left Out to DRY

Whilst you have a job, be it something that you love to do, or something that you dread, now is the time, that I strongly recommend you consider a backup plan( i.e. if you don’t have one Already!) Ever heard of the song, ” MONEY IS TOO TIGHT TO MENTION” by Simply Red. (check out the Music Video Below)

Well, what happens if it gets so tight, that you find yourself struggling to make ends meet. Unless you have a second source of income, the scenario will only get worse.

Folks, I don’t mean to scare you here, but these things can and are happening every day!As you can see it almost happened to me. I am talking about starting up something of your own. Something that will one day become yours and your families legacy.

Once you have built it, it will sustain you and offer you that financial backing or  ‘safety net’. If the day should ever come whereby your job leaves you, you can simply walk away and have no worries. Sounds like Wishful Thinking, TRUST me it’s NOT.

Wealthy Affiliate Banner

How Can I Start Up My Back-Up Plan?

Simple, the way I started. I searched online for hours and hours.


You don’t have to search, I have done it for you!! My suggestion is to start with your own online website business. Before I tell you more, I want to just mention to you about my visit to the doctor when my tinnitus was bothering me. He was very rude to me and told me something that I would never forget, his words were,


Though it was harsh, it was the turning point in my life, to look for another job, or have something else in place. And so by chance and with the Grace of The Higher Power, as I was browsing through Facebook, the best thing happened…

I came across a review of an online affiliate marketing training platform called Wealthy Affiliate. This is what I would like to share with you. It could not have come at a better time and maybe it has come to you at the right time as well.

Why Wealthy Affiliate Fitted Like a Glove for Me

I was skeptical at first, but decided to sign up for the FREE trial and saw the inner workings of this company for 7days and that’s when I knew this was the missing piece!Is it TIME to quit your dayjob Basically, this platform teaches one how to become an affiliate marketer from scratch. You learn to build a website, choose a niche about anything that you are passionate about( it can be Golf Clubs, Bed Linens, Video Games or even music)

You keep adding content to your site, and help or educate your readers and recommend products to them. Then you direct them to affiliate sites such as Amazon.

When people buy from Amazon, you get a commission and THAT’S IT! You got a second source of income.


WA worked for me for a number of reasons, here are the main ones


This is perfect for me. With my hearing problem I don’t have to engage in any conversation, so the stress is much less.


I could do it whilst I still have my day job.


There is easy step by step lessons to take one from the very start to have a fully fledged online business.They have a free trial that you can sign up for which allows you to do the first 10 lessons of the flagship course.


I got to meet so many helpful people within the community.





Where am I now?

Just in case, you may be wondering, my tinnitus still bothers me but thank heavens it is not as bad as before. I have researched and used various lifestyle modifications and implemented dietary changes along with doing some exercise routines that have helped.

Guess what???

I used the training from WA to develop a website to help others with tinnitus. If you like you can check it out by visiting the following URL,

UPDATE 23/03/2018

I have built a third website using the tools and training from WA. It’s an e-commerce site that specializes in selling personalized storybooks for children.


Is it time to quit your day job? Maybe not right now, but if you are ready to start up your own online business, then this can become a possibility. And by doing this you will arm yourself  should you be FORCED to leave your day job.

Give Wealthy Affiliate a go! Check out the review on this site. By the way, this is my second site, Cool Huh?


I hope that this article has helped you in considering building a secondary source of income. Would you like to have an internet business?

Have you always wanted to leave your day job, but don’t know where to start?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks for joining me today.

Regards and Take Care


12 thoughts on “Is it TIME to quit your day job? READ This before YOU do!!!”

  1. To be fair, I would say that the preference of working in a day job or quitting one is a matter of choice and responsibility for every individuals. For me, the reason I quit my day job after 5 years of employment is I would like to know that I have the skills adequate to sustain myself, in the case of losing a job under unfortunate circumstances. It was not a smooth journey, but definitely a priceless experience 6 years down the line now.

    • Hi Kenny

      Thank you for sharing.

      I am glad to hear that you are doin great after having overcome the journey.

