Top 6 Tips on How to A Become Successful Internet Entrepreneur For 2018 and Beyond

Hello there and a Happy 2018 to You!

Today I am going to reveal to you the top 6 tips on how to become a successful internet entrepreneur for 2018 and the years going forward. There are two things I would like to highlight from the start…

Nr 1: These are NOT secrets. You may already know some of them. So, why write a blog post on it?

Because, with so much going on and with people being promised the “next big money maker, “ on FB and the like, many folks have forgotten that the formula for making money is not as complicated as perceived. This is why I wrote about it. You could say it’s like getting back to the roots or foundation. If you diligently follow these tips and keep things simple, then I think you can have a successful business on your hands.

Nr 2: I wrote this post to not only help the folks who are now joining the online world, but to also provide information that can help people who are starting any type of business. If you are intending to start a traditional ‘brick and mortar’ enterprise, then this information can help you as well.

Ready to get started? Oh, and by the way, this information that I have learned is from a very successful internet marketer. He has been in the game for 14 years and has over a million folks following his platform. So, I am not making this stuff up!

Tips for Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur


If you can make it 110%, all the better.

I have seen people signing up for a legit online business platform, that has all the training, support and tools needed to start building a solid online foundation. All they had to do was commit and put in the necessary effort and time to get the results.

Now, the problem was that many folks wanted to see results within a month or two!

The truth is that if you are looking to build a business that is going to sustain you for years to come, it will NOT happen in such a short timeframe. They then begin to blame the teaching platform, calling it a scam or go on to make all sorts of excuses.

Basically, what I am saying is, do not approach your business with a half-hearted attitude and expect to have a passive income stream in a short space of time.

What mindset should I have when I approach my business?

I am glad that you asked. Find out what your ambition is. In fact, write down all the reasons as to why you want to have a business of your own. Attach a purpose to it and then ask yourself,“how will you feel once you accomplish your goal?”

How to commit to your business goals


Would you be able to buy your dream car, take that expensive vacation, help your kids with their tuition expenses, etc….

Write it down…..

Then stick it up somewhere to remind you.

Then roll up your sleeves, commit and start working!


As a pharmacist, I’ve always wanted to have my very own pharmacy. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, that did not materialize.

Nevertheless, it is not a bad thing, as today, I now have the expertise and knowledge of website building and can start something online within my field.

Anyway, I am deterring from my point.

I am always amazed at how many pharmacies are operating in my hometown. We have around 18 pharmacies, I kid you not, with every single one of them making money.

What is my point? The competition is rife. The competition is growing and will continue to do so.

Want to know something else?

There will be competition if you operate online as well. And I am willing to bet you that whatever niche you choose to dive into, you will have competition.How to deal with online competition

Am I trying to scare you? Of course not!  It’s the exact opposite. I am trying to motivate you.

One of the stumbling blocks that people come across is the fear of competition. The truth as I have highlighted above is that there is always going to be competition.

Do not fear the idea of competition before you even get started.

View yourself as competition material because, at some point, you will become the competition.

I just hope you don’t choose my niche, I think you will be tough competition…………..just kidding.


This is completely normal.

When I first started out, I had no idea what hosting is, or how to buy a domain name or even how to build a website.

Adding to this, there are thousands of niches to choose from and many different ways that you can go about creating an online business. It may seem quite overwhelming at first and your first instinct would be to run away.

This is why it is important for you to take your time. Your success in the online world ultimately depends on your approach to business and your ability and willingness to learn different things. And of course, the most important thing is to take action.

I don’t know about you, but in school, when I got something wrong, I was scolded, reprimanded and sometimes caned (I was an 80’s boy).

How to deal with mistakes in the online business world

In the online world, I learned that the more mistakes you make, the more you learn, and the better your business grows. Allow mistakes to happen. It will happen and its totally okay!

If you are a complete newbie reading this, then in my books I think you are already a huge success for taking that bold step.



It is natural to read an e-mail or two, or see some FB ads on new business opportunities that promise you “quick returns.”

Be aware though not to fall into the habit of taking an interest in all of them.

Stay focused when you faced with a shiny object

This is where you’ve got to direct your energy and stay focused on your path. Do not fall into the “SHINY OBJECT SYNDROME” trap.

There are legit programs and then you get downright scams.

As you progress on your online journey, you will encounter them both. Do not sign up for these deals that promise you, ‘overnight success, or automated lifetime passive income for one day’s work.’

Hopping from one opportunity to the next will not only get you distracted and make you lose your money, it will take away something even more precious from you…..Your Time.

I have reviewed a fair amount of scams during my time as an online entrepreneur. Feel free to check them out.

