Ever found that after working your ‘butt off’ on your website, that your pages or posts aren’t ranked anywhere high! Are you doing something wrong?
Today, I would like to chat with you about how to go about getting your articles well ranked by Google and the other Search engines.
If you look at it, high ranking, is like getting that pot of gold. Once your site gets that exposure, then the money is literally in the bag for you.
Have you ever wondered to yourself how to get ranked on page 1 of Google? How do you get in front of everybody? With big authority sites, is it possible to give your competition a run for their money and share in the piece of the pie?
Before we uncover a crucial strategdy on how to get your website ranked, let’s first understand the importance of a High Page Ranking.
Why is it so important to be Ranked high on Google?
Did you know that
- There are about 1.5Billion Internet users(roughly around 25% of the worlds population)
- Around 85% of them will use a Search Engine
- Around 70% will use Google and 33% will use Yahoo and Bing and other Engines
So, what does this mean?
It means that out of 200 people searching the internet, around 70% of them will turn to Google looking for an answer. And you would want to be the one to give them that answer. But to be that one, you need to understand how Google works.
Understanding Google
I wish I could tell you exactly about the inner workings of Google but unfortunately I can’t. With their complex algorithms, it’s way too complicated especially when it comes to ranking. However, what is important to know, is that when Google reads your pages or posts, it sends out spiders, bots(short for robots) or crawlers to read your page.
They read words and keywords, and not pictures or videos. These words that you use helps Google to understand what your content is about, when it indexes it. So, when someone searches for content that is relevant Google will give them the best possible and helpful search results.
Research shows that a user will most likely look at the first, second and maybe the third pages to find what he or she is searching for. Now do you see why it’s important to be ranked on the first page of Google.
Want to get a share of that 70% Traffic, can you guess what helps in this ranking?
[Clue: I mentioned it in the above highlighted sentence]
You Got it! It’s Keywords! Surprised !
Trust me I was too, and thought to myself, can something as simple as this, be one of the determining factors to getting good rankings?
Keywords is the Key.
What are Keywords?
Essentially keywords are terms that people plug into the Search Bar of various search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo to find out what they are looking for. Any search term be it words or phrases are classified as keywords.
How to Find the Right Keywords to Use
Do you think that there is a way to find out what the users are looking for? More specifically do you think we could find out what search terms they are typing in?
What if I told you, that it’s absolutely possible? More so, what if I told you that I could show you an awesome keyword tool that shows you exactly what users are searching for and how popular certain phrases or words are which are related to your article or niche?
Finding these keywords and incorporating them into your article would greatly improve your ranking chances, and your chances of getting that share of traffic.
Would you be interested in learning more?
Great Stuff!
Before I show you how the Keyword tool works, let’s go through the rules first.
Rule Nr 1 : You want a keyword that must make sense.
Rule Nr 2: You Want a keyword that people are searching for( One with a decent amount of Monthly Searches)
Rule Nr 3: You Want a keyword that does not have large amount of web pages on Google already. In other words you want a keyword with a low competition.
Got it! Great! Let’s get on with it!
See the Power of the JAAXY Keyword Tool
Let me show you the magic of this amazing tool.
Let’s take an example. Assume that you are in the health niche and you want to help people get their bodies into shape. So, you decide to write an article on fitness trackers.
Let’s start broad and narrow our way down.
Start first by typing “fitness tracker” into the search bar and then click on “Find Keywords.”
You will see a couple of results, as depicted in the table below. We are looking for two important parameters,
- The Monthly Searches( Avg), and
- The Competition( QSR)
The Monthly Searches should be above 50. As you can see all of the three selections above fit this criteria. The Competition should be below 300.
The main reason you want your competition to be as low as possible, is because you can stand a good chance of ranking well against them within the SERPS(or Search Engine Results Page).
If you quickly refer to the table again, you will notice that the term ‘fitness trackers “kicks out an extremely high volume of monthly searches and a HIGH competition. The fact that this term is so broad, shows you that it is NOT a good keyword to use. It will be very difficult to rank with such tough competition and high searches.
Look at the other two results I highlighted. They are more specific and their competition is much lower.
Doesn’t that look much more better?
Do you think that you could write an article on “online fitness trackers” or “best personal fitness trackers”?
Off course you can, and if you can make your article engaging and of high quality content, I don’t see why you can’t get it ranked well, can you?
So, can you see how important it is to use a keyword tool. Jaaxy is truly amazing and if you want to have success with your blogging campaigns, I highly recommend you check this tool out. In fact, JAAXY even shows you on what page of Google your completed work is ranked.
Give it a go yourself, try some keywords and get a feel for how it works.
⇒Read my Full detailed Review of the Powerful JAAXY Keyword Tool Here.⇐
Is Keyword Research The Be All of Getting Good Rankings?
No! But it’s the start to good SEO(Search Engine Optimization). SEO is simply the term used to describe the use of various techniques to enhance the performance of a website.
KEYWORDS is one such technique and when used correctly with the other essential SEO techniques, your website can become a force to be reckoned with.