      It’s great to know that you are in a position to sustain yourself and have that independence.

      Everything of the best to you.



  2. Nice to see you’re working to stay on top of things. Life has no guarantees and what you say can happen about one’s job is so true.

    Anybody, for the most part, could end up needing a new way to make money, and you have the answer to make it happen.

    There are many methods to make money online, but Wealthy Affiliate is the full package.

    • Hello Travis

      I made mention of Wealthy Affiliate, as I have had and currently am experiencing huge benefits from it.As you said, it is the rea deal to getting your feet into the world of online business.

      Life’s certainly offers you no guarantees and its up to us to enjoy each day to its best.Everyone will do it differently, and this article gives people an angle to look at in terms of their jobs.

      It allows anyone, no matter what job they are in, to have a safety net in place.

      All the best


  3. Hello Roopesh,
    When you look at an online business, I don’t think that it is for everyone. Some people need to have a boss above them to tell them what to do. There is nothing wrong with that. I think that better the thing is to find a job that suits you more and you like to wake up every other morning.
    When you know what you want, you can motivate yourself without any coach online business is a good idea to go.

    • Hi Simon

      Agree with you.Thats why it certainly does not hurt to give it a try.To give it a fair go and see if online business is really cut out for you or not.

      As you said, it’s about finding the place whereby one is most comfortable earning a living and going with that.

      The other point is also to have a back up plan, if the time should come whereby you are unable to do the job.

      Thanks for stopping by


  4. Time to quit the day job, that time arrived a few years ago for me. I have been looking at ways to create an income online for a while now. It is hard to do it while you are still working at a day job and there are just so many scams out there.
    For me, the proof is in the pudding as they say. I have a friend who has tinnitus. From what I have observed, it is quite debilitating. I looked at your tinnitus site that you produced with the training from this program, I am impressed.
    The training platform is online which would make it really accessible. When you say flexible is it self-paced which would really suit me as you can work through it at your own pace and work it around the day job.Looking at the program, it has potential and the 7-day free trail looks very inviting.

    • Hello Alex

      Agree with you, having a day job makes it a challenge to look at starting up something of your own.This training platform that I talked about, is self paced and allows one to work at their own time.So there is no pressure or time limit when it comes to completing a course level.Thats why I think, it is ideal for people who are still engaged in a full time job.

      The tinnitus site is my labor of love, my first and till today I love working on it.I enjoy getting responses from peopl all over the world.People share and contribute their experiences here.Its just amazing.

      If you got anything else on your mind, just give me a shout.

      Take Care


  5. Nice information! I am a University student and I am planning my future career. Many people are struggling about getting an internship and a graduate job. But I think creating a passive income stream before finishing my student life is a better way for my career. However, I may still want to get a job while making money online. This is because I am having two income stream and this allows me to reinvest my business! So why do you want to quit your job if you are having the ability to make money with two streams?

    • Hello Cyril

      Creating an alternate stream of revenue can help in so many ways. In your case, it would be awesome, it could help with paying for the studies, extra spending money and as you mentioned for re-investment purposes. The possibilities are endless.

      With my case, my hearing had not come to a point where it normally was before. Though the tinnitus has decreased in intensity, its still not gone. Personally I believe, it’s something that I have to make peace with. I don’t want a day to come whereby I am unable to earn anything if my hearing goes away. Hence, me having two jobs.

      Hope this answers your question.

      Good luck with the studies….



  6. Hi Roopesh,

    Great article on how to have a back up plan if you’re made redundant, or are unable to work a 9 to 5.

    It happened to me as I turned 50. You think you’re finished.

    One thing is for sure though, the politicians aren’t going to help you. They’re too busy helping themselves.

    You’ve got to learn to be resilient and create your own income. That way you’re not reliant on anybody.

    Good job on bringing it to people’s attention.

    Paul@ OneNetBiz

    • Hi Paul

      Sorry to hear that it has happened to you as well.You definitely right about the politicians, they are certainly not having to help you out. It’s these kind of times, that one must have a back-up, or start something part time from home.

      I hope that things are coming right your side.

      All the best 



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