Should you come across a platform or opportunity that you are not sure of, then let me know. I can research it for you.


Have you ever read one of Sir Richard Branson’s books?

I admire his outlook on business and life in general. His philosophy is “to have fun in what you are doing.”How to have fun whilst building your business

When he first started out with his “Student” magazine back in school, to later opening up his first record store, to buying his own island, he maintained that everything he had done, he had fun doing it!

How can you have fun starting your own online business?

Well, let us say that you decide to have a niche website. You can go in the direction of choosing a topic that you are passionate about or have a vested interest in.

As a human being, we are actively involved in many different niches. For example, as a pharmacist, I am knowledgeable about the health niche. In my personal capacity, I have other hobbies or passions that I enjoy doing.

I love to collect movie and music memorabilia. For instance, I love the ‘Back to the Future’ movies, and one of my prized possessions are the three DeLorean Time machines from the trilogy.

Check them out below!

My BACK TO THE FUTURE collection

Using my example I can build two niche websites, a health website or a website on collectibles.

By the way, did you see the ‘Back to The Future,’ movies? They are one of the best time travel movies ever made in my opinion. You should watch them if you haven’t.(talk about distractions, I am testing you.LOL)

Finding a niche idea is not tough. Just look around you and see what interests you and what you enjoy doing or talking about and give it go.

And coming back to the point of fun, if I build a site on movie memorabilia, the chances of me getting bored is low as opposed to choosing something out of my territory like building model airplanes.

The point here is, the more fun you have, the more your passion shows in your work and people will be able to relate to what you are saying.

And guess what all this means? Yeap you’re right, the money will flow in by the bucket loads!


That concludes my tips on how to become a successful internet entrepreneur. In summary, you’ve got to:

  • Commit to it 100% and,
  • Do not fear competition even if,
  • You may not know everything but are willing to learn and
  • Do not get distracted by shiny objects and
  • Always have fun in what you are doing!

I would like to wish you lots of success for the year ahead in whatever business venture you go into.




I welcome any comments or questions that you may have.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards and Take Care




8 thoughts on “Top 6 Tips on How to A Become Successful Internet Entrepreneur For 2018 and Beyond”

  1. This article is perfect for the new year.

    I’m going to bookmark it to come back to throughout the year. You are dead right with your 6 tips.

    This is the year to be fully committed and not to fall off the bandwagon by the end of Jan. Imagine what we can achieve if we persist!

    Thanks again for the great article!

  2. This is an informative article! Thanks for being generous and sharing in-depth explanations on how we can become a successful internet entrepreneur. I agree when you mentioned we need to commit 100% as success definitely does not come easy, especially in the world of the internet and advancement of technologies. There is always a lot to learn so patience and perseverance is important to achieve success. Never giving up is the way to go this 2018!
    Keep up it! Cheers!!

    • Hi there, you are most welcome.

      You hit the nail on the head, success comes with hard work and determination and as you said one must be able to dedicate patience to reach their goals.

      Cheers to you too!

  3. Roopesh,
    You have provided a well written web page on the “Top 6 Tips on How to Become a Successful Internet Entrepreneur For 2018 and Beyond”. Very informative and a must read for all the beginners both here on Wealthy Affiliate and the internet. Each of the six points are well written and to the point. I agree 100% with “FOCUS”. Also, I liked your Do not Fear Competition point the best. Fear of competition is the biggest obstacle I think we have in internet marketing today. If one is successful in business, he or she will eventually have competition. Like you said, that is to be expected. Best of luck to you with your website.

    • Hello Mick

      Thanks for the comment, really appreciate it.

      It would be lovely for this post to reach as many beginners as possible. The internet can be an overwhelming place to start a business. If one implements these tips, I think it certainly can make things easier.

      Kind Regards and Take Care


  4. Very motivational article. I especially like your comments about competition. I am coming from a brick and mortar shop where there is almost a fear of competition. To ease away from that I decided that those folks were not my enemies, but my neighbours and that we all worked together to make a sector. Moving into the internet world of business its more difficult to see who your competition is but do you think the neighbour analogy will work here too?

    • I admire the transition from the brick and mortar and I am sure that a lot of thought must have gone into it.

      I personally believe that whether you come from the online world or the traditional ‘brick and mortar,’ perspective you WILL have a certain degree of competition. 

      You can use some much strategies to your advantage, when you enter the online world. You can reach  out for a guest post or a back link or even ask for a guest post on a competitors website.

      I think in the online world you can leverage things to your advantage and people can be your ‘neighbors,’

      You simply have to deliver relevant content and be in touch with what is trending.

      Hope this answers your question.


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