Tips to USE Keywords Correctly:
- Don’t just splatter your keywords all over the article and expect your article to rank. Keyword Density is outdated,
- Keywords need to make sense and place them in certain places only. Make it flow within the context, whilst you write the rest of the article naturally.
- Places to put your keywords are in the Title, URL , first paragraph and if possible somewhere towards the end of the article,
- Keywords AND your actual article content helps to RANK you. So write quality and helpful content.
The other SEO Essentials: A short Summary
As I mentioned, keywords is one important SEO requirement. What are the other essential SEO factors to get YOU into good books with Google. Here they are:

- Keywords
- On Page SEO( things like Word Count, Internal Links and Use of Headers and Meta Tags)
- Mobile Website Responsiveness
- Link Building (e.g Authority SiteLinking)
- Content Marketing
- Mobile Seo
I am extremely grateful for having learnt all of these things, and I am still learning from an awesome online training platform called Wealthy Affiliate.
What is so awesome about them, is that even if you take on their FREE trial, you get two FREE websites to start off with and 10 lessons to get you on your way to building a successful website.
Don’t worry the lessons are easy to follow and broken down into steps. There is a fantastic community within WA, helping one another out and the support is truly something you need to experience for yourself to understand.
⇒Discover More with this Detailed Review of Wealthy Affiliate⇐
Thanks folks for joining me today, You can now see the role that keywords play on how to get your website ranked within the search engines. You have also witnessed how JAAXY makes your life easier by helping you to select the best keywords for your website.
If you need to know anything else, or would like to share something with us, please use the box below.
Looking forward to your thoughts or views.
Regards and Take Care
I used to be a blogger who wrote and wrote articles with no strategy at all. I hoped that the volume of my work would eventually push my Google rankings up. This of course never worked and it frustrated me. Since I’ve started using Jaaxy and writing about what people are searching for it’s made the world of difference in terms of traffic. I now have a strategy to get ranked and it’s working. Thanks for the article, your explanation is spot on.
Hello Celeste
I can believe your frustration. Sometimes I wonder why there tools out there that can help us, yet we choose the difficult path. Anyway, our lesson is learned.
Jaaxy Keyword Tool makes life easy and allows you to write an article with confidence.
Glad that you enjoyed the article.
Regards and Take Care
Great article, I never knew so much about keywords as I just did know, especially about Google’s little bots reading our content, very interesting!
But with keywords searches, when I look at the jaaxy keyword tool, with the low competition, the searches are also low, how is this going to give me a lot of visitors?
Its interesting Mark to see how Google operates. Imagine we knew the exact mechanism behind Google’s doors, that would make us lots of money. Wishful Thinking I guess. Lol
That is a great question. Remember you make have a selected keyword such as “how to build a successful website.” Lets assume that it has low searches. Remember JAAXY will throw out other related keywords such as “build a successful website,” or ” build a website.”
Though these are NOT your primary keywords, they have the words within the main keyword. So, you will also get these ADDITIONAL traffic coming to your article giving you more visitors.
Hope this makes sense?
Thanks for stopping by.
Great informative article! I use jaaxy as well and I really do like it! It as helped me get my blogs indexed on the first page of google!
I have trouble with the alphabet soup though sometimes.I know when I do searches I tend to use google search as well.
I just hope my work pays off. Just like everyone else! Keep up the good work!
Kind Regards,
Hey Krissy
Glad you also use the Jaaxy keyword Tool. It makes your life so much easier when researching for keywords. I actually use the alphabet soup technique first when searching for keywords and then hop over to Jaaxy to test their usability.
Building a successful website definitely takes times and hard work and I have NO doubt at all that you WILL surely see the rewards. Just keep going and you will get there.
When I first started making money online I was publishing Kindle books – and still am. That was also first time when I learned about the importance of keywords to keep your topic up in the search engines.
Now I started blogging and must repeat the process of searching for the best keywords in order to rank my site.
I agree with the need to have a proper tool for that, since it would take you hours to figure out by yourself which keyword to pick.
Great article and great product you recommended.
Hi Eduardo
That is interesting to learn that you are into Kindle Books. Hope that all is going well for you on that side?
Having a tool like JAAXY that works, can make all the difference when you talking about getting an article ranked successfully.
Glad you enjoyed the article.
Everything of the best.
Hey Roopesh,
Your article was very detailed and explained well. I use the same strategy you have just suggested. But this wasn’t the case a few months ago when I first started. I use to use keywords that had a lot of competition but also had a lot of traffic. Unfortunitly, this was a bad idea as I wasn’t getting ranked at all so the traffic was just pointless for me. But since I’ve flipped the switch and begun targeting low-hanging keywords under 100 QSR. This has made a world of difference when it comes to getting ranked.
Hey Vinnie
Its sounds like you are on the right path now. Using a keyword with a high monthly search volume and high competition, can make things a bit harder.
Low hanging fruit keywords, can make a difference. Don’t forget to have your content original and engaging.
All the